Better path visualizations; more agent & path configs

This commit is contained in:
Dominik Moritz Roth 2022-12-09 11:20:15 +01:00
parent 78ac536bb9
commit 5afa8b22b2
4 changed files with 80 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ class Entity(object):
self.draw_path = False
self.draw_path_col = [int(c/5) for c in self.col]
self.draw_path_width = 2
self.draw_path_harm = False
self.draw_path_harm_col = [c for c in self.draw_path_col]
self.draw_path_harm_col[0] += int(255/3)
def __post_init__(self):
@ -63,8 +66,14 @@ class Entity(object):
def _draw_path(self):
if self.draw_path and self.last_pos:
pygame.draw.line(self.env.path_overlay, self.draw_path_col,
col = self.draw_path_col
if self.draw_path_harm:
if self.env.gotHarm:
col = self.draw_path_harm_col
pygame.draw.line(self.env.path_overlay, col,
(self.last_pos[0]*self.env.width, self.last_pos[1]*self.env.height), (self.pos[0]*self.env.width, self.pos[1]*self.env.height), self.draw_path_width), col,
(self.pos[0]*self.env.width, self.pos[1]*self.env.height), max(0, self.draw_path_width/2-1))
self.last_pos = self.pos[0], self.pos[1]
def on_collision(self, other, depth):

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@ -6,47 +6,16 @@ import pygame
import random as random_dont_use
from os import urandom
import math
from columbus import entities, observables
import torch as th
def parseObs(obsConf):
# Parsing Observable Definitions
if type(obsConf) == list:
obs = []
for i, c in enumerate(obsConf):
if len(obs) == 1:
return obs[0]
return observables.CompositionalObservable(obs)
if obsConf['type'] == 'State':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.StateObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'Compass':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.CompassObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'RayCast':
chans = []
for chan in obsConf.get('chans', []):
chans.append(getattr(entities, chan))
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type', 'chans']}
return observables.RayObservable(chans=chans, **conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'CNN':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.CnnObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'Dummy':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.Observable(**conf)
raise Exception('Unknown Observable selected')
from columbus import entities, observables
from columbus.utils import soft_int, parseObs
class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
def __init__(self, observable=observables.Observable(), fps=60, env_seed=3.1, master_seed=None, start_pos=(0.5, 0.5), start_score=0, speed_fac=0.01, acc_fac=0.04, die_on_zero=False, return_on_score=-1, reward_mult=1, agent_drag=0, controll_type='SPEED', aux_reward_max=1, aux_penalty_max=0, aux_reward_discretize=0, void_is_type_barrier=True, void_damage=1, torus_topology=False, default_collision_elasticity=1, terminate_on_reward=False, agent_draw_path=False, clear_path_on_reset=True, max_steps=-1, value_color_mapper='tanh', width=720, height=720):
def __init__(self, observable=observables.Observable(), fps=60, env_seed=3.1, master_seed=None, start_pos=(0.5, 0.5), start_score=0, speed_fac=0.01, acc_fac=0.04, die_on_zero=False, return_on_score=-1, reward_mult=1, agent_drag=0, controll_type='SPEED', aux_reward_max=1, aux_penalty_max=0, aux_reward_discretize=0, void_is_type_barrier=True, void_damage=1, torus_topology=False, default_collision_elasticity=1, terminate_on_reward=False, agent_draw_path=False, clear_path_on_reset=True, max_steps=-1, value_color_mapper='tanh', width=720, height=720, agent_attrs={}):
super(ColumbusEnv, self).__init__()
self.action_space = spaces.Box(
low=-1, high=1, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float32)
@ -92,6 +61,9 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
self.terminate_on_reward = terminate_on_reward
self.agent_draw_path = agent_draw_path
self.clear_path_on_reset = clear_path_on_reset
self.path_decay = 0.1
self.agent_attrs = agent_attrs
if value_color_mapper == 'atan':
def value_color_mapper(x): return th.atan(x*2)/0.786/2
@ -241,6 +213,7 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
observation = self.observable.get_observation()
gotRew = self.new_reward > 0 or self.new_abs_reward > 0
self.gotHarm = self.new_reward < 0 or self.new_abs_reward < 0
reward, self.new_reward, self.new_abs_reward = self.new_reward / \
self.fps + self.new_abs_reward, 0, 0
if not self.torus_topology:
@ -296,6 +269,12 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
self.agent.pos = self.start_pos
# Expand this function
def _spawnAgent(self):
self.agent = entities.Agent(self)
self.agent.draw_path = self.agent_draw_path
for k, v in self.agent_attrs.items():
setattr(self.agent, k, v)
def reset(self, force_reset_path=False):
self._init = True
@ -308,11 +287,11 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
# will get rescaled acording to fps (=reward per second)
self.new_reward = 0
self.new_abs_reward = 0 # will not get rescaled. should be used for one-time rewards
self.gotHarm = False
self.score = self.start_score
self.entities = []
self.timers = []
self.agent = entities.Agent(self)
self.agent.draw_path = self.agent_draw_path
self.entities.append(self.agent) # add it last, will be drawn on top
@ -428,6 +407,14 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
self.screen.blit(rotated_surf, rotated_surf.get_rect(
def _draw_paths(self):
if self.path_decay != 0.0:
s = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
s.fill((0, 0, 0))
self.path_overlay.blit(s, (0, 0))
self.surface.blit(self.path_overlay, (0, 0))
def _handle_user_input(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
@ -472,7 +459,7 @@ class ColumbusEnv(gym.Env):
if value_func != None:
self._draw_values(value_func, values_static,
self.surface.blit(self.path_overlay, (0, 0))
if self.draw_entities:

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@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ class RayObservable(Observable):
'Can only raycast circular and rectangular entities!')
return False
# Filter out entities, that we sure are out of range
# (so we have to do less work for the ray collisions)
def _get_possible_entities(self):
entities_l = []
if entities.Void in self.chans or self.env.void_barrier:
@ -153,6 +155,8 @@ class RayObservable(Observable):
entities_l.append(entity) # cannot use yield here!
return entities_l
# Ugly, inefficient ray casting
# Oh well, it works...
def get_observation(self):
entities = self._get_possible_entities()
self.rays = np.zeros((self.num_rays+self.include_rand, self.num_chans))

columbus/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
from columbus import entities, observables
import random as random_dont_use
def parseObs(obsConf):
# Parsing Observable Definitions
if type(obsConf) == list:
obs = []
for i, c in enumerate(obsConf):
if len(obs) == 1:
return obs[0]
return observables.CompositionalObservable(obs)
if obsConf['type'] == 'State':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.StateObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'Compass':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.CompassObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'RayCast':
chans = []
for chan in obsConf.get('chans', []):
chans.append(getattr(entities, chan))
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type', 'chans']}
return observables.RayObservable(chans=chans, **conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'CNN':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.CnnObservable(**conf)
elif obsConf['type'] == 'Dummy':
conf = {k: v for k, v in obsConf.items() if k not in ['type']}
return observables.Observable(**conf)
raise Exception('Unknown Observable selected')
def soft_int(num):
i = int(num)
r = num - i
return i + int(random_dont_use.random() < r)