from gym import spaces import numpy as np import pygame import math from columbus import entities import torch as th class Observable(): def __init__(self): self.obs = None def _set_env(self, env): self.env = env def get_observation_space(self): print("[!] Using dummyObservable. Env won't output anything") return spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32) def get_observation(self): return np.array([0]) def draw(self): pass def reset(self): pass class CnnObservable(Observable): # Currently broken... def __init__(self, in_width=256, in_height=256, out_width=32, out_height=32, draw_width=128, draw_height=128, smooth_scaling=True): super(CnnObservable, self).__init__() self.in_width = in_width self.in_height = in_height self.out_width = out_width self.out_height = out_height self.draw_width = draw_width self.draw_height = draw_height if smooth_scaling: self.scaler = pygame.transform.smoothscale else: self.scaler = pygame.transform.scale def get_observation_space(self): return spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.out_width, self.out_height, 3), dtype=np.float32) def get_observation(self): if not self.env._rendered: self.env.render(mode='internal', dont_show=False) self.env._ensure_surface() x, y = self.env.agent.pos[0]*self.env.width - self.in_width / \ 2, self.env.agent.pos[1]*self.env.height - self.in_height/2 w, h = self.in_width, self.in_height cx, cy = _clip(x, 0, self.env.width), _clip( y, 0, self.env.height) cw, ch = _clip(w, 0, self.env.width - cx), _clip(h, 0, self.env.height - cy) rect = pygame.Rect(cx, cy, cw, ch) snap = self.env.surface.subsurface(rect) self.snap = pygame.Surface((self.in_width, self.in_height)) if self.env.void_barrier: col = (255, 0, 0) else: col = (50, 50, 50) pygame.draw.rect(self.snap, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.in_width, self.in_height)) self.snap.blit(snap, (cx - x, cy - y)) self.obs = self.scaler( self.snap, (self.out_width, self.out_height)) arr = pygame.surfarray.array3d(self.obs) return arr def draw(self): if not self.obs: self.get_observation() big = pygame.transform.scale( self.obs, (self.draw_width, self.draw_height)) x, y = self.env.width - self.draw_width - 10, 10 pygame.draw.rect(self.env.screen, (50, 50, 50), pygame.Rect(x - 1, y - 1, self.draw_width + 2, self.draw_height + 2)) self.env.screen.blit( big, (x, y)) def _clip(num, lower, upper): return min(max(num, lower), upper) class RayObservable(Observable): def __init__(self, num_rays=16, chans=[entities.Enemy, entities.Reward], ray_len=256, num_steps=64, include_rand=False): super(RayObservable, self).__init__() self.num_rays = num_rays self.chans = chans self.num_chans = len(chans) self.ray_len = ray_len self.num_steps = num_steps # max = 255 self.occlusion = True # previous channels block view onto later channels self.include_rand = include_rand def get_observation_space(self): return spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self.num_rays+self.include_rand, self.num_chans), dtype=np.uint8) def _get_ray_heads(self): for i in range(self.num_rays): rad = 2*math.pi/self.num_rays*i yield self.ray_len*math.sin(rad), self.ray_len*math.cos(rad) def _check_collision(self, pos, entity_type, entities_l): for entity in entities_l: if isinstance(entity, entity_type) or (self.env.void_barrier and isinstance(entity, entities.Void) and entity_type == entities.Enemy): if isinstance(entity, entities.Void): if not self.env.torus_topology and (0 >= pos[0] or pos[0] >= self.env.width or 0 >= pos[1] or pos[1] >= self.env.width): return True else: if entity.shape == 'circle': sq_dist = (pos[0]-entity.pos[0]*self.env.width) ** 2 \ + (pos[1]-entity.pos[1]*self.env.height)**2 if sq_dist < entity.radius**2: return True elif entity.shape == 'rect': dot = entities.CircularEntity(self.env) dot.radius = 1 dot.pos = pos[0]/self.env.width, pos[1]/self.env.height if sum(dot._get_crash_force_dir(entity)) != 0: return True else: raise Exception( 'Can only raycast circular and rectangular entities!') return False # Filter out entities, that we sure are out of range # (so we have to do less work for the ray collisions) def _get_possible_entities(self): entities_l = [] if entities.Void in self.chans or self.env.void_barrier: entities_l.append(entities.Void(self.env)) for entity in self.env.entities: if entity.shape == 'rect': x, y = entity.pos[0]+entity.width/self.env.width / \ 2, entity.pos[1]+entity.height/self.env.height/2 radius = (entity.width/2 + entity.height/2)*1.0 elif entity.shape == 'circle': x, y = entity.pos[0], entity.pos[1] radius = entity.radius else: raise Exception( 'Can only raycast circular and rectangular entities!') sq_dist = ((self.env.agent.pos[0]-x)*self.env.width) ** 2 \ + ((self.env.agent.pos[1]-y)*self.env.height) ** 2 if sq_dist <= (radius + self.env.agent.getQuasiRadius() + self.ray_len)**2: entities_l.append(entity) # cannot use yield here! return entities_l # Ugly, inefficient ray casting # Oh well, it works... def get_observation(self): entities = self._get_possible_entities() self.rays = np.zeros((self.num_rays+self.include_rand, self.num_chans)) if self.include_rand: for c in range(self.num_chans): self.rays[-1, c] = np.random.rand() for r, (hx, hy) in enumerate(self._get_ray_heads()): occ_dist = self.num_steps for c, entity_type in enumerate(self.chans): for s in range(self.num_steps): if s > occ_dist: break sx, sy = (s+1)*hx/self.num_steps, (s+1)*hy/self.num_steps rx, ry = sx + \ self.env.agent.pos[0]*self.env.width, sy + \ self.env.agent.pos[1]*self.env.height if self.env.torus_topology: rx, ry = rx % self.env.width, ry % self.env.height if self._check_collision((rx, ry), entity_type, entities): self.rays[r, c] = (self.num_steps-s)/self.num_steps if self.occlusion: occ_dist = s break return self.rays def draw(self): for c, entity_type in enumerate(self.chans): for r, (hx, hy) in enumerate(self._get_ray_heads()): s = self.num_steps - self.rays[r, c]*self.num_steps sx, sy = (s+1)*hx/self.num_steps, (s+1)*hy/self.num_steps rx, ry = sx + \ self.env.agent.pos[0]*self.env.width, sy + \ self.env.agent.pos[1]*self.env.height if self.env.torus_topology: rx, ry = rx % self.env.width, ry % self.env.height # TODO: How stupid do I want to code? # This instanciates an Object for every Ray-hit, # just to get the color for the visual. # But since this Code will not be executed during training, # I don't think fixing this is an priority... col = entity_type(self.env).col col = int(col[0]/2), int(col[1]/2), int(col[2]/2), col, (rx, ry), 3, width=0) class StateObservable(Observable): # Whitelists probably don't work... def __init__(self, coordsAgent=False, speedAgent=False, coordsRelativeToAgent=True, coordsRewards=True, rewardsWhitelist=None, coordsEnemys=True, enemysWhitelist=None, enemysNoBarriers=True, rewardsTimeouts=True, include_rand=True): super(StateObservable, self).__init__() self._entities = None self._timeoutEntities = [] self.coordsAgent = coordsAgent self.speedAgent = speedAgent self.coordsRelativeToAgent = coordsRelativeToAgent self.coordRewards = coordsRewards self.rewardsWhitelist = rewardsWhitelist self.coordsEnemys = coordsEnemys self.enemysWhitelist = enemysWhitelist self.enemysNoBarriers = enemysNoBarriers self.rewardsTimeouts = rewardsTimeouts self.include_rand = include_rand @property def entities(self): if not self._entities == None: return self._entities rewardsWhitelist = self.rewardsWhitelist or self.env.entities enemysWhitelist = self.enemysWhitelist or self.env.entities self._entities = [] if self.coordsAgent: self._entities.append(self.env.agent) if self.coordRewards: for entity in rewardsWhitelist: if isinstance(entity, entities.Reward): self._entities.append(entity) if self.coordsEnemys: for entity in enemysWhitelist: if isinstance(entity, entities.Enemy): if not self.enemysNoBarriers or not isinstance(entity, entities.Barrier): self._entities.append(entity) if self.rewardsTimeouts: for entity in enemysWhitelist: if isinstance(entity, entities.TimeoutReward): self._timeoutEntities.append(entity) return self._entities def reset(self): self._entities = None def get_observation_space(self): self.reset() num = len(self.entities)*2+len(self._timeoutEntities) + \ self.speedAgent*2 + self.include_rand return spaces.Box(low=0-1*self.coordsRelativeToAgent, high=1, shape=(num,), dtype=np.float32) def get_observation(self): obs = [] if self.coordsRelativeToAgent: for entity in self.entities: if not isinstance(entity, entities.Agent): obs.append(entity.pos[0] - self.env.agent.pos[0]) obs.append(entity.pos[1] - self.env.agent.pos[1]) else: obs.append(entity.pos[0]) obs.append(entity.pos[1]) else: for entity in self.entities: obs.append(entity.pos[0]) obs.append(entity.pos[1]) for entity in self._timeoutEntities: obs.append( if self.speedAgent: obs.append(self.env.agent.speed[0]) obs.append(self.env.agent.speed[1]) if self.include_rand: obs.append(np.random.rand()) self.obs = obs return np.array(obs) def draw(self): ofs = (0 + self.env.height/2*self.coordsRelativeToAgent, 0 + self.env.width/2*self.coordsRelativeToAgent) if self.coordsRelativeToAgent:, self.env.agent.col, (0, self.env.height/2), 3, width=0), self.env.agent.col, (self.env.width/2, 0), 3, width=0) for i in range(int(len(self.obs)/2) - self.speedAgent): x, y = self.obs[i*2], self.obs[i*2+1] col = self.entities[i].col, col, (0, y*self.env.height+ofs[0]), 1, width=0), col, (x*self.env.width+ofs[1], 0), 1, width=0) class CompassObservable(Observable): # Usefull for navigation close to an reward. # Works like the StateObservable, but we assign a bigger range of possible input values to those, that are close to zero. # I found that Agents without such an Observable often moved close to a reward and then just jiggled arround, adding a CompassObservable fixes this def __init__(self, coordsRewards=True, rewardsWhitelist=None, coordsEnemys=False, enemysWhitelist=None, enemysNoBarriers=True): super().__init__() self._entities = None self._timeoutEntities = [] self.coordRewards = coordsRewards self.rewardsWhitelist = rewardsWhitelist self.coordsEnemys = coordsEnemys self.enemysWhitelist = enemysWhitelist self.enemysNoBarriers = enemysNoBarriers @property def entities(self): if not self._entities == None: return self._entities rewardsWhitelist = self.rewardsWhitelist or self.env.entities enemysWhitelist = self.enemysWhitelist or self.env.entities self._entities = [] if self.coordRewards: for entity in rewardsWhitelist: if isinstance(entity, entities.Reward): self._entities.append(entity) if self.coordsEnemys: for entity in enemysWhitelist: if isinstance(entity, entities.Enemy): if not self.enemysNoBarriers or not isinstance(entity, entities.Barrier): self._entities.append(entity) return self._entities def get_observation_space(self): self.reset() num = len(self.entities)*2 return spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(num,), dtype=np.float32) def reset(self): self._entities = None def get_observation(self): obs = [] for entity in self.entities: dx, dy = entity.pos[0] - \ self.env.agent.pos[0], entity.pos[1] - self.env.agent.pos[1] l = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)*2 x, y = math.tanh(dx/l), math.tanh(dy/l) obs.append(x) obs.append(y) self.obs = obs return np.array(obs) def draw(self): ofs = (0 + self.env.height/2, 0 + self.env.width/2) if True:, self.env.agent.col, (0, self.env.height/2), 3, width=0), self.env.agent.col, (self.env.width/2, 0), 3, width=0) for i in range(int(len(self.obs)/2)): x, y = self.obs[i*2], self.obs[i*2+1] col = self.entities[i].col, col, (0, y*self.env.height+ofs[0]), 1, width=0), col, (x*self.env.width+ofs[1], 0), 1, width=0) class CompositionalObservable(Observable): # Used whenever you want to attach multiple Observables to an Env. # We currently flatten the outputs of all attached Observables, so using a CNN though an CompositionalObservable would lead to problems. def __init__(self, observables): super().__init__() self.observables = observables def get_observation_space(self): num = 0 for i, obs in enumerate(self.observables): space = obs.get_observation_space() num += if not i: low = space.low.reshape((-1)) high = space.high.reshape((-1)) else: low = np.hstack((low, space.low.reshape((-1)))) high = np.hstack((high, space.high.reshape((-1)))) return spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, shape=(num,), dtype=np.float32) def get_observation(self): o = [obs.get_observation().reshape((-1)) for obs in self.observables] o = np.hstack(o) return o def draw(self): for obs in self.observables: obs.draw() def _set_env(self, env): for obs in self.observables: obs._set_env(env) def reset(self): for obs in self.observables: obs.reset()