602 lines
22 KiB
602 lines
22 KiB
import wandb
import yaml
import os
import math
import time
import random
import copy
import re
import itertools
from collections.abc import *
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Process
from threading import Thread
import git
import datetime
from pprint import pprint
import pdb
d = pdb.set_trace
Parallelization_Primitive = Process # Thread
import pyslurm
except ImportError:
slurm_avaible = False
print('[!] Slurm not avaible.')
slurm_avaible = True
# TODO: Implement Testing
# TODO: Implement Ablative
class Slate():
def __init__(self, runners):
self.runners = {
'void': Void_Runner,
'printConfig': Print_Config_Runner,
'pdb': PDB_Runner,
self._version = False
self.job_id = os.environ.get('SLURM_JOB_ID', False)
self.task_id = None
self.run_id = -1
self._tmp_path = os.path.expandvars('$TMP')
self.sweep_id = None
self.verify = False
def load_config(self, filename, name):
config, stack = self._load_config(filename, name)
print('[i] Merged Configs: ', stack)
self._config = copy.deepcopy(config)
self.consume(config, 'vars', {})
return config
def _load_config(self, filename, name, stack=[]):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
docs = yaml.safe_load_all(f)
for doc in docs:
if 'name' in doc:
if doc['name'] == name:
if 'import' in doc:
imports = doc['import'].split(',')
del doc['import']
for imp in imports:
if imp[0] == ' ':
imp = imp[1:]
if imp == "$":
imp = ':DEFAULT'
rel_path, *opt = imp.split(':')
if len(opt) == 0:
nested_name = 'DEFAULT'
elif len(opt) == 1:
nested_name = opt[0]
raise Exception('Malformed import statement. Must be <import file:exp>, <import :exp>, <import file> for file:DEFAULT or <import $> for :DEFAULT.')
nested_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), rel_path)) if len(rel_path) else filename
child, stack = self._load_config(nested_path, nested_name, stack=stack)
doc = self.deep_update(child, doc)
return doc, stack
raise Exception(f'Unable to find experiment <{name}> in <{filename}>')
def deep_update(self, d, u, traverse_dot_notation=True):
for kstr, v in u.items():
if traverse_dot_notation:
ks = kstr.split('.')
ks = [kstr]
head = d
for k in ks:
if k in ['parameters']:
traverse_dot_notation = False
last_head = head
if k not in head:
head[k] = {}
head = head[k]
if isinstance(v, Mapping):
last_head[ks[-1]] = self.deep_update(d.get(k, {}), v, traverse_dot_notation=traverse_dot_notation)
last_head[ks[-1]] = v
return d
def expand_vars(self, string, delta_desc='BASE', **kwargs):
if isinstance(string, str):
rand = int(random.random()*99999999)
if string == '{rand}':
return rand
return string.format(delta_desc=delta_desc, **kwargs, rand=rand, tmp=self._tmp_path, job_id=(self.job_id or 'LOCAL'), task_id=(self.task_id or 0), run_id=self.run_id)
return string
def apply_nested(self, d, f):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
self.apply_nested(v, f)
elif isinstance(v, list):
for i, e in enumerate(v):
ptr = {'PTR': d[k][i]}
self.apply_nested(ptr, f)
d[k][i] = ptr['PTR']
d[k] = f(v)
def deep_expand_vars(self, dict, **kwargs):
self.apply_nested(dict, lambda x: self.expand_vars(x, **kwargs))
def consume(self, conf, key, default=None, expand=False, **kwargs):
if key == '':
if expand:
self.deep_expand_vars(conf, config=self._config, **kwargs)
elif type(conf) == str:
while conf.find('{') != -1:
conf = self.expand_vars(conf, config=self._config, **kwargs)
return conf
keys_arr = key.split('.')
if len(keys_arr) == 1:
k = keys_arr[0]
if default != None:
if isinstance(conf, Mapping):
val = conf.get(k, default)
if default != None:
return default
raise Exception('')
val = conf[k]
if k in conf:
del conf[k]
if expand:
self.deep_expand_vars(val, config=self._config, **kwargs)
elif type(val) == str:
while val.find('{') != -1:
val = self.expand_vars(val, config=self._config, **kwargs)
return val
child = conf.get(keys_arr[0], {})
child_keys = '.'.join(keys_arr[1:])
return self.consume(child, child_keys, default=default, expand=expand, **kwargs)
def get_version(self):
if not self._version:
repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True)
sha = repo.head.object.hexsha
self._version = sha
return self._version
def _calc_num_jobs(self, schedC, num_conv_versions):
schedulerC = copy.deepcopy(schedC)
reps = self.consume(schedulerC, 'repetitions', self.consume(schedulerC, 'reps_per_version', 1)*num_conv_versions)
agents_per_job = self.consume(schedulerC, 'agents_per_job', 1)
reps_per_agent = self.consume(schedulerC, 'reps_per_agent', 1)
reps_per_job = reps_per_agent * agents_per_job
jobs_needed = math.ceil(reps / reps_per_job)
return jobs_needed
def _reps_for_job(self, schedC, task_id, num_conv_versions):
schedulerC = copy.deepcopy(schedC)
num_jobs = self._calc_num_jobs(schedulerC, num_conv_versions)
reps = self.consume(schedulerC, 'repetitions', self.consume(schedulerC, 'reps_per_version', 1)*num_conv_versions)
if task_id == None:
return list(range(0, reps))
reps_for_job = [[] for i in range(num_jobs)]
for i in range(reps):
reps_for_job[i % num_jobs].append(i)
return reps_for_job[task_id]
def run_local(self, filename, name, task_id, sweep_id):
self.task_id = task_id
config = self.load_config(filename, name)
num_conv_versions = self._get_num_conv_versions(config)
schedulerC = copy.deepcopy(config.get('scheduler', {}))
rep_ids = self._reps_for_job(schedulerC, task_id, num_conv_versions)
self.sweep_id = sweep_id
self._fork_processes(config, rep_ids)
def run_slurm(self, filename, name):
assert slurm_avaible, 'pyslurm does not seem to be installed on this system.'
config = self.load_config(filename, name)
slurmC = self.consume(config, 'slurm', expand=True)
schedC = self.consume(config, 'scheduler')
s_name = self.consume(slurmC, 'name')
num_conv_versions = self._get_num_conv_versions(config)
# Pre Validation
runnerName, _ = self.consume(config, 'runner'), self.consume(copy.deepcopy(config), 'wandb', {}, expand=True)
if self.consume(slurmC, 'pre_validate', True):
Runner = self.runners[runnerName]
runner = Runner(self, config)
self.consume(config, 'wandb')
python_script = 'main.py'
sh_lines = ['#!/bin/bash']
sh_lines += self.consume(slurmC, 'sh_lines', [])
if venv := self.consume(slurmC, 'venv', False):
sh_lines += [f'source activate {venv}']
if self.consume(slurmC, 'xvfb', False):
sh_lines += [f'xvfb-run python3 {python_script} {filename} {name} -t $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID --sweep_id {self.sweep_id}']
sh_lines += [f'python3 {python_script} {filename} {name} -t $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID --sweep_id {self.sweep_id}']
script = "\n".join(sh_lines)
num_jobs = self._calc_num_jobs(schedC, num_conv_versions)
last_job_idx = num_jobs - 1
num_parallel_jobs = min(self.consume(slurmC, 'num_parallel_jobs', num_jobs), num_jobs)
array = f'0-{last_job_idx}%{num_parallel_jobs}'
job = pyslurm.JobSubmitDescription(name=s_name, script=script, array=array, **slurmC)
self.consume(config, 'name', '')
self.consume(config, 'project', '')
self.consume(config, 'vars', '')
self.consume(config, 'grid', '')
self.consume(config, 'ablative', '')
if config != {}:
print('[!] Unconsumed Config Parts:')
if self.verify or config != {}:
input(f'<Press enter to submit {num_jobs} job(s) to slurm>')
job_id = job.submit()
print(f'[>] Job submitted to slurm with id {job_id}')
with open('job_hist.log', 'a') as f:
f.write(f'{filename}:{name} submitted to slurm with ids {job_id}_0-{num_jobs} on [git:{self.get_version()}] at {datetime.datetime.now()}\n')
def _fork_processes(self, config, rep_ids):
schedC = self.consume(config, 'scheduler', {})
agents_per_job = self.consume(schedC, 'agents_per_job', 1)
reps_per_agent = self.consume(schedC, 'reps_per_agent', 1)
node_reps = len(rep_ids)
num_p = min(agents_per_job, math.ceil(node_reps / reps_per_agent))
if num_p == 1:
print('[i] Running within main thread')
self._run_process(config, rep_ids=rep_ids, p_ind=0)
procs = []
reps_done = 0
for p in range(num_p):
print(f'[i] Spawning seperate thread/process ({p+1}/{num_p})')
num_reps = min(node_reps - reps_done, reps_per_agent)
proc_rep_ids = [rep_ids[i] for i in list(range(reps_done, reps_done+num_reps))]
proc = Parallelization_Primitive(target=partial(self._run_process, config, rep_ids=proc_rep_ids, p_ind=p))
reps_done += num_reps
for proc in procs:
print(f'[i] All threads/processes have terminated')
def _init_sweep(self, config):
if self.sweep_id == None and self.consume(config, 'sweep.enable', False):
sweepC = self.consume(config, 'sweep')
wandbC = copy.deepcopy(config['wandb'])
project = self.consume(wandbC, 'project')
self.sweep_id = wandb.sweep(
def _run_process(self, orig_config, rep_ids, p_ind):
config = copy.deepcopy(orig_config)
if self.consume(config, 'sweep.enable', False):
wandbC = copy.deepcopy(config['wandb'])
wandb.agent(self.sweep_id, function=partial(self._run_from_sweep, config, p_ind=p_ind), count=len(rep_ids))
self.consume(config, 'sweep', {})
self._run_single(config, rep_ids, p_ind=p_ind)
def _run_single(self, orig_config, rep_ids, p_ind):
print(f'[P{p_ind}] I will work on reps {rep_ids}')
runnerName = self.consume(orig_config, 'runner')
project = self.consume(orig_config, 'wandb.project', orig_config.get('project', orig_config.get('name')))
Runner = self.runners[runnerName]
if self.consume(orig_config, 'scheduler.bind_agent_to_core', False):
os.sched_setaffinity(0, [p_ind % os.cpu_count()])
for r in rep_ids:
self.run_id = r
config = copy.deepcopy(orig_config)
runnerConf = self._make_config_for_run(config, r)
wandbC = self.consume(runnerConf, 'wandb', {}, expand=True, delta_desc=runnerConf.pop('delta_desc', 'BASE'))
if 'job_type' in wandbC and len(wandbC['job_type']) > 62:
wandbC['job_type'] = "..."+wandbC['job_type'][-50:]
retry = 5
while retry:
with wandb.init(
reinit=self.consume(wandbC, 'reinit', DEFAULT_REINIT),
settings=wandb.Settings(**self.consume(wandbC, 'settings', {})),
) as run:
runner = Runner(self, runnerConf)
except wandb.errors.CommError as e:
retry -= 1
if retry:
print('Catched CommErr; retrying...')
print('Catched CommErr; not retrying')
raise e
retry = 0
if runnerConf != {}:
msg = ('Config was not completely consumed: ', runnerConf)
raise Exception(msg)
orig_config = {}
def _run_from_sweep(self, orig_config, p_ind):
runnerName, wandbC = self.consume(orig_config, 'runner'), self.consume(orig_config, 'wandb', {}, expand=True)
project = self.consume(wandbC, 'project')
Runner = self.runners[runnerName]
if orig_config.consume('scheduler.bind_agent_to_core', False):
os.sched_setaffinity(0, [p_ind % os.cpu_count()])
with wandb.init(
reinit=self.consume(wandbC, 'reinit', DEFAULT_REINIT),
settings=wandb.Settings(**self.consume(wandbC, 'settings', {})),
) as run:
config = copy.deepcopy(orig_config)
self.deep_update(config, wandb.config)
run.config = copy.deepcopy(config)
runner = Runner(self, config)
if config != {}:
msg = ('Config was not completely consumed: ', config)
raise Exception(msg)
orig_config = {}
def _make_configs_for_runs(self, config):
c = copy.deepcopy(config)
grid_versions = self._make_grid_versions(c)
all_versions = self._make_ablative_versions(c, grid_versions)
return all_versions
def _get_num_conv_versions(self, config):
return len(self._make_configs_for_runs(config))
def _make_config_for_run(self, config, r):
all_versions = self._make_configs_for_runs(config)
i = r % len(all_versions)
print(f'[d] Running version {i}/{len(all_versions)} in run {r}')
cur_conf = all_versions[i]
if 'ablative' in cur_conf:
del cur_conf['ablative']
return cur_conf
def _make_grid_versions(self, config):
if 'grid' in config:
return params_combine(config, 'grid', itertools.product)
return [config]
def _make_ablative_versions(self, config, grid_versions):
if 'ablative' in config:
return grid_versions + ablative_expand(grid_versions)
return grid_versions
def from_args(self):
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("config_file", nargs='?', default=None)
parser.add_argument("experiment", nargs='?', default='DEFAULT')
parser.add_argument("-s", "--slurm", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--worker", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--task_id", default=None, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--sweep_id", default=None, type=str)
parser.add_argument("--ask_verify", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f'[i] I have task_id {args.task_id}')
print(f'[i] Running on version [git:{self.get_version()}]')
if args.worker:
raise Exception('Not yet implemented')
assert args.config_file != None, 'Need to supply config file.'
if args.slurm:
if args.ask_verify:
self.verify = True
self.run_slurm(args.config_file, args.experiment)
self.run_local(args.config_file, args.experiment, args.task_id, args.sweep_id)
def params_combine(config: dict, key: str, iter_func):
if iter_func is None:
return [config]
combined_configs = []
# convert list/grid dictionary into flat dictionary, where the key is a tuple of the keys and the
# value is the list of values
tuple_dict = flatten_dict_to_tuple_keys(config[key])
_param_names = ['.'.join(t) for t in tuple_dict]
param_lengths = map(len, tuple_dict.values())
# create a new config for each parameter setting
for values in iter_func(*tuple_dict.values()):
_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
# Remove Grid/List Argument
del _config[key]
# Expand Grid/List Parameters
for i, t in enumerate(tuple_dict.keys()):
insert_deep_dictionary(d=_config, t=t, value=values[i])
_config = extend_config_name(_config, _param_names, values)
return combined_configs
def ablative_expand(conf_list):
combined_configs = []
for config in conf_list:
tuple_dict = flatten_dict_to_tuple_keys(config['ablative'])
_param_names = ['.'.join(t) for t in tuple_dict]
for i, key in enumerate(tuple_dict):
for val in tuple_dict[key]:
_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
_config, key, val
_config = extend_config_name(_config, [_param_names[i]], [val])
return combined_configs
def flatten_dict_to_tuple_keys(d: MutableMapping):
flat_dict = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
sub_dict = flatten_dict_to_tuple_keys(v)
flat_dict.update({(k, *sk): sv for sk, sv in sub_dict.items()})
elif isinstance(v, MutableSequence):
flat_dict[(k,)] = v
return flat_dict
def insert_deep_dictionary(d: MutableMapping, t: tuple, value):
if type(t) is tuple:
if len(t) == 1: # tuple contains only one key
d[t[0]] = value
else: # tuple contains more than one key
if t[0] not in d:
d[t[0]] = dict()
insert_deep_dictionary(d[t[0]], t[1:], value)
d[t] = value
def append_deep_dictionary(d: MutableMapping, t: tuple, value):
if type(t) is tuple:
if len(t) == 1: # tuple contains only one key
if t[0] not in d:
d[t[0]] = []
else: # tuple contains more than one key
if t[0] not in d:
d[t[0]] = dict()
append_deep_dictionary(d[t[0]], t[1:], value)
d[t] = value
def extend_config_name(config: dict, param_names: list, values: list) -> dict:
_converted_name = convert_param_names(param_names, values)
config['delta_desc'] = config['delta_desc'] + '_' + _converted_name if 'delta_desc' in config else _converted_name
return config
def convert_param_names(_param_names: list, values: list) -> str:
_converted_name = '_'.join("{}{}".format(
shorten_param(k), v) for k, v in zip(_param_names, values))
# _converted_name = re.sub("[' \[\],()]", '', _converted_name)
_converted_name = re.sub("[' ]", '', _converted_name)
_converted_name = re.sub('["]', '', _converted_name)
_converted_name = re.sub("[(\[]", '_', _converted_name)
_converted_name = re.sub("[)\]]", '', _converted_name)
_converted_name = re.sub("[,]", '_', _converted_name)
return _converted_name
def shorten_param(_param_name):
name_parts = _param_name.split('.')
shortened_parts = '.'.join(map(lambda s: s[:3], name_parts[:-1]))
shortened_leaf = ''.join(map(lambda s: s[0], name_parts[-1].split('_')))
if shortened_parts:
return shortened_parts + '.' + shortened_leaf
return shortened_leaf
class Slate_Runner():
def __init__(self, slate, config):
self.slate = slate
self.config = config
def setup(self):
def run(self, run):
class Print_Config_Runner(Slate_Runner):
def run(self, run):
slate, config = self.slate, self.config
pprint(slate.consume(config, '', expand=True))
for k in list(config.keys()):
del config[k]
class Void_Runner(Slate_Runner):
def run(self, run):
slate, config = self.slate, self.config
for k in list(config.keys()):
del config[k]
class PDB_Runner(Slate_Runner):
def run(self, run):
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise Exception('You are using it wrong...')