import os import sys import pickle import zlib import hashlib import copy from termcolor import colored from base64 import * from colorama import init init() OS = "Linux" #OS = "Windows" doc = """ 0000 NOP 0001 LDC par > A (max 20bit) 0010 LDV [par] > A 0011 STV A > [par] 0100 ADD A + [par] > A 0101 AND A AND [par] > A 0110 LOR A OR [par] > A 0111 XOR A XOR [par] > A 1000 EQL if A==[par]: -1 else 0 > A 1001 JMP Jump to [par] 1010 JMN if A<0: Jump to [par] 1011 NOT NOT A > A 1100 RAR A >> 1 > A 1101 LDI [[par]] > A 1110 STI A > [[par]] 1111 HLT Halt """ asmMap = ["NOP","LDC","LDV","STV","ADD","AND","LOR","XOR","EQL","JMP","JMN","NOT","RAR","LDI","STI","HLT"] bits = 24 opBits = 4 parBits = 20 pointer = 0 registerA = 0 out = 0 color = [["green","on_grey"],["blue","on_grey"],["red","on_grey"],["magenta","on_grey"],["cyan","on_grey"], ["grey","on_white"],["green","on_white"],["blue","on_white"],["red","on_white"],["magenta","on_white"],["cyan","on_white"], ["grey","on_green"],["white","on_green"],["blue","on_green"],["red","on_green"],["magenta","on_green"],["cyan","on_green"], ["grey","on_blue"],["white","on_blue"],["green","on_blue"],["red","on_blue"],["magenta","on_blue"],["cyan","on_blue"], ["grey","on_red"],["white","on_red"],["green","on_red"],["blue","on_red"],["magenta","on_red"],["cyan","on_red"], ["grey","on_magenta"],["white","on_magenta"],["green","on_magenta"],["blue","on_magenta"],["red","on_magenta"],["cyan","on_magenta"], ["grey","on_cyan"],["white","on_cyan"],["green","on_cyan"],["blue","on_cyan"],["red","on_cyan"],["magenta","on_cyan"]] memory = [] for i in range(2**parBits): memory.append(0) def clear(): if OS=="Windows": os.system("cls") elif OS=="Linux": os.system("clear") else: print("Error: Unknown OS") exit() def toDec(binary): try: return int(binary, 2) except: return -1 def toBin(decimal): try: return int(bin(decimal)[2:]) except: print("Error: The dec-number "+decimal+" could not be converted to binary") return decimal def padBin(binary,bit=bits): return str(binary).zfill(bit)[-bit:] def bin_input(display,bit=bits,allowAsm=False): raw = input(display) if raw=="x": return -1 if allowAsm: for i in range(len(asmMap)): if raw.find(asmMap[i])!=-1: raw = raw.replace(asmMap[i],"") raw = raw.replace(" ","") if raw.find("_")!=-1: raw = raw.replace("_","0"*(bit-(len(raw)-1)-4)) raw = str(toBin(i)).zfill(opBits)+raw.zfill(bits-opBits) break else: raw = raw.replace(" ","") if raw.find("_")!=-1: raw = raw.replace("_","0"*(bit-(len(raw)-1))) else: raw = raw.replace(" ","") if raw.find("_")!=-1: raw = raw.replace("_","0"*(bit-(len(raw)-1))) if raw.find("_")!=-1: print("[!] input contains multiple spread-zero characters ( _ )") return bin_input(display) ret = toDec(raw) if ret>2**bits: print("[!] input exceted maximal size for "+str(bit)+"-bit integer!") return bin_input(display,allowAsm=allowAsm) if ret==-1: print("[!] "+raw+" is not a valid binary number!") return bin_input(display,allowAsm=allowAsm) return ret def parse(cmd,par,verbose=False,adress=0): global registerA global memory global out global pointer v=verbose cmd = cmd[-1*opBits:] if cmd=="0000": #nop if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": NOP") elif cmd=="0001": #ldc registerA = par if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": LDC "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+" > Akku") elif cmd=="0010": #ldv registerA = memory[par] if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": LDV ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"] > Akku") elif cmd=="0011": #stv memory[par] = registerA if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": STA Akku > ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]") elif cmd=="0100": #add registerA = (registerA + memory[par]) % 2**parBits if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": ADD Akku + ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]") elif cmd=="0101": #and newRegA = "" for b in range(len(padBin(toBin(registerA)))): if padBin(toBin(int(registerA)))[b]=="1" and padBin(toBin(int(memory[par])))[b]=="1": newRegA+="1" else: newRegA+="0" registerA = toDec(newRegA) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": AND Akku, ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]") elif cmd=="0110": #lor newRegA = "" for b in range(len(str(registerA))): newRegA+=str(int( int(padBin(toBin(int(registerA)))[b]) or int(padBin(toBin(int(memory[par])))[b]) )) registerA = toDec(newRegA) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": OR Akku, ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]") elif cmd=="0111": #XOR newRegA = "" for b in range(len(padBin(toBin(registerA)))): if padBin(toBin(registerA))[b] == padBin(toBin(memory[par]))[b]: newRegA+="0" else: newRegA+="1" registerA = toDec(newRegA) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": XOR Akku, ["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]") elif cmd=="1000": #EQL if registerA==memory[par]: registerA = toDec("1"*bits) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=8)+": EQL {TRUE} Akku ?= "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)) else: registerA = 0 if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=8)+": EQL {FALSE} Akku ?= "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)) elif cmd=="1001": #jmp pointer = par - 1 if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=8)+": JMP "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)) elif cmd=="1010": #jmn if registerA>=int("1"+"0"*(bits-1)): pointer = par - 1 if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=8)+": JMN {TRUE} > "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=8)) else: if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=8)+": JMN {FALSE} > "+padBin(toBin(par),bit=8)) elif cmd=="1011": #not newRegA = "" for b in range(len(padBin(toBin(registerA)))): if padBin(toBin(registerA))[b]=="1": newRegA+="0" elif padBin(toBin(registerA))[b]=="0": newRegA+="1" else: print("FUUUUUUUUUU") exit() registerA = toDec(newRegA) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": NOT Akku > Akku") elif cmd=="1100": #rar newRegA = padBin(toBin(registerA)) newRegA = newRegA[-1]+newRegA[:-1] registerA = toDec(newRegA) if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": RAR Akku > Akku") elif cmd=="1101": #LDI mid = memory[par] registerA = memory[mid % parBits] if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": LDI [["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]] > Akku") elif cmd=="1110": #STI mid = memory[par] memory[mid] = registerA if v: print(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": STI Akku > [["+padBin(toBin(par),bit=parBits)+"]]") elif cmd=="1111": #hlt return -1 return True if __name__=="__main__": print("[asmTron by CyberCodeDragon]") while True: x = "" x=input("#> ") x = x.split(" ") for i in range(2): x.append("") y = x[1] z = x[2] x = x[0] if x=="help" or x=="h": print("Avaible Commands:") print("docs - display avaible operants") print("write [w] - write value to adress") print("read [r] - read value from adress") print("dump [d] - dump from adress with length") print("run [u] - execute programm") print("edit [e] - edit from adress til >x<") print("cls - clear screen") print("clear / reset - clear memory,register,pointer") print("step [s] - run one command from programm") print("debug - execute programm with verbose output") print("pointer - display pointer") print("setPointer - sets pointer") print("resetPointer [rp] - sets pointer to zero") print("register [reg] - displays A register") print("setRegister - sets A register") print("save - saves memory to local file") print("load - loads memory from local file") print("code / exec - execute one line of shellcode") print("guiDebug [gd] - graphical debugger ") print("asm - shellcode visualizer (assembly / jump-arrows) ") print("halting - tries to determin, if algorythm will diverge") elif x=="docs": print(doc) elif x=="write" or x=="w": if y=="" or z=="": y=bin_input("adress> ") z=bin_input("value> ") try: memory[y] = z except: print("[!] Unknown error while writing") elif x=="read" or x=="r": if y=="": y=bin_input("adress> ") print(padBin(toBin(memory[y]))) elif x=="dump" or x=="d": if y=="" and z=="": y=bin_input("adress> ") z=bin_input("length> ") elif z=="": z=toDec(y) y=0 for m in range(z): print(padBin(toBin(y+m),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[y+m]))) elif x=="run" or x=="u": while True: cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) if parse(cmd,par)==-1: pointer = 0 break pointer = (pointer + 1) % 2**parBits elif x=="verboseRun" or x=="vu": while True: cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) if parse(cmd,par,verbose=True,adress=pointer)==-1: pointer = 0 break pointer = (pointer + 1) % 2**parBits elif x=="edit" or x=="e": adress=bin_input("offset> ",bit=parBits) while True: value=bin_input(padBin(toBin(adress),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[adress]))+" > ",allowAsm=True) if value==-1: break try: memory[adress] = value except: print("[!] Unknown error while writing") if adress==len(memory)-1: adress = -1 print("[*] End of mem") adress = adress + 1 elif x=="cls": clear() elif x=="clear" or x=="reset": pointer = 0 registerA = 0 out = 0 memory = [] for i in range(2**parBits): memory.append(0) elif x=="varClear" or x=="vc": pointer = 0 registerA = 0 out = 0 for i in range((2**parBits)/2): memory[(2**parBits)/2+i] = 0 elif x=="step" or x=="s": cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) if parse(cmd,par,verbose=True,adress=pointer)==-1: pointer = 0 print("[*] Programm halted") pointer = (pointer + 1) % (2**parBits) elif x=="debug": while True: cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) if parse(cmd,par,verbose=True,adress=pointer)==-1: pointer = -1 print("[*] Programm halted") break pointer = (pointer + 1) % (2**parBits) elif x=="pointer": print("POINTER: "+padBin(toBin(pointer),bit=parBits)) elif x=="setPointer": if y=="": pointer = bin_input("pointer> ",bit=parBits) else: pointer = y elif x=="resetPointer" or x=="rp": pointer = 0 elif x=="register" or x=="reg": print("REGISTER: "+padBin(toBin(registerA))) elif x=="setRegister": if y=="": registerA = bin_input("register> ") else: registerA = y elif x=="save": if y=="": print("[*] Current saves:") for f in os.listdir("saves"): if f[-8:]==".asmTron": print("> "+f[:-8]) name = input("name> ") else: name = y with open("saves/"+name+".asmTron", 'wb') as f: t=pickle.dumps(["mima24_1",memory]) t=zlib.compress(t) f.write(t) elif x=="load" or x=="l": if y=="": print("[*] Avaible saves:") for f in os.listdir("saves"): if f[-8:]==".asmTron": print("> "+f[:-8]) for f in os.listdir("tronScript"): if f[-8:]==".asmTron": print("> tronScript/"+f[:-8]) name = input("name> ") else: name = y try: with open("saves/"+name+".asmTron", "rb") as f: t = t=zlib.decompress(t) magicBit,memory = pickle.loads(t) except Exception as e: try: with open("tronScripts/"+name+".asmTron", "rb") as f: t = t=zlib.decompress(t) magicBit,memory = pickle.loads(t) except Exception as e: if b64encode(str(e))[:25]=="W0Vycm5vIDJdIE5vIHN1Y2ggZ": print(" [!] Error: File '"+name+".asmTron' does not exist") else: print(" [!] Error: Unknown Error while reading File '"+name+"' with Errorcode: "+str(b64encode(str(e)))) if not magicBit=="mima24_1": print("[!] Error: Invalid Magical Bit: "+str(magicBit)) exit() print("[*] loaded "+name+".asmTron") elif x=="code" or x=="exec": if y=="": data=bin_input("code> ",allowAsm=True) else: data=y cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) parse(cmd,par,verbose=True,adress=0) elif x=="guiDebug" or x=="gd": if y=="": hiOffset = 2**(parBits-1) else: hiOffset = 2**(int(y)-1) runtime = 0 tracker = input("trackers> ").split(",") running = True lastPointer = 0 while running: clear() print(" +"+"-"*58+"+"+"-"*52+"+"+"-"*36+"+") print(" |"+" "*20+" - Instructions - "+" "*20+"|"+" "*20+" - Hi-mem - "+" "*20+"|"+" "*36+"|") if pointer <= 20: starter = 0 else: starter = pointer - 20 for i in range(36): m = i + starter if pointer == m: outI = "> "+padBin(toBin(m),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[m]))+" ["+doc.split("\n")[toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[:opBits])+1][:parBits][5:][:3]+"]"+" <" elif lastPointer == m and pointer-1 != lastPointer: outI = "- "+padBin(toBin(m),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[m]))+" ["+doc.split("\n")[toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[:opBits])+1][:parBits][5:][:3]+"]"+" -" else: outI = " "+padBin(toBin(m),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[m]))+" ["+doc.split("\n")[toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[:opBits])+1][:parBits][5:][:3]+"]"+" " outII = " "+padBin(toBin(hiOffset+i),bit=parBits)+": "+padBin(toBin(memory[hiOffset+i]))+" " if i==1: outIII = " - Akku - " elif i==2: outIII = " "*8+padBin(toBin(registerA),bit=parBits)+" "*8 elif i==4: outIII = " - Runtime - " elif i==5: outIII = " "+padBin(toBin(runtime),bit=bits)+" " elif i==7: outIII = " - Command - " elif i==8: temp=doc.split("\n")[toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits])+1][5:] outIII = int((36-len(temp)-1)/2)*" "+" "+temp+int((36-len(temp))/2)*" " elif i==10: outIII = " - Parameter - " elif i==11: outIII = " "+padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:]+" " elif i==13: outIII = " - Pointer - " elif i==14: outIII = " "+padBin(toBin(pointer))+" " elif i==16: if len(tracker[0]): outIII = " - Trackers - " else: outIII = " "*36 elif i>16 and i<=16+len(tracker): if len(tracker[0]): outIII = " "+str(tracker[i-16-1]) + ": " + padBin(toBin(memory[toDec(tracker[i-16-1])]))+" " else: outIII = " "*36 else: outIII = " "*36 print(" | "+outI+" | "+outII+" |"+outIII+"|") print(" |"+" "*58+"|"+" "*52+"|"+" "*36+"|") print(" +"+"-"*58+"+"+"-"*52+"+"+"-"*36+"+") lastPointer = pointer cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:4] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-8:])) if parse(cmd,par,verbose=True,adress=pointer)==-1: pointer = 0 break pointer = (pointer + 1) % 2**bits step=input(" ") if step=="x": break runtime = runtime + 1 elif x=="asm": end = 0 for m in range(len(memory)): if padBin(toBin(memory[len(memory)-m-1]))[:opBits] != "0"*opBits: end = len(memory)-m break toPrint = [] for m in range(end): cmd = doc.split("\n")[toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[:opBits])+1][:parBits][5:] if toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:]) >= toDec("1"+"0"*(parBits-1)) and toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:]) <= toDec("1"+"0"*(parBits-7)+"101000"): toPrint.append(padBin(toBin(m),bit=parBits)+": "+cmd+" "+colored(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:],color[(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:])-toDec("1"+"0"*(parBits-1)))][0],color[(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:])-toDec("1"+"0"*(parBits-1)))][1])) else: toPrint.append(padBin(toBin(m),bit=parBits)+": "+cmd+" "+padBin(toBin(memory[m]))[opBits:]) origPrint = copy.copy(toPrint) for l in range(len(toPrint)): cmd = origPrint[l][10:][:3] par = origPrint[l][14:] if cmd == "JMP" or cmd == "JMN": toPrint[toDec(par)] = toPrint[toDec(par)] + " <-+" if cmd=="JMP": toPrint[l] = toPrint[l] + " --+" else: toPrint[l] = toPrint[l] + " --?" if l < toDec(par): for i in range(len(toPrint)): if l < i < toDec(par): toPrint[i] = toPrint[i] + " |" elif i==toDec(par) or i==l: t=1 else: toPrint[i] = toPrint[i] + " " else: for i in range(len(toPrint)): if toDec(par) < i < l: toPrint[i] = toPrint[i] + " |" elif i==toDec(par) or i==l: t=1 else: toPrint[i] = toPrint[i] + " " for p in range(len(toPrint)): print(toPrint[p]) elif x=="halting": print("[i] Will try to give you information about the divergity of your algorythm") print("[i] This algorythm may itself not diverge!") bPointer = pointer bRegisterA = registerA bMemory = memory runtime = 0 stateHashes = [] print("[*] Simulating...") while True: runtime+=1 cmd = padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[:opBits] par = int(toDec(padBin(toBin(memory[pointer]))[-parBits:])) if parse(cmd,par)==-1: pointer = 0 halts = True print("[*] Algorythm will diverge after "+str(runtime)+" steps") break pointer = (pointer + 1) % 2**parBits stateHash = hashlib.sha256(str(pointer)+str(registerA)+str(memory)).digest() if stateHash in stateHashes: print("[*] Algorythm will not diverge: State-Collision after "+str(runtime)+" steps") break else: stateHashes.append(stateHash) pointer = bPointer registerA = bRegisterA memory = bMemory elif x=="exit": exit() elif x=="": _=0 else: print("[!] Error")