2021-01-11 16:08:42 +01:00
import gym
import numpy as np
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import matplotlib
matplotlib . use ( ' TkAgg ' )
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import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
def ccw ( A , B , C ) :
return ( C [ 1 ] - A [ 1 ] ) * ( B [ 0 ] - A [ 0 ] ) - ( B [ 1 ] - A [ 1 ] ) * ( C [ 0 ] - A [ 0 ] ) > 1e-12
# Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect
def intersect ( A , B , C , D ) :
return ccw ( A , C , D ) != ccw ( B , C , D ) and ccw ( A , B , C ) != ccw ( A , B , D )
class HoleReacher ( gym . Env ) :
def __init__ ( self , num_links , hole_x , hole_width , hole_depth , allow_self_collision = False ,
allow_wall_collision = False , collision_penalty = 1000 ) :
self . hole_x = hole_x # x-position of center of hole
self . hole_width = hole_width # width of hole
self . hole_depth = hole_depth # depth of hole
self . num_links = num_links
self . link_lengths = np . ones ( ( num_links , 1 ) )
self . bottom_center_of_hole = np . hstack ( [ hole_x , - hole_depth ] )
self . top_center_of_hole = np . hstack ( [ hole_x , 0 ] )
self . left_wall_edge = np . hstack ( [ hole_x - self . hole_width / 2 , 0 ] )
self . right_wall_edge = np . hstack ( [ hole_x + self . hole_width / 2 , 0 ] )
self . allow_self_collision = allow_self_collision
self . allow_wall_collision = allow_wall_collision
self . collision_penalty = collision_penalty
self . _joints = None
self . _joint_angles = None
self . _angle_velocity = None
self . start_pos = np . hstack ( [ [ np . pi / 2 ] , np . zeros ( self . num_links - 1 ) ] )
self . start_vel = np . zeros ( self . num_links )
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self . weight_matrix_scale = 50 # for the holereacher, the dmp weights become quite large compared to the values of the goal attractor. this scaling is to ensure they are on similar scale for the optimizer
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self . _dt = 0.01
action_bound = np . pi * np . ones ( ( self . num_links , ) )
state_bound = np . hstack ( [
[ np . pi ] * self . num_links , # cos
[ np . pi ] * self . num_links , # sin
[ np . inf ] * self . num_links , # velocity
[ np . inf ] * 2 , # x-y coordinates of target distance
[ np . inf ] # env steps, because reward start after n steps TODO: Maybe
] )
self . action_space = gym . spaces . Box ( low = - action_bound , high = action_bound , shape = action_bound . shape )
self . observation_space = gym . spaces . Box ( low = - state_bound , high = state_bound , shape = state_bound . shape )
self . fig = None
rect_1 = patches . Rectangle ( ( - self . num_links , - 1 ) ,
self . num_links + self . hole_x - self . hole_width / 2 , 1 ,
fill = True , edgecolor = ' k ' , facecolor = ' k ' )
rect_2 = patches . Rectangle ( ( self . hole_x + self . hole_width / 2 , - 1 ) ,
self . num_links - self . hole_x + self . hole_width / 2 , 1 ,
fill = True , edgecolor = ' k ' , facecolor = ' k ' )
rect_3 = patches . Rectangle ( ( self . hole_x - self . hole_width / 2 , - 1 ) , self . hole_width ,
1 - self . hole_depth ,
fill = True , edgecolor = ' k ' , facecolor = ' k ' )
self . patches = [ rect_1 , rect_2 , rect_3 ]
def end_effector ( self ) :
return self . _joints [ self . num_links ] . T
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def reset ( self ) :
self . _joint_angles = self . start_pos
self . _angle_velocity = self . start_vel
self . _joints = np . zeros ( ( self . num_links + 1 , 2 ) )
self . _update_joints ( )
self . _steps = 0
return self . _get_obs ( ) . copy ( )
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def step ( self , action ) :
a single step with an action in joint velocity space
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vel = action
acc = ( vel - self . _angle_velocity ) / self . _dt
self . _angle_velocity = vel
self . _joint_angles = self . _joint_angles + self . _dt * self . _angle_velocity
self . _update_joints ( )
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# rew = self._reward()
# compute reward directly in step function
dist_reward = 0
if not self . _is_collided :
if self . _steps == 180 :
dist_reward = np . linalg . norm ( self . end_effector - self . bottom_center_of_hole )
else :
dist_reward = np . linalg . norm ( self . end_effector - self . bottom_center_of_hole )
reward = - dist_reward * * 2
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reward - = 1e-6 * np . sum ( acc * * 2 )
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if self . _steps == 180 :
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reward - = ( 0.1 * np . sum ( vel * * 2 ) * * 2
+ 1e-3 * np . sum ( action * * 2 )
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if self . _is_collided :
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reward - = self . collision_penalty
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info = { }
self . _steps + = 1
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return self . _get_obs ( ) . copy ( ) , reward , self . _is_collided , info
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def _update_joints ( self ) :
update _joints to get new end effector position . The other links are only required for rendering .
Returns :
line_points_in_taskspace = self . get_forward_kinematics ( num_points_per_link = 20 )
self . _joints [ 1 : , 0 ] = self . _joints [ 0 , 0 ] + line_points_in_taskspace [ : , - 1 , 0 ]
self . _joints [ 1 : , 1 ] = self . _joints [ 0 , 1 ] + line_points_in_taskspace [ : , - 1 , 1 ]
self_collision = False
wall_collision = False
if not self . allow_self_collision :
self_collision = self . check_self_collision ( line_points_in_taskspace )
if np . any ( np . abs ( self . _joint_angles ) > np . pi ) and not self . allow_self_collision :
self_collision = True
if not self . allow_wall_collision :
wall_collision = self . check_wall_collision ( line_points_in_taskspace )
self . _is_collided = self_collision or wall_collision
def _get_obs ( self ) :
theta = self . _joint_angles
return np . hstack ( [
np . cos ( theta ) ,
np . sin ( theta ) ,
self . _angle_velocity ,
self . end_effector - self . bottom_center_of_hole ,
self . _steps
] )
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# def _reward(self):
# dist_reward = 0
# if not self._is_collided:
# if self._steps == 180:
# dist_reward = np.linalg.norm(self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole)
# else:
# dist_reward = np.linalg.norm(self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole)
# out = - dist_reward ** 2
# return out
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def get_forward_kinematics ( self , num_points_per_link = 1 ) :
theta = self . _joint_angles [ : , None ]
if num_points_per_link > 1 :
intermediate_points = np . linspace ( 0 , 1 , num_points_per_link )
else :
intermediate_points = 1
accumulated_theta = np . cumsum ( theta , axis = 0 )
endeffector = np . zeros ( shape = ( self . num_links , num_points_per_link , 2 ) )
x = np . cos ( accumulated_theta ) * self . link_lengths * intermediate_points
y = np . sin ( accumulated_theta ) * self . link_lengths * intermediate_points
endeffector [ 0 , : , 0 ] = x [ 0 , : ]
endeffector [ 0 , : , 1 ] = y [ 0 , : ]
for i in range ( 1 , self . num_links ) :
endeffector [ i , : , 0 ] = x [ i , : ] + endeffector [ i - 1 , - 1 , 0 ]
endeffector [ i , : , 1 ] = y [ i , : ] + endeffector [ i - 1 , - 1 , 1 ]
return np . squeeze ( endeffector + self . _joints [ 0 , : ] )
def check_self_collision ( self , line_points ) :
for i , line1 in enumerate ( line_points ) :
for line2 in line_points [ i + 2 : , : , : ] :
# if line1 != line2:
if intersect ( line1 [ 0 ] , line1 [ - 1 ] , line2 [ 0 ] , line2 [ - 1 ] ) :
return True
return False
def check_wall_collision ( self , line_points ) :
# all points that are before the hole in x
r , c = np . where ( line_points [ : , : , 0 ] < ( self . hole_x - self . hole_width / 2 ) )
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_before_hole = np . sum ( line_points [ r , c , 1 ] < 0 )
if nr_line_points_below_surface_before_hole > 0 :
return True
# all points that are after the hole in x
r , c = np . where ( line_points [ : , : , 0 ] > ( self . hole_x + self . hole_width / 2 ) )
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_after_hole = np . sum ( line_points [ r , c , 1 ] < 0 )
if nr_line_points_below_surface_after_hole > 0 :
return True
# all points that are above the hole
r , c = np . where ( ( line_points [ : , : , 0 ] > ( self . hole_x - self . hole_width / 2 ) ) & (
line_points [ : , : , 0 ] < ( self . hole_x + self . hole_width / 2 ) ) )
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_in_hole = np . sum ( line_points [ r , c , 1 ] < - self . hole_depth )
if nr_line_points_below_surface_in_hole > 0 :
return True
return False
def render ( self , mode = ' human ' ) :
if self . fig is None :
self . fig = plt . figure ( )
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# plt.ion()
# plt.pause(0.01)
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else :
plt . figure ( self . fig . number )
if mode == " human " :
plt . cla ( )
plt . title ( f " Iteration: { self . _steps } , distance: { self . end_effector - self . bottom_center_of_hole } " )
# Arm
plt . plot ( self . _joints [ : , 0 ] , self . _joints [ : , 1 ] , ' ro- ' , markerfacecolor = ' k ' )
# Add the patch to the Axes
[ plt . gca ( ) . add_patch ( rect ) for rect in self . patches ]
lim = np . sum ( self . link_lengths ) + 0.5
plt . xlim ( [ - lim , lim ] )
plt . ylim ( [ - 1.1 , lim ] )
# plt.draw()
plt . pause ( 1e-4 ) # pushes window to foreground, which is annoying.
# self.fig.canvas.flush_events()
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elif mode == " partial " :
if self . _steps == 1 :
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
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# Add the patch to the Axes
[ plt . gca ( ) . add_patch ( rect ) for rect in self . patches ]
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# plt.pause(0.01)
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2021-01-12 10:52:08 +01:00
if self . _steps % 20 == 0 or self . _steps in [ 1 , 199 ] or self . _is_collided :
# Arm
plt . plot ( self . _joints [ : , 0 ] , self . _joints [ : , 1 ] , ' ro- ' , markerfacecolor = ' k ' , alpha = self . _steps / 200 )
# ax.plot(line_points_in_taskspace[:, 0, 0],
# line_points_in_taskspace[:, 0, 1],
# line_points_in_taskspace[:, -1, 0],
# line_points_in_taskspace[:, -1, 1], marker='o', color='k', alpha=t / 200)
lim = np . sum ( self . link_lengths ) + 0.5
plt . xlim ( [ - lim , lim ] )
plt . ylim ( [ - 1.1 , lim ] )
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plt . pause ( 0.01 )
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elif mode == " final " :
if self . _steps == 199 or self . _is_collided :
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
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# Add the patch to the Axes
[ plt . gca ( ) . add_patch ( rect ) for rect in self . patches ]
plt . xlim ( - self . num_links , self . num_links ) , plt . ylim ( - 1 , self . num_links )
# Arm
plt . plot ( self . _joints [ : , 0 ] , self . _joints [ : , 1 ] , ' ro- ' , markerfacecolor = ' k ' )
plt . pause ( 0.01 )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
nl = 5
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render_mode = " human " # "human" or "partial" or "final"
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env = HoleReacher ( num_links = nl , allow_self_collision = False , allow_wall_collision = False , hole_width = 0.15 , hole_depth = 1 , hole_x = 1 )
env . reset ( )
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# env.render(mode=render_mode)
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for i in range ( 200 ) :
# objective.load_result("/tmp/cma")
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# test with random actions
ac = 2 * env . action_space . sample ( )
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# ac[0] += np.pi/2
obs , rew , done , info = env . step ( ac )
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env . render ( mode = render_mode )
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print ( rew )
if done :