Getting rid of some old code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
import logging
from fancy_gym.utils.wrappers import TimeAwareObservation
from fancy_gym.black_box.raw_interface_wrapper import RawInterfaceWrapper
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.trajectory_generator_factory import get_trajectory_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.phase_generator_factory import get_phase_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.controller_factory import get_controller
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.basis_generator_factory import get_basis_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.black_box_wrapper import BlackBoxWrapper
import uuid
from import MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil
from typing import Iterable, Type, Union, Optional
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import make
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.envs.registration import register, registry
from gymnasium.wrappers import TimeLimit
@ -25,128 +31,37 @@ except Exception:
# catch Exception as Import error does not catch missing mujoco-py
import fancy_gym
from fancy_gym.black_box.black_box_wrapper import BlackBoxWrapper
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.basis_generator_factory import get_basis_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.controller_factory import get_controller
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.phase_generator_factory import get_phase_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.factory.trajectory_generator_factory import get_trajectory_generator
from fancy_gym.black_box.raw_interface_wrapper import RawInterfaceWrapper
from fancy_gym.utils.wrappers import TimeAwareObservation
from fancy_gym.utils.utils import nested_update
def make_rank(env_id: str, seed: int, rank: int = 0, return_callable=True, **kwargs):
TODO: Do we need this?
Generate a callable to create a new gym environment with a given seed.
The rank is added to the seed and can be used for example when using vector environments.
E.g. [make_rank("my_env_name-v0", 123, i) for i in range(8)] creates a list of 8 environments
with seeds 123 through 130.
Hence, testing environments should be seeded with a value which is offset by the number of training environments.
Here e.g. [make_rank("my_env_name-v0", 123 + 8, i) for i in range(5)] for 5 testing environmetns
env_id: name of the environment
seed: seed for deterministic behaviour
rank: environment rank for deterministic over multiple seeds behaviour
return_callable: If True returns a callable to create the environment instead of the environment itself.
def f():
return make(env_id, seed + rank, **kwargs)
return f if return_callable else f()
def make(env_id: str, seed: int, **kwargs):
Converts an env_id to an environment with the gym API.
This also works for DeepMind Control Suite environments that are wrapped using the DMCWrapper, they can be
specified with "dmc:domain_name-task_name"
Analogously, metaworld tasks can be created as "metaworld:env_id-v2".
env_id: spec or env_id for gym tasks, external environments require a domain specification
**kwargs: Additional kwargs for the constructor such as pixel observations, etc.
Returns: Gym environment
if ':' in env_id:
split_id = env_id.split(':')
framework, framework_env_id = split_id[-2:]
framework = None
if framework == 'metaworld':
# MetaWorld environment
env = make_metaworld(framework_env_id, seed, **kwargs)
elif framework == 'dmc':
# DeepMind Control environment
# ensures legacy compatability:
# shimmy expects dm_controll/..., while we used dmc:... in the past
env = make_gym('dm_control/'+framework_env_id, seed, **kwargs)
env = make_gym(env_id, seed, **kwargs)
if not env.spec.max_episode_steps == None:
# Hack: Some envs violate the gym spec in that they don't correctly expose the maximum episode steps
# Gymnasium disallows accessing private attributes, so we have to get creative to read the internal values
# TODO: Remove this, when all supported envs correctly implement this themselves
unwrapped = env.unwrapped if hasattr(env, 'unwrapped') else env
if hasattr(unwrapped, '_max_episode_steps'):
env.spec.max_episode_steps = unwrapped.__getattribute__('_max_episode_steps')
# try:
# except TypeError:
# # Support for older gym envs that do not have seeding
# # env.seed(seed)
# np_random, _ = seeding.np_random(seed)
# env.np_random = np_random
return env
def _make_wrapped_env(env_id: str, wrappers: Iterable[Type[gym.Wrapper]], seed=1, fallback_max_steps=None, **kwargs):
def _make_wrapped_env(env: gym.Env, wrappers: Iterable[Type[gym.Wrapper]], seed=1, fallback_max_steps=None, **kwargs):
Helper function for creating a wrapped gym environment using MPs.
It adds all provided wrappers to the specified environment and verifies at least one RawInterfaceWrapper is
provided to expose the interface for MPs.
env_id: name of the environment
env: base environemnt to wrap
wrappers: list of wrappers (at least an RawInterfaceWrapper),
seed: seed of environment
Returns: gym environment with all specified wrappers applied
# _env = gym.make(env_id)
_env = make(env_id, seed, **kwargs)
if fallback_max_steps:
_env = ensure_finite_time(_env, fallback_max_steps)
env = ensure_finite_time(env, fallback_max_steps)
has_black_box_wrapper = False
for w in wrappers:
# only wrap the environment if not BlackBoxWrapper, e.g. for vision
if issubclass(w, RawInterfaceWrapper):
has_black_box_wrapper = True
_env = w(_env)
env = w(env)
if not has_black_box_wrapper:
raise ValueError("A RawInterfaceWrapper is required in order to leverage movement primitive environments.")
return _env
return env
def make_bb(
env_id: str, wrappers: Iterable, black_box_kwargs: MutableMapping, traj_gen_kwargs: MutableMapping,
controller_kwargs: MutableMapping, phase_kwargs: MutableMapping, basis_kwargs: MutableMapping, seed: int = 1,
env: Union[gym.Env, str], wrappers: Iterable, black_box_kwargs: MutableMapping, traj_gen_kwargs: MutableMapping,
controller_kwargs: MutableMapping, phase_kwargs: MutableMapping, basis_kwargs: MutableMapping,
fallback_max_steps: int = None, **kwargs):
This can also be used standalone for manually building a custom DMP environment.
@ -155,7 +70,7 @@ def make_bb(
basis_kwargs: kwargs for the basis generator
phase_kwargs: kwargs for the phase generator
controller_kwargs: kwargs for the tracking controller
env_id: base_env_name,
env: step based environment (or environment id),
wrappers: list of wrappers (at least an RawInterfaceWrapper),
seed: seed of environment
traj_gen_kwargs: dict of at least {num_dof: int, num_basis: int} for DMP
@ -175,7 +90,10 @@ def make_bb(
# Add as first wrapper in order to alter observation
wrappers.insert(0, TimeAwareObservation)
env = _make_wrapped_env(env_id=env_id, wrappers=wrappers, seed=seed, fallback_max_steps=fallback_max_steps, **kwargs)
if isinstance(env, str):
env = make(env)
env = _make_wrapped_env(env=env, wrappers=wrappers, fallback_max_steps=fallback_max_steps, **kwargs)
# BB expects a spaces.Box to be exposed, need to convert for dict-observations
if type(env.observation_space) == gym.spaces.dict.Dict:
@ -235,104 +153,6 @@ def get_env_duration(env: gym.Env):
return duration
def make_bb_env_helper(**kwargs):
Helper function for registering a black box gym environment.
**kwargs: expects at least the following:
"name": base environment name.
"wrappers": list of wrappers (at least an BlackBoxWrapper is required),
"traj_gen_kwargs": {
"trajectory_generator_type": type_of_your_movement_primitive,
non default arguments for the movement primitive instance
"controller_kwargs": {
"controller_type": type_of_your_controller,
non default arguments for the tracking_controller instance
"basis_generator_kwargs": {
"basis_generator_type": type_of_your_basis_generator,
non default arguments for the basis generator instance
"phase_generator_kwargs": {
"phase_generator_type": type_of_your_phase_generator,
non default arguments for the phase generator instance
Returns: MP wrapped gym env
seed = kwargs.pop("seed", None)
wrappers = kwargs.pop("wrappers")
traj_gen_kwargs = kwargs.pop("trajectory_generator_kwargs", {})
black_box_kwargs = kwargs.pop('black_box_kwargs', {})
contr_kwargs = kwargs.pop("controller_kwargs", {})
phase_kwargs = kwargs.pop("phase_generator_kwargs", {})
basis_kwargs = kwargs.pop("basis_generator_kwargs", {})
return make_bb(env_id=kwargs.pop("name"), wrappers=wrappers,
traj_gen_kwargs=traj_gen_kwargs, controller_kwargs=contr_kwargs,
basis_kwargs=basis_kwargs, **kwargs, seed=seed)
# Deprecated: With shimmy gym now has native support for deepmind envs
# def make_dmc(
# env_id: str,
# seed: int = None,
# visualize_reward: bool = True,
# time_limit: Union[None, float] = None,
# **kwargs
# ):
# if not re.match(r"\w+-\w+", env_id):
# raise ValueError("env_id does not have the following structure: 'domain_name-task_name'")
# domain_name, task_name = env_id.split("-")
# if task_name.endswith("_vision"):
# # TODO
# raise ValueError("The vision interface for manipulation tasks is currently not supported.")
# if (domain_name, task_name) not in suite.ALL_TASKS and task_name not in manipulation.ALL:
# raise ValueError(f'Specified domain "{domain_name}" and task "{task_name}" combination does not exist.')
# # env_id = f'dmc_{domain_name}_{task_name}_{seed}-v1'
# gym_id = uuid.uuid4().hex + '-v1'
# task_kwargs = {'random': seed}
# if time_limit is not None:
# task_kwargs['time_limit'] = time_limit
# # create task
# # Accessing private attribute because DMC does not expose time_limit or step_limit.
# # Only the current time_step/time as well as the control_timestep can be accessed.
# if domain_name == "manipulation":
# env = manipulation.load(environment_name=task_name, seed=seed)
# max_episode_steps = ceil(env._time_limit / env.control_timestep())
# else:
# env = suite.load(domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, task_kwargs=task_kwargs,
# visualize_reward=visualize_reward, environment_kwargs=kwargs)
# max_episode_steps = int(env._step_limit)
# register(
# id=gym_id,
# entry_point='fancy_gym.dmc.dmc_wrapper:DMCWrapper',
# kwargs={'env': lambda: env},
# max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps,
# )
# env = gym.make(gym_id)
# env.seed(seed)
# return env
def make_metaworld(env_id: str, seed: int, render_mode: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
if env_id not in metaworld.ML1.ENV_NAMES:
raise ValueError(f'Specified environment "{env_id}" not present in metaworld ML1.')
@ -362,37 +182,6 @@ def make_metaworld(env_id: str, seed: int, render_mode: Optional[str] = None, **
return env
def make_gym(env_id, seed, **kwargs):
# Getting the existing keywords to allow for nested dict updates for BB envs
# gym only allows for non nested updates.
all_kwargs = deepcopy(registry.get(env_id).kwargs)
except AttributeError as e:
logging.error(f'The gym environment with id {env_id} could not been found.')
raise e
nested_update(all_kwargs, kwargs)
kwargs = all_kwargs
# Add seed to kwargs for bb environments to pass seed to step environments
all_bb_envs = sum(fancy_gym.ALL_MOVEMENT_PRIMITIVE_ENVIRONMENTS.values(), [])
if env_id in all_bb_envs:
kwargs.update({"seed": seed})
# Gym
env = gym.make(env_id, **kwargs)
return env
def _verify_time_limit(mp_time_limit: Union[None, float], env_time_limit: Union[None, float]):
When using DMC check if a manually specified time limit matches the trajectory duration the MP receives.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user