modified according to comments

This commit is contained in:
Hongyi Zhou 2022-10-14 16:50:57 +02:00
parent 1fd4a1e848
commit bdd51ba61f
5 changed files with 148 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ from .mujoco.hopper_throw.hopper_throw import MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_HOPPERTHROW
from .mujoco.hopper_throw.hopper_throw_in_basket import MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_HOPPERTHROWINBASKET
from .mujoco.reacher.reacher import ReacherEnv, MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_REACHER
from .mujoco.walker_2d_jump.walker_2d_jump import MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_WALKERJUMP
from .mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_env import BoxPushingEnv, MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_BOX_PUSHING
from .mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_env import BoxPushingDense, BoxPushingTemporalSparse, \
BoxPushingTemporalSpatialSparse, MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_BOX_PUSHING
@ -232,10 +233,9 @@ register(
for reward_type in ["Dense", "TemporalSparse", "TemporalSpatialSparse"]:
max_episode_steps=MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_BOX_PUSHING//10, # divided by frames skip
"reward_type": reward_type,
"frame_skip": 10

View File

@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ from .hopper_throw.hopper_throw import HopperThrowEnv
from .hopper_throw.hopper_throw_in_basket import HopperThrowInBasketEnv
from .reacher.reacher import ReacherEnv
from .walker_2d_jump.walker_2d_jump import Walker2dJumpEnv
from .box_pushing.box_pushing_env import BoxPushingEnv
from .box_pushing.box_pushing_env import BoxPushingDense, BoxPushingTemporalSparse, BoxPushingTemporalSpatialSparse

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from gym import utils, spaces
from gym.envs.mujoco import MujocoEnv
from fancy_gym.envs.mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_utils import rot_to_quat, get_quaternion_error, rotation_distance
from fancy_gym.envs.mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_utils import q_max, q_min, q_dot_max, q_torque_max
from fancy_gym.envs.mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_utils import BoxPushingReward
from fancy_gym.envs.mujoco.box_pushing.box_pushing_utils import desired_rod_quat
import mujoco
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ MAX_EPISODE_STEPS_BOX_PUSHING = 1000
BOX_POS_BOUND = np.array([[0.3, -0.45, -0.01], [0.6, 0.45, -0.01]])
class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
class BoxPushingEnvBase(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
franka box pushing environment
action space:
@ -26,14 +26,18 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
3. time-spatial-depend sparse reward
def __init__(self, reward_type: str = "Dense", frame_skip: int = 10):
def __init__(self, frame_skip: int = 10):
self._steps = 0
self.init_qpos_box_pushing = np.array([0., 0., 0., -1.5, 0., 1.5, 0., 0., 0., 0.6, 0.45, 0.0, 1., 0., 0., 0.])
self.init_qvel_box_pushing = np.zeros(15)
self.frame_skip = frame_skip
assert reward_type in ["Dense", "TemporalSparse", "TemporalSpatialSparse"], "unrecognized reward type"
self.reward = BoxPushingReward(reward_type, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
self._q_max = q_max
self._q_min = q_min
self._q_dot_max = q_dot_max
self._desired_rod_quat = desired_rod_quat
self._episode_energy = 0.
model_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets", "box_pushing.xml"),
@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
qvel =[:7].copy()
if not unstable_simulation:
reward = self.reward.get_reward(episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
reward = self._get_reward(episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action)
reward = -50
@ -96,9 +100,9 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
box_target_pos = self.sample_context()
while np.linalg.norm(box_target_pos[:2] - box_init_pos[:2]) < 0.3:
box_target_pos = self.sample_context()
#box_target_pos[0] = 0.4
#box_target_pos[1] = -0.3
#box_target_pos[-4:] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
# box_target_pos[0] = 0.4
# box_target_pos[1] = -0.3
# box_target_pos[-4:] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
self.model.body_pos[2] = box_target_pos[:3]
self.model.body_quat[2] = box_target_pos[-4:]
self.model.body_pos[3] = box_target_pos[:3]
@ -122,6 +126,10 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
quat = rot_to_quat(theta, np.array([0, 0, 1]))
return np.concatenate([pos, quat])
def _get_reward(self, episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_obs(self):
obs = np.concatenate([[:7].copy(), # joint position
@ -136,6 +144,22 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
return obs
def _joint_limit_violate_penalty(self, qpos, qvel, enable_pos_limit=False, enable_vel_limit=False):
penalty = 0.
p_coeff = 1.
v_coeff = 1.
# q_limit
if enable_pos_limit:
higher_error = qpos - self._q_max
lower_error = self._q_min - qpos
penalty -= p_coeff * (abs(np.sum(higher_error[qpos > self._q_max])) +
abs(np.sum(lower_error[qpos < self._q_min])))
# q_dot_limit
if enable_vel_limit:
q_dot_error = abs(qvel) - abs(self._q_dot_max)
penalty -= v_coeff * abs(np.sum(q_dot_error[q_dot_error > 0.]))
return penalty
def get_body_jacp(self, name):
id = mujoco.mj_name2id(self.model, 1, name)
jacp = np.zeros((3, self.model.nv))
@ -252,8 +276,89 @@ class BoxPushingEnv(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle):
return q
class BoxPushingDense(BoxPushingEnvBase):
def __init__(self, frame_skip: int = 10):
super(BoxPushingDense, self).__init__(frame_skip=frame_skip)
def _get_reward(self, episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos,
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = -3.5 * np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = -rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat) / np.pi
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
reward = joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + \
box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, self._desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
return reward
class BoxPushingTemporalSparse(BoxPushingEnvBase):
def __init__(self, frame_skip: int = 10):
super(BoxPushingTemporalSparse, self).__init__(frame_skip=frame_skip)
def _get_reward(self, episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
reward = 0.
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos, qvel, enable_pos_limit=True, enable_vel_limit=True)
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
reward += joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
if not episode_end:
return reward
box_goal_dist = np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = -3.5 * box_goal_dist * 100
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = -rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat) / np.pi * 100
reward += box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward
return reward
class BoxPushingTemporalSpatialSparse(BoxPushingEnvBase):
def __init__(self, frame_skip: int = 10):
super(BoxPushingTemporalSpatialSparse, self).__init__(frame_skip=frame_skip)
def _get_reward(self, episode_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
reward = 0.
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos, qvel, enable_pos_limit=True, enable_vel_limit=True)
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
reward += joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
if not episode_end:
return reward
box_goal_dist = np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
if box_goal_dist < 0.1:
reward += 300
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = np.clip(- 3.5 * box_goal_dist * 100 * 3, -100, 0)
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = np.clip(- rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat)/np.pi * 100 * 1.5, -100, 0)
reward += box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward
return reward
if __name__=="__main__":
env = BoxPushingEnv(reward_type="dense", frame_skip=10)
env = BoxPushingTemporalSpatialSparse(frame_skip=10)
for i in range(100):

View File

@ -10,184 +10,44 @@ q_torque_max = np.array([90., 90., 90., 90., 12., 12., 12.])
desired_rod_quat = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
def skew(x):
Returns the skew-symmetric matrix of x
param x: 3x1 vector
return np.array([[0, -x[2], x[1]], [x[2], 0, -x[0]], [-x[1], x[0], 0]])
def get_quaternion_error(curr_quat, des_quat):
Calculates the difference between the current quaternion and the desired quaternion.
See Siciliano textbook page 140 Eq 3.91
:param curr_quat: current quaternion
:param des_quat: desired quaternion
:return: difference between current quaternion and desired quaternion
param curr_quat: current quaternion
param des_quat: desired quaternion
return: difference between current quaternion and desired quaternion
quatError = np.zeros((3, ))
quatError[0] = (curr_quat[0] * des_quat[1] - des_quat[0] * curr_quat[1] -
curr_quat[3] * des_quat[2] + curr_quat[2] * des_quat[3])
quatError[1] = (curr_quat[0] * des_quat[2] - des_quat[0] * curr_quat[2] +
curr_quat[3] * des_quat[1] - curr_quat[1] * des_quat[3])
quatError[2] = (curr_quat[0] * des_quat[3] - des_quat[0] * curr_quat[3] -
curr_quat[2] * des_quat[1] + curr_quat[1] * des_quat[2])
return quatError
return curr_quat[0] * des_quat[1:] - des_quat[0] * curr_quat[1:] - skew(des_quat[1:]) @ curr_quat[1:]
def rotation_distance(p: np.array, q: np.array):
p: quaternion
q: quaternion
Calculates the rotation angular between two quaternions
param p: quaternion
param q: quaternion
theta: rotation angle between p and q (rad)
assert p.shape == q.shape, "p and q should be quaternion"
product = p[0] * q[0] + p[1] * q[1] + p[2] * q[2] + p[3] * q[3]
theta = 2 * np.arccos(abs(product))
theta = 2 * np.arccos(abs(p @ q))
return theta
def rot_to_quat(theta, axis):
Converts rotation angle along an axis to quaternion
param theta: rotation angle (rad)
param axis: rotation axis
return: quaternion
quant = np.zeros(4)
quant[0] = np.sin(theta / 2.)
quant[1] = np.cos(theta / 2.) * axis[0]
quant[2] = np.cos(theta / 2.) * axis[1]
quant[3] = np.cos(theta / 2.) * axis[2]
quant[1:] = np.cos(theta / 2.) * axis
return quant
class RewardBase():
def __init__(self, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max):
self._reward = 0.
self._done = False
self._q_max = q_max
self._q_min = q_min
self._q_dot_max = q_dot_max
def get_reward(self, episodic_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
raise NotImplementedError
def _joint_limit_violate_penalty(self,
penalty = 0.
p_coeff = 1.
v_coeff = 1.
# q_limit
if enable_pos_limit:
higher_indice = np.where(qpos > self._q_max)
lower_indice = np.where(qpos < self._q_min)
higher_error = qpos - self._q_max
lower_error = self._q_min - qpos
penalty -= p_coeff * (abs(np.sum(higher_error[higher_indice])) +
# q_dot_limit
if enable_vel_limit:
q_dot_error = abs(qvel) - abs(self._q_dot_max)
q_dot_violate_idx = np.where(q_dot_error > 0.)
penalty -= v_coeff * abs(np.sum(q_dot_error[q_dot_violate_idx]))
return penalty
class DenseReward(RewardBase):
def __init__(self, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max):
super(DenseReward, self).__init__(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
def get_reward(self, episodic_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos,
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = -3.5 * np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = -rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat) / np.pi
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
reward = joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + \
box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
return reward
class TemporalSparseReward(RewardBase):
def __init__(self, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max):
super(TemporalSparseReward, self).__init__(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
def get_reward(self, episodic_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
reward = 0.
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos, qvel, enable_pos_limit=True, enable_vel_limit=True)
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
reward += joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
if not episodic_end:
return reward
box_goal_dist = np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = -3.5 * box_goal_dist * 100
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = -rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat) / np.pi * 100
reward += box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward
return reward
class TemporalSpatialSparseReward(RewardBase):
def __init__(self, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max):
super(TemporalSpatialSparseReward, self).__init__(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
def get_reward(self, episodic_end, box_pos, box_quat, target_pos, target_quat,
rod_tip_pos, rod_quat, qpos, qvel, action):
reward = 0.
joint_penalty = self._joint_limit_violate_penalty(qpos, qvel, enable_pos_limit=True, enable_vel_limit=True)
energy_cost = -0.0005 * np.sum(np.square(action))
tcp_box_dist_reward = -2 * np.clip(np.linalg.norm(box_pos - rod_tip_pos), 0.05, 100)
reward += joint_penalty + tcp_box_dist_reward + energy_cost
rod_inclined_angle = rotation_distance(rod_quat, desired_rod_quat)
if rod_inclined_angle > np.pi / 4:
reward -= rod_inclined_angle / (np.pi)
if not episodic_end:
return reward
box_goal_dist = np.linalg.norm(box_pos - target_pos)
if box_goal_dist < 0.1:
reward += 300
box_goal_pos_dist_reward = np.clip(- 3.5 * box_goal_dist * 100 * 3, -100, 0)
box_goal_rot_dist_reward = np.clip(- rotation_distance(box_quat, target_quat)/np.pi * 100 * 1.5, -100, 0)
reward += box_goal_pos_dist_reward + box_goal_rot_dist_reward
return reward
def BoxPushingReward(reward_type, q_max, q_min, q_dot_max):
if reward_type == 'Dense':
return DenseReward(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
elif reward_type == 'TemporalSparse':
return TemporalSparseReward(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
elif reward_type == 'TemporalSpatialSparse':
return TemporalSpatialSparseReward(q_max, q_min, q_dot_max)
raise NotImplementedError

View File

@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ def example_fully_custom_mp(seed=1, iterations=1, render=True):
if __name__ == '__main__':
render = True
# example_mp("HoleReacherDMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=5, render=render)
example_mp("HoleReacherDMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=5, render=render)
# ProMP
# example_mp("HoleReacherProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=5, render=render)
# example_mp("BoxPushingDenseProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=50, render=render)
example_mp("HoleReacherProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=5, render=render)
example_mp("BoxPushingTemporalSparseProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)
# ProDMP
example_mp("BoxPushingDenseProDMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=50, render=render)
example_mp("BoxPushingDenseProDMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)
# Altered basis functions
# obs1 = example_custom_mp("Reacher5dProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)
obs1 = example_custom_mp("Reacher5dProMP-v0", seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)
# Custom MP
# example_fully_custom_mp(seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)
example_fully_custom_mp(seed=10, iterations=1, render=render)