
Lunar Lander Task (LunarLander-v2)
We provide MP versions for selected Farama Gymnasium (previously OpenAI Gym) environments.
Step-Based Environments
We refer to the Gymnasium docs for an overview of step-based environments provided by them.
MP Environments
These environments are wrapped-versions of their Gymnasium counterparts.
Name |
Description |
Trajectory Horizon |
Action Dimension |
A ProMP wrapped version of the ContinuousMountainCar-v0 environment. |
100 |
1 |
A ProMP wrapped version of the Reacher-v2 environment. |
50 |
2 |
A ProMP wrapped version of the FetchSlideDense-v1 environment. |
50 |
4 |
A ProMP wrapped version of the FetchReachDense-v1 environment. |
50 |
4 |