# DeepMind Control (DMC) Wrappers

These are the Environment Wrappers for selected 
[DeepMind Control](https://deepmind.com/research/publications/2020/dm-control-Software-and-Tasks-for-Continuous-Control) 
environments in order to use our Motion Primitive gym interface with them.

## MP Environments

[//]: <> (These environments are wrapped-versions of their Deep Mind Control Suite &#40;DMC&#41; counterparts. Given most task can be)
[//]: <> (solved in shorter horizon lengths than the original 1000 steps, we often shorten the episodes for those task.)

|Name| Description|Trajectory Horizon|Action Dimension|Context Dimension
|`dmc_ball_in_cup-catch_promp-v0`| A ProMP wrapped version of the "catch" task for the "ball_in_cup" environment. | 1000 | 10 | 2
|`dmc_ball_in_cup-catch_dmp-v0`| A DMP wrapped version of the "catch" task for the "ball_in_cup" environment. | 1000| 10 | 2
|`dmc_reacher-easy_promp-v0`| A ProMP wrapped version of the "easy" task for the "reacher" environment. | 1000 | 10 | 4
|`dmc_reacher-easy_dmp-v0`| A DMP wrapped version of the "easy" task for the "reacher" environment. | 1000| 10 | 4
|`dmc_reacher-hard_promp-v0`| A ProMP wrapped version of the "hard" task for the "reacher" environment.| 1000 | 10 | 4
|`dmc_reacher-hard_dmp-v0`| A DMP wrapped version of the "hard" task for the "reacher" environment. | 1000 | 10 | 4