import itertools from setuptools import setup # Environment-specific dependencies for dmc and metaworld extras = { "dmc": ["dm_control"], "meta": ["mujoco_py<2.2,>=2.1, git+"], "mujoco": ["mujoco==2.2.0", "imageio>=2.14.1"], } # All dependencies all_groups = set(extras.keys()) extras["all"] = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda group: extras[group], all_groups)))) setup( author='Fabian Otto, Onur Celik, Marcel Sandermann, Maximilian Huettenrauch', name='simple_gym', version='0.0.1', packages=['alr_envs', 'alr_envs.alr', 'alr_envs.open_ai', 'alr_envs.dmc', 'alr_envs.meta', 'alr_envs.utils'], install_requires=[ 'gym', 'PyQt5', # 'matplotlib', # 'mp_env_api @ git+', # 'mp_env_api @ git+ssh://', 'mujoco-py<2.1,>=2.0', 'dm_control', 'metaworld @ git+', ], url='', # license='AGPL-3.0 license', author_email='', description='Simple Gym: Aggregating interface for various RL environments with support for Black Box approaches.' )