import os import numpy as np import mujoco_py from gym import utils, spaces from gym.envs.mujoco import MujocoEnv from alr_envs.alr.mujoco.table_tennis.tt_utils import ball_init from alr_envs.alr.mujoco.table_tennis.tt_reward import TT_Reward #TODO: Check for simulation stability. Make sure the code runs even for sim crash MAX_EPISODE_STEPS = 1375 BALL_NAME_CONTACT = "target_ball_contact" BALL_NAME = "target_ball" TABLE_NAME = 'table_tennis_table' FLOOR_NAME = 'floor' PADDLE_CONTACT_1_NAME = 'bat' PADDLE_CONTACT_2_NAME = 'bat_back' RACKET_NAME = 'bat' # CONTEXT_RANGE_BOUNDS_2DIM = np.array([[-1.2, -0.6], [-0.2, 0.6]]) CONTEXT_RANGE_BOUNDS_2DIM = np.array([[-1.2, -0.6], [-0.2, 0.0]]) CONTEXT_RANGE_BOUNDS_4DIM = np.array([[-1.35, -0.75, -1.25, -0.75], [-0.1, 0.75, -0.1, 0.75]]) class TT_Env_Gym(MujocoEnv, utils.EzPickle): def __init__(self, ctxt_dim=2): model_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xml", 'table_tennis_env.xml') self.ctxt_dim = ctxt_dim if ctxt_dim == 2: self.context_range_bounds = CONTEXT_RANGE_BOUNDS_2DIM self.goal = np.zeros(3) # 2 x,y + 1z elif ctxt_dim == 4: self.context_range_bounds = CONTEXT_RANGE_BOUNDS_4DIM self.goal = np.zeros(3) else: raise ValueError("either 2 or 4 dimensional Contexts available") action_space_low = np.array([-2.6, -2.0, -2.8, -0.9, -4.8, -1.6, -2.2]) action_space_high = np.array([2.6, 2.0, 2.8, 3.1, 1.3, 1.6, 2.2]) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=action_space_low, high=action_space_high, dtype='float64') self.time_steps = 0 self.init_qpos_tt = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0]) self.init_qvel_tt = np.zeros(10) self.reward_func = TT_Reward(self.ctxt_dim) self.ball_landing_pos = None self.hited_ball = False self.ball_contact_after_hit = False self._ids_set = False super(TT_Env_Gym, self).__init__(model_path=model_path, frame_skip=1) self.ball_id = self.sim.model._body_name2id[BALL_NAME] # find the proper -> not protected func. self.ball_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[BALL_NAME_CONTACT] self.table_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[TABLE_NAME] self.floor_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[FLOOR_NAME] self.paddle_contact_id_1 = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[PADDLE_CONTACT_1_NAME] # check if we need both or only this self.paddle_contact_id_2 = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[PADDLE_CONTACT_2_NAME] # check if we need both or only this self.racket_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[RACKET_NAME] def _set_ids(self): self.ball_id = self.sim.model._body_name2id[BALL_NAME] # find the proper -> not protected func. self.table_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[TABLE_NAME] self.floor_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[FLOOR_NAME] self.paddle_contact_id_1 = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[PADDLE_CONTACT_1_NAME] # check if we need both or only this self.paddle_contact_id_2 = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[PADDLE_CONTACT_2_NAME] # check if we need both or only this self.racket_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[RACKET_NAME] self.ball_contact_id = self.sim.model._geom_name2id[BALL_NAME_CONTACT] self._ids_set = True def _get_obs(self): ball_pos =[self.ball_id] obs = np.concatenate([[:7].copy(), # 7 joint positions ball_pos, self.goal.copy()]) return obs def sample_context(self): return np.random.uniform(self.context_range_bounds[0], self.context_range_bounds[1], size=self.ctxt_dim) def reset_model(self): self.set_state(self.init_qpos_tt, self.init_qvel_tt) # reset to initial sim state self.time_steps = 0 self.ball_landing_pos = None self.hited_ball = False self.ball_contact_after_hit = False self.goal = self.sample_context()[:2] if self.ctxt_dim == 2: initial_ball_state = ball_init(random=False) # fixed velocity, fixed position elif self.ctxt_dim == 4: initial_ball_state = ball_init(random=False)#raise NotImplementedError'tar:x', initial_ball_state[0])'tar:y', initial_ball_state[1])'tar:z', initial_ball_state[2])'tar:x', initial_ball_state[3])'tar:y', initial_ball_state[4])'tar:z', initial_ball_state[5]) z_extended_goal_pos = np.concatenate((self.goal[:2], [0.77])) self.goal = z_extended_goal_pos self.sim.model.body_pos[5] = self.goal[:3] # Desired Landing Position, Yellow self.sim.model.body_pos[3] = np.array([0, 0, 0.5]) # Outgoing Ball Landing Position, Green self.sim.model.body_pos[4] = np.array([0, 0, 0.5]) # Incoming Ball Landing Position, Red self.sim.forward() self.reward_func.reset(self.goal) # reset the reward function return self._get_obs() def _contact_checker(self, id_1, id_2): for coni in range(0, con =[coni] collision = con.geom1 == id_1 and con.geom2 == id_2 collision_trans = con.geom1 == id_2 and con.geom2 == id_1 if collision or collision_trans: return True return False def step(self, action): if not self._ids_set: self._set_ids() done = False episode_end = False if self.time_steps+1