from itertools import chain from typing import Tuple, Type, Union, Optional, Callable import gym import numpy as np import pytest from gym import register from gym.core import ActType, ObsType import fancy_gym from fancy_gym.black_box.raw_interface_wrapper import RawInterfaceWrapper from fancy_gym.utils.time_aware_observation import TimeAwareObservation SEED = 1 ENV_IDS = ['Reacher5d-v0', 'dmc:ball_in_cup-catch', 'metaworld:reach-v2', 'Reacher-v2'] WRAPPERS = [fancy_gym.envs.mujoco.reacher.MPWrapper, fancy_gym.dmc.suite.ball_in_cup.MPWrapper, fancy_gym.meta.goal_object_change_mp_wrapper.MPWrapper, fancy_gym.open_ai.mujoco.reacher_v2.MPWrapper] ALL_MP_ENVS = chain(*fancy_gym.ALL_MOVEMENT_PRIMITIVE_ENVIRONMENTS.values()) class Object(object): pass class ToyEnv(gym.Env): observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float64) action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float64) dt = 0.02 def __init__(self, a: int = 0, b: float = 0.0, c: list = [], d: dict = {}, e: Object = Object()): self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e = a, b, c, d, e def reset(self, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, return_info: bool = False, options: Optional[dict] = None) -> Union[ObsType, Tuple[ObsType, dict]]: return np.array([-1]) def step(self, action: ActType) -> Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, dict]: return np.array([-1]), 1, False, {} def render(self, mode="human"): pass class ToyWrapper(RawInterfaceWrapper): @property def current_pos(self) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray, Tuple]: return np.ones(self.action_space.shape) @property def current_vel(self) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray, Tuple]: return np.zeros(self.action_space.shape) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def setup(): register( id=f'toy-v0', entry_point='test.test_black_box:ToyEnv', max_episode_steps=50, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('env_id', ENV_IDS) def test_missing_wrapper(env_id: str): with pytest.raises(ValueError): fancy_gym.make_bb(env_id, [], {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) def test_missing_local_state(mp_type: str): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [RawInterfaceWrapper], {}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type}) env.reset() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): env.step(env.action_space.sample()) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('env_wrap', zip(ENV_IDS, WRAPPERS)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('verbose', [1, 2]) def test_verbosity(mp_type: str, env_wrap: Tuple[str, Type[RawInterfaceWrapper]], verbose: int): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env_id, wrapper_class = env_wrap env = fancy_gym.make_bb(env_id, [wrapper_class], {'verbose': verbose}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type}) env.reset() info_keys = list(env.step(env.action_space.sample())[3].keys()) env_step = fancy_gym.make(env_id, SEED) env_step.reset() info_keys_step = env_step.step(env_step.action_space.sample())[3].keys() assert all(e in info_keys for e in info_keys_step) assert 'trajectory_length' in info_keys if verbose >= 2: mp_keys = ['positions', 'velocities', 'step_actions', 'step_observations', 'step_rewards'] assert all(e in info_keys for e in mp_keys) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('env_wrap', zip(ENV_IDS, WRAPPERS)) def test_length(mp_type: str, env_wrap: Tuple[str, Type[RawInterfaceWrapper]]): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env_id, wrapper_class = env_wrap env = fancy_gym.make_bb(env_id, [wrapper_class], {}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type}) for _ in range(5): env.reset() length = env.step(env.action_space.sample())[3]['trajectory_length'] assert length == env.spec.max_episode_steps @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('reward_aggregation', [np.sum, np.mean, np.median, lambda x: np.mean(x[::2])]) def test_aggregation(mp_type: str, reward_aggregation: Callable[[np.ndarray], float]): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {'reward_aggregation': reward_aggregation}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type}) env.reset() # ToyEnv only returns 1 as reward assert env.step(env.action_space.sample())[1] == reward_aggregation(np.ones(50, )) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('env_wrap', zip(ENV_IDS, WRAPPERS)) def test_context_space(mp_type: str, env_wrap: Tuple[str, Type[RawInterfaceWrapper]]): env_id, wrapper_class = env_wrap env = fancy_gym.make_bb(env_id, [wrapper_class], {}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': 'rbf'}) # check if observation space matches with the specified mask values which are true env_step = fancy_gym.make(env_id, SEED) wrapper = wrapper_class(env_step) assert env.observation_space.shape == wrapper.context_mask[wrapper.context_mask].shape @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('num_dof', [0, 1, 2, 5]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('num_basis', [0, 2, 5]) # should add 1 back after the bug is fixed @pytest.mark.parametrize('learn_tau', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('learn_delay', [True, False]) def test_action_space(mp_type: str, num_dof: int, num_basis: int, learn_tau: bool, learn_delay: bool): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type, 'action_dim': num_dof }, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp', 'learn_tau': learn_tau, 'learn_delay': learn_delay }, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type, 'num_basis': num_basis }) base_dims = num_dof * num_basis additional_dims = num_dof if 'dmp' in mp_type else 0 traj_modification_dims = int(learn_tau) + int(learn_delay) assert env.action_space.shape[0] == base_dims + traj_modification_dims + additional_dims @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp', 'dmp', 'prodmp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('a', [1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('b', [1.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('c', [[1], [1.0], ['str'], [{'a': 'b'}], [np.ones(3, )]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('d', [{'a': 1}, {1: 2.0}, {'a': [1.0]}, {'a': np.ones(3, )}, {'a': {'a': 'b'}}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('e', [Object()]) def test_change_env_kwargs(mp_type: str, a: int, b: float, c: list, d: dict, e: Object): basis_generator_type = 'prodmp' if mp_type == 'prodmp' else 'rbf' env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type}, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'exp'}, {'basis_generator_type': basis_generator_type}, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d, e=e ) assert a is env.a assert b is env.b assert c is env.c # Due to how gym works dict kwargs need to be copied and hence can only be checked to have the same content assert d == env.d assert e is env.e @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tau', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) def test_learn_tau(mp_type: str, tau: float): env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {'verbose': 2}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type, }, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'linear', 'learn_tau': True, 'learn_delay': False }, {'basis_generator_type': 'rbf', }, seed=SEED) d = True for i in range(5): if d: env.reset() action = env.action_space.sample() action[0] = tau obs, r, d, info = env.step(action) length = info['trajectory_length'] assert length == env.spec.max_episode_steps tau_time_steps = int(np.round(tau / env.dt)) pos = info['positions'].flatten() vel = info['velocities'].flatten() # Check end is all same (only true for linear basis) assert np.all(pos[tau_time_steps:] == pos[-1]) assert np.all(vel[tau_time_steps:] == vel[-1]) # Check active trajectory section is different to end values assert np.all(pos[:tau_time_steps - 1] != pos[-1]) assert np.all(vel[:tau_time_steps - 2] != vel[-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('delay', [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) def test_learn_delay(mp_type: str, delay: float): env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {'verbose': 2}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type, }, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'linear', 'learn_tau': False, 'learn_delay': True }, {'basis_generator_type': 'rbf', }, seed=SEED) d = True for i in range(5): if d: env.reset() action = env.action_space.sample() action[0] = delay obs, r, d, info = env.step(action) length = info['trajectory_length'] assert length == env.spec.max_episode_steps delay_time_steps = int(np.round(delay / env.dt)) pos = info['positions'].flatten() vel = info['velocities'].flatten() # Check beginning is all same (only true for linear basis) assert np.all(pos[:max(1, delay_time_steps - 1)] == pos[0]) assert np.all(vel[:max(1, delay_time_steps - 2)] == vel[0]) # Check active trajectory section is different to beginning values assert np.all(pos[max(1, delay_time_steps):] != pos[0]) assert np.all(vel[max(1, delay_time_steps)] != vel[0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mp_type', ['promp']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tau', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('delay', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) def test_learn_tau_and_delay(mp_type: str, tau: float, delay: float): env = fancy_gym.make_bb('toy-v0', [ToyWrapper], {'verbose': 2}, {'trajectory_generator_type': mp_type, }, {'controller_type': 'motor'}, {'phase_generator_type': 'linear', 'learn_tau': True, 'learn_delay': True }, {'basis_generator_type': 'rbf', }, seed=SEED) if env.spec.max_episode_steps * env.dt < delay + tau: return d = True for i in range(5): if d: env.reset() action = env.action_space.sample() action[0] = tau action[1] = delay obs, r, d, info = env.step(action) length = info['trajectory_length'] assert length == env.spec.max_episode_steps tau_time_steps = int(np.round(tau / env.dt)) delay_time_steps = int(np.round(delay / env.dt)) joint_time_steps = delay_time_steps + tau_time_steps pos = info['positions'].flatten() vel = info['velocities'].flatten() # Check end is all same (only true for linear basis) assert np.all(pos[joint_time_steps:] == pos[-1]) assert np.all(vel[joint_time_steps:] == vel[-1]) # Check beginning is all same (only true for linear basis) assert np.all(pos[:delay_time_steps - 1] == pos[0]) assert np.all(vel[:delay_time_steps - 2] == vel[0]) # Check active trajectory section is different to beginning and end values active_pos = pos[delay_time_steps: joint_time_steps - 1] active_vel = vel[delay_time_steps: joint_time_steps - 2] assert np.all(active_pos != pos[-1]) and np.all(active_pos != pos[0]) assert np.all(active_vel != vel[-1]) and np.all(active_vel != vel[0])