from collections import OrderedDict import os from abc import abstractmethod from gym import error, spaces from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np from os import path import gym try: import mujoco_py except ImportError as e: raise error.DependencyNotInstalled("{}. (HINT: you need to install mujoco_py, and also perform the setup instructions here:".format(e)) DEFAULT_SIZE = 500 def convert_observation_to_space(observation): if isinstance(observation, dict): space = spaces.Dict(OrderedDict([ (key, convert_observation_to_space(value)) for key, value in observation.items() ])) elif isinstance(observation, np.ndarray): low = np.full(observation.shape, -float('inf'), dtype=np.float32) high = np.full(observation.shape, float('inf'), dtype=np.float32) space = spaces.Box(low, high, dtype=observation.dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(observation), observation) return space class AlrMujocoEnv(gym.Env): """ Superclass for all MuJoCo environments. """ def __init__(self, model_path, n_substeps, apply_gravity_comp=True): """ Args: model_path: path to xml file n_substeps: how many steps mujoco does per call to env.step use_servo: use actuator defined in xml, use False for direct torque control """ if model_path.startswith("/"): fullpath = model_path else: fullpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets", model_path) if not path.exists(fullpath): raise IOError("File %s does not exist" % fullpath) self.n_substeps = n_substeps self.apply_gravity_comp = apply_gravity_comp self.model = mujoco_py.load_model_from_path(fullpath) self.sim = mujoco_py.MjSim(self.model, nsubsteps=n_substeps) = self.viewer = None self._viewers = {} self.metadata = { 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array', 'depth_array'], 'video.frames_per_second': int(np.round(1.0 / self.dt)) } self.init_qpos = self.init_qvel = self._start_pos = None self._start_vel = None self._set_action_space() # action = self.action_space.sample() # observation, _reward, done, _info = self.step(action) # assert not done observation = self._get_obs() # TODO: is calling get_obs enough? should we call reset, or even step? self._set_observation_space(observation) self.seed() @property def current_pos(self): """ By default returns the joint positions of all simulated objects. May be overridden in subclass. """ return @property def current_vel(self): """ By default returns the joint velocities of all simulated objects. May be overridden in subclass. """ return @property def start_pos(self): """ Start position of the agent, for example joint angles of a Panda robot. Necessary for MP wrapped envs. """ return self._start_pos @property def start_vel(self): """ Start velocity of the agent. Necessary for MP wrapped envs. """ return self._start_vel def extend_des_pos(self, des_pos): """ In a simplified environment, the actions may only control a subset of all the joints. Extend the trajectory to match the environments full action space Args: des_pos: Returns: """ pass def extend_des_vel(self, des_vel): pass def _set_action_space(self): bounds = self.model.actuator_ctrlrange.copy().astype(np.float32) low, high = bounds.T self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, dtype=np.float32) return self.action_space def _set_observation_space(self, observation): self.observation_space = convert_observation_to_space(observation) return self.observation_space def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] # methods to override: # ---------------------------- @property @abstractmethod def active_obs(self): """Returns boolean mask for each observation entry whether the observation is returned for the contextual case or not. This effectively allows to filter unwanted or unnecessary observations from the full step-based case. """ return np.ones(self.observation_space.shape, dtype=bool) def _get_obs(self): """Returns the observation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def reset_model(self): """ Reset the robot degrees of freedom (qpos and qvel). Implement this in each subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError def viewer_setup(self): """ This method is called when the viewer is initialized. Optionally implement this method, if you need to tinker with camera position and so forth. """ pass # ----------------------------- def reset(self): self.sim.reset() ob = self.reset_model() return ob def set_state(self, qpos, qvel): assert qpos.shape == (self.model.nq,) and qvel.shape == (self.model.nv,) old_state = self.sim.get_state() new_state = mujoco_py.MjSimState(old_state.time, qpos, qvel, old_state.act, old_state.udd_state) self.sim.set_state(new_state) self.sim.forward() @property def dt(self): return self.model.opt.timestep * self.n_substeps def do_simulation(self, ctrl): """ Additionally returns whether there was an error while stepping the simulation """ error_in_sim = False num_actuations = len(ctrl) if self.apply_gravity_comp:[:num_actuations] = ctrl +[:num_actuations].copy() / self.model.actuator_gear[:, 0] else:[:num_actuations] = ctrl try: self.sim.step() except mujoco_py.builder.MujocoException as e: error_in_sim = True return error_in_sim def render(self, mode='human', width=DEFAULT_SIZE, height=DEFAULT_SIZE, camera_id=None, camera_name=None): if mode == 'rgb_array' or mode == 'depth_array': if camera_id is not None and camera_name is not None: raise ValueError("Both `camera_id` and `camera_name` cannot be" " specified at the same time.") no_camera_specified = camera_name is None and camera_id is None if no_camera_specified: camera_name = 'track' if camera_id is None and camera_name in self.model._camera_name2id: camera_id = self.model.camera_name2id(camera_name) self._get_viewer(mode).render(width, height, camera_id=camera_id) if mode == 'rgb_array': # window size used for old mujoco-py: data = self._get_viewer(mode).read_pixels(width, height, depth=False) # original image is upside-down, so flip it return data[::-1, :, :] elif mode == 'depth_array': self._get_viewer(mode).render(width, height) # window size used for old mujoco-py: # Extract depth part of the read_pixels() tuple data = self._get_viewer(mode).read_pixels(width, height, depth=True)[1] # original image is upside-down, so flip it return data[::-1, :] elif mode == 'human': self._get_viewer(mode).render() def close(self): if self.viewer is not None: # self.viewer.finish() self.viewer = None self._viewers = {} def _get_viewer(self, mode): self.viewer = self._viewers.get(mode) if self.viewer is None: if mode == 'human': self.viewer = mujoco_py.MjViewer(self.sim) elif mode == 'rgb_array' or mode == 'depth_array': self.viewer = mujoco_py.MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim, -1) self.viewer_setup() self._viewers[mode] = self.viewer return self.viewer def get_body_com(self, body_name): return def state_vector(self): return np.concatenate([, ])