Fancy Gym ========= .. raw:: html <div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="_static/imgs/fancy_namelogo.svg" style="margin: 5%; width: 80%;"></a> </div> <style> /* Little Hack: We don't want to show the title (ugly), but need to define it since it also sets the pages metadata (for titlebar and stuff) */ h1 { display: none; } </style> Built upon the foundation of `Gymnasium <>`__ (a maintained fork of OpenAI’s renowned Gym library) ``fancy_gym`` offers a comprehensive collection of reinforcement learning environments. Key Features ------------ - **New Challenging Environments**: ``fancy_gym`` includes several new environments (`Panda Box Pushing <envs/fancy/mujoco.html#box-pushing>`_, `Table Tennis <envs/fancy/mujoco.html#table-tennis>`_, `etc. <envs/fancy/index.html>`_) that present a higher degree of difficulty, pushing the boundaries of reinforcement learning research. - **Support for Movement Primitives**: ``fancy_gym`` supports a range of movement primitives (MPs), including Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMP), and Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP). - **Upgrade to Movement Primitives**: With our framework, it’s straightforward to transform standard Gymnasium environments into environments that support movement primitives. - **Benchmark Suite Compatibility**: ``fancy_gym`` makes it easy to access renowned benchmark suites such as `DeepMind Control <envs/dmc.html>`__ and `Metaworld <envs/meta.html>`__, whether you want to use them in the regular step-based setting or using MPs. - **Contribute Your Own Environments**: If you’re inspired to create custom gym environments, both step-based and with movement primitives, this `guide <guide/upgrading_envs.html>`__ will assist you. We encourage and highly appreciate submissions via PRs to integrate these environments into ``fancy_gym``. Quickstart Guide ---------------- Install via pip (`or use an alternative installation method <guide/installation.html>`__) .. code:: bash pip install 'fancy_gym[all]' Try out one of our step-based environments (`or explore our other envs <envs/fancy/index.html>`__) .. code:: python import gymnasium as gym import fancy_gym import time env = gym.make('fancy/BoxPushingDense-v0', render_mode='human') observation = env.reset() env.render() for i in range(1000): action = env.action_space.sample() # Randomly sample an action observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action) time.sleep(1/env.metadata['render_fps']) if terminated or truncated: observation, info = env.reset() Explore the MP-based variant (`or learn more about Movement Primitives (MPs) <guide/episodic_rl.html>`__) .. code:: python import gymnasium as gym import fancy_gym env = gym.make('fancy_ProMP/BoxPushingDense-v0', render_mode='human') env.reset() env.render() for i in range(10): action = env.action_space.sample() # Randomly sample MP parameters observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action) # Will execute full trajectory, based on MP observation = env.reset() .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: User Guide guide/installation guide/episodic_rl guide/basic_usage guide/upgrading_envs .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Environments envs/fancy/index envs/dmc envs/meta envs/open_ai .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Examples examples/general examples/dmc examples/metaworld examples/open_ai examples/movement_primitives examples/mp_params_tuning examples/pd_control_gain_tuning examples/replanning_envs .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: API api Citing the Project ------------------ To cite `fancy_gym` in publications: .. code:: bibtex @software{fancy_gym, title = {Fancy Gym}, author = {Otto, Fabian and Celik, Onur and Roth, Dominik and Zhou, Hongyi}, abstract = {Fancy Gym: Unifying interface for various RL benchmarks with support for Black Box approaches.}, url = {}, organization = {Autonomous Learning Robots Lab (ALR) at KIT}, } Icon Attribution ---------------- The icon is based on the `Gymnasium <>`__ icon as can be found `here <>`__. ================= .. raw:: html <div style="text-align: center; background: #f8f8f8; border-radius: 10px;"> <a href=""><img src="_static/imgs/alr.svg" style="margin: 5%; width: 20%;"></a> <a href=""><img src="_static/imgs/kit.svg" style="margin: 5%; width: 20%;"></a> <a href=""><img src="_static/imgs/uni_tuebingen.svg" style="margin: 5%; width: 20%;"></a> </div> <br>