import re from typing import Union import gym from gym.envs.registration import register from alr_envs.utils.make_env_helpers import make def make_dmc( id: str, seed: int = 1, visualize_reward: bool = True, from_pixels: bool = False, height: int = 84, width: int = 84, camera_id: int = 0, frame_skip: int = 1, episode_length: Union[None, int] = None, environment_kwargs: dict = {}, time_limit: Union[None, float] = None, channels_first: bool = True ): # Adopted from: # License: MIT # Copyright (c) 2020 Denis Yarats if not re.match(r"\w+-\w+", id): raise ValueError("env_id does not have the following structure: 'domain_name-task_name'") domain_name, task_name = id.split("-") env_id = f'dmc_{domain_name}_{task_name}_{seed}-v1' if from_pixels: assert not visualize_reward, 'cannot use visualize reward when learning from pixels' # shorten episode length if episode_length is None: # Default lengths for benchmarking suite is 1000 and for manipulation tasks 250 episode_length = 250 if domain_name == "manipulation" else 1000 max_episode_steps = (episode_length + frame_skip - 1) // frame_skip if env_id not in gym.envs.registry.env_specs: task_kwargs = {'random': seed} # if seed is not None: # task_kwargs['random'] = seed if time_limit is not None: task_kwargs['time_limit'] = time_limit register( id=env_id, entry_point='alr_envs.dmc.dmc_wrapper:DMCWrapper', kwargs=dict( domain_name=domain_name, task_name=task_name, task_kwargs=task_kwargs, environment_kwargs=environment_kwargs, visualize_reward=visualize_reward, from_pixels=from_pixels, height=height, width=width, camera_id=camera_id, frame_skip=frame_skip, channels_first=channels_first, ), max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps, ) return gym.make(env_id)