Fancy Gym
Built upon the foundation of
Gymnasium (a maintained fork of
OpenAI’s renowned Gym library) fancy_gym
offers a comprehensive
collection of reinforcement learning environments.
Key Features
New Challenging Environments:
includes several new environments (Panda Box Pushing, Table Tennis, etc.) that present a higher degree of difficulty, pushing the boundaries of reinforcement learning research.Support for Movement Primitives:
supports a range of movement primitives (MPs), including Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMP), and Probabilistic Dynamic Movement Primitives (ProDMP).Upgrade to Movement Primitives: With our framework, it’s straightforward to transform standard Gymnasium environments into environments that support movement primitives.
Benchmark Suite Compatibility:
makes it easy to access renowned benchmark suites such as DeepMind Control and Metaworld, whether you want to use them in the regular step-based setting or using MPs.Contribute Your Own Environments: If you’re inspired to create custom gym environments, both step-based and with movement primitives, this guide will assist you. We encourage and highly appreciate submissions via PRs to integrate these environments into
Quickstart Guide
Install via pip (or use an alternative installation method)
pip install 'fancy_gym[all]'
Try out one of our step-based environments (or explore our other envs)
import gymnasium as gym
import fancy_gym
import time
env = gym.make('fancy/BoxPushingDense-v0', render_mode='human')
observation = env.reset()
for i in range(1000):
action = env.action_space.sample() # Randomly sample an action
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
if terminated or truncated:
observation, info = env.reset()
Explore the MP-based variant (or learn more about Movement Primitives (MPs))
import gymnasium as gym
import fancy_gym
env = gym.make('fancy_ProMP/BoxPushingDense-v0', render_mode='human')
for i in range(10):
action = env.action_space.sample() # Randomly sample MP parameters
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action) # Will execute full trajectory, based on MP
observation = env.reset()
User Guide
Citing the Project
To cite this repository in publications:
title = {Fancy Gym},
author = {Otto, Fabian and Celik, Onur and Roth, Dominik and Zhou, Hongyi},
abstract = {Fancy Gym: Unifying interface for various RL benchmarks with support for Black Box approaches.},
url = {},
organization = {Autonomous Learning Robots Lab (ALR) at KIT},
Icon Attribution
The icon is based on the Gymnasium icon as can be found here.