/* Highlighting utilities for Sphinx HTML documentation. */ "use strict"; const SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED = true /** * highlight a given string on a node by wrapping it in * span elements with the given class name. */ const _highlight = (node, addItems, text, className) => { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const val = node.nodeValue; const parent = node.parentNode; const pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text); if ( pos >= 0 && !parent.classList.contains(className) && !parent.classList.contains("nohighlight") ) { let span; const closestNode = parent.closest("body, svg, foreignObject"); const isInSVG = closestNode && closestNode.matches("svg"); if (isInSVG) { span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"); } else { span = document.createElement("span"); span.classList.add(className); } span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos, text.length))); const rest = document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos + text.length)); parent.insertBefore( span, parent.insertBefore(rest, node.nextSibling) ); node.nodeValue = val.substr(0, pos); /* There may be more occurrences of search term in this node. So call this * function recursively on the remaining fragment. */ _highlight(rest, addItems, text, className); if (isInSVG) { const rect = document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect" ); const bbox = parent.getBBox(); rect.x.baseVal.value = bbox.x; rect.y.baseVal.value = bbox.y; rect.width.baseVal.value = bbox.width; rect.height.baseVal.value = bbox.height; rect.setAttribute("class", className); addItems.push({ parent: parent, target: rect }); } } } else if (node.matches && !node.matches("button, select, textarea")) { node.childNodes.forEach((el) => _highlight(el, addItems, text, className)); } }; const _highlightText = (thisNode, text, className) => { let addItems = []; _highlight(thisNode, addItems, text, className); addItems.forEach((obj) => obj.parent.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", obj.target) ); }; /** * Small JavaScript module for the documentation. */ const SphinxHighlight = { /** * highlight the search words provided in localstorage in the text */ highlightSearchWords: () => { if (!SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) return; // bail if no highlight // get and clear terms from localstorage const url = new URL(window.location); const highlight = localStorage.getItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") || url.searchParams.get("highlight") || ""; localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") url.searchParams.delete("highlight"); window.history.replaceState({}, "", url); // get individual terms from highlight string const terms = highlight.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).filter(x => x); if (terms.length === 0) return; // nothing to do // There should never be more than one element matching "div.body" const divBody = document.querySelectorAll("div.body"); const body = divBody.length ? divBody[0] : document.querySelector("body"); window.setTimeout(() => { terms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(body, term, "highlighted")); }, 10); const searchBox = document.getElementById("searchbox"); if (searchBox === null) return; searchBox.appendChild( document .createRange() .createContextualFragment( '<p class="highlight-link">' + '<a href="javascript:SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords()">' + _("Hide Search Matches") + "</a></p>" ) ); }, /** * helper function to hide the search marks again */ hideSearchWords: () => { document .querySelectorAll("#searchbox .highlight-link") .forEach((el) => el.remove()); document .querySelectorAll("span.highlighted") .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("highlighted")); localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") }, initEscapeListener: () => { // only install a listener if it is really needed if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS) return; document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { // bail for input elements if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return; // bail with special keys if (event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return; if (DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS && (event.key === "Escape")) { SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords(); event.preventDefault(); } }); }, }; _ready(() => { /* Do not call highlightSearchWords() when we are on the search page. * It will highlight words from the _previous_ search query. */ if (typeof Search === "undefined") SphinxHighlight.highlightSearchWords(); SphinxHighlight.initEscapeListener(); });