import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from alr_envs import dmc, meta from alr_envs.utils.make_env_helpers import make_promp_env # This might work for some environments, however, please verify either way the correct trajectory information # for your environment are extracted below SEED = 10 env_id = "ball_in_cup-catch" wrappers = [dmc.ball_in_cup.MPWrapper] mp_kwargs = { "num_dof": 2, "num_basis": 10, "duration": 2, "width": 0.025, "policy_type": "motor", "weights_scale": 1, "zero_start": True, "policy_kwargs": { "p_gains": 1, "d_gains": 1 } } kwargs = dict(time_limit=2, episode_length=100) env = make_promp_env(env_id, wrappers, seed=SEED, mp_kwargs=mp_kwargs, **kwargs) # Plot difference between real trajectory and target MP trajectory env.reset() pos, vel = env.mp_rollout(env.action_space.sample()) base_shape = env.full_action_space.shape actual_pos = np.zeros((len(pos), *base_shape)) actual_vel = np.zeros((len(pos), *base_shape)) act = np.zeros((len(pos), *base_shape)) for t, pos_vel in enumerate(zip(pos, vel)): actions = env.policy.get_action(pos_vel[0], pos_vel[1],, self.current_vel, self.current_pos actions = np.clip(actions, env.full_action_space.low, env.full_action_space.high) _, _, _, _ = env.env.step(actions) act[t, :] = actions # TODO verify for your environment actual_pos[t, :] = env.current_pos actual_vel[t, :] = env.current_vel plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.title("Position") plt.plot(actual_pos, c='C0', label=["true" if i == 0 else "" for i in range(]) # plt.plot(actual_pos_ball, label="true pos ball") plt.plot(pos, c='C1', label=["MP" if i == 0 else "" for i in range(]) plt.xlabel("Episode steps") plt.legend() plt.subplot(132) plt.title("Velocity") plt.plot(actual_vel, c='C0', label=[f"true" if i == 0 else "" for i in range(]) plt.plot(vel, c='C1', label=[f"MP" if i == 0 else "" for i in range(]) plt.xlabel("Episode steps") plt.legend() plt.subplot(133) plt.title("Actions") plt.plot(act, c="C0"), # label=[f"actions" if i == 0 else "" for i in range(]) plt.xlabel("Episode steps") # plt.legend()