138 lines
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138 lines
5.4 KiB
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
import gym
from gym.vector.utils import write_to_shared_memory
import sys
def make_env(env_id, seed, rank):
env = gym.make(env_id)
env.seed(seed + rank)
return lambda: env
def make_contextual_env(env_id, context, seed, rank):
env = gym.make(env_id, context=context)
env.seed(seed + rank)
return lambda: env
def make_dmp_env(**kwargs):
name = kwargs.pop("name")
_env = gym.make(name)
return DmpWrapper(_env, **kwargs)
def make_detpmp_env(**kwargs):
name = kwargs.pop("name")
_env = gym.make(name)
return DetPMPWrapper(_env, **kwargs)
# def _worker(index, env_fn, pipe, parent_pipe, shared_memory, error_queue):
# assert shared_memory is None
# env = env_fn()
# parent_pipe.close()
# try:
# while True:
# command, data = pipe.recv()
# if command == 'reset':
# observation = env.reset()
# pipe.send((observation, True))
# elif command == 'configure':
# env.configure(data)
# pipe.send((None, True))
# elif command == 'step':
# observation, reward, done, info = env.step(data)
# if done:
# observation = env.reset()
# pipe.send(((observation, reward, done, info), True))
# elif command == 'seed':
# env.seed(data)
# pipe.send((None, True))
# elif command == 'close':
# pipe.send((None, True))
# break
# elif command == '_check_observation_space':
# pipe.send((data == env.observation_space, True))
# else:
# raise RuntimeError('Received unknown command `{0}`. Must '
# 'be one of {`reset`, `step`, `seed`, `close`, '
# '`_check_observation_space`}.'.format(command))
# except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception):
# error_queue.put((index,) + sys.exc_info()[:2])
# pipe.send((None, False))
# finally:
# env.close()
# def _worker_shared_memory(index, env_fn, pipe, parent_pipe, shared_memory, error_queue):
# assert shared_memory is not None
# env = env_fn()
# observation_space = env.observation_space
# parent_pipe.close()
# try:
# while True:
# command, data = pipe.recv()
# if command == 'reset':
# observation = env.reset()
# write_to_shared_memory(index, observation, shared_memory,
# observation_space)
# pipe.send((None, True))
# elif command == 'configure':
# env.configure(data)
# pipe.send((None, True))
# elif command == 'step':
# observation, reward, done, info = env.step(data)
# if done:
# observation = env.reset()
# write_to_shared_memory(index, observation, shared_memory,
# observation_space)
# pipe.send(((None, reward, done, info), True))
# elif command == 'seed':
# env.seed(data)
# pipe.send((None, True))
# elif command == 'close':
# pipe.send((None, True))
# break
# elif command == '_check_observation_space':
# pipe.send((data == observation_space, True))
# else:
# raise RuntimeError('Received unknown command `{0}`. Must '
# 'be one of {`reset`, `step`, `seed`, `close`, '
# '`_check_observation_space`}.'.format(command))
# except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception):
# error_queue.put((index,) + sys.exc_info()[:2])
# pipe.send((None, False))
# finally:
# env.close()
# def viapoint_dmp(**kwargs):
# _env = gym.make("alr_envs:ViaPointReacher-v0")
# # _env = ViaPointReacher(**kwargs)
# return DmpWrapper(_env, num_dof=5, num_basis=5, duration=2, alpha_phase=2.5, dt=_env.dt,
# start_pos=_env.start_pos, learn_goal=False, policy_type="velocity", weights_scale=50)
# def holereacher_dmp(**kwargs):
# _env = gym.make("alr_envs:HoleReacher-v0")
# # _env = HoleReacher(**kwargs)
# return DmpWrapper(_env, num_dof=5, num_basis=5, duration=2, dt=_env.dt, learn_goal=True, alpha_phase=2,
# start_pos=_env.start_pos, policy_type="velocity", weights_scale=50, goal_scale=0.1)
# def holereacher_fix_goal_dmp(**kwargs):
# _env = gym.make("alr_envs:HoleReacher-v0")
# # _env = HoleReacher(**kwargs)
# return DmpWrapper(_env, num_dof=5, num_basis=5, duration=2, dt=_env.dt, learn_goal=False, alpha_phase=2,
# start_pos=_env.start_pos, policy_type="velocity", weights_scale=50, goal_scale=1,
# final_pos=np.array([2.02669572, -1.25966385, -1.51618198, -0.80946476, 0.02012344]))
# def holereacher_detpmp(**kwargs):
# _env = gym.make("alr_envs:HoleReacher-v0")
# # _env = HoleReacher(**kwargs)
# return DetPMPWrapper(_env, num_dof=5, num_basis=5, width=0.005, policy_type="velocity", start_pos=_env.start_pos,
# duration=2, post_traj_time=0, dt=_env.dt, weights_scale=0.25, zero_start=True, zero_goal=False)