everything works! (except for compression)

This commit is contained in:
Dominik Moritz Roth 2020-06-09 21:50:18 +02:00
parent 07dd1fb4e2
commit d0ac89b622
2 changed files with 149 additions and 77 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ from errno import ENOENT
from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations, LoggingMixIn
import stat
import os
import gzip
import secrets
class IotaFS_BlobStore():
def __init__(self, api=None):
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ class IotaFS_BlobStore():
self.api = api
def genBundles(self, data, addrIter, lenPerTx = 2187, txPerBundle = 1):
def _genBundles(self, data, addrIter, lenPerTx = 2187, txPerBundle = 1):
msg = TryteString.from_bytes(data)
bundles = []
nextAddr = addrIter.__next__()
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ class IotaFS_BlobStore():
return bundles
def sendBundles(self, bundles):
def _sendBundles(self, bundles):
bundleRets = []
for i,bundle in enumerate(bundles):
@ -84,8 +86,8 @@ class IotaFS_BlobStore():
cipher = AES.new(sHash[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, sHash[22:][:16])
ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, AES.block_size))
addrIter = AddressGenerator(Seed(trSeed)).create_iterator(start = 0, step = 1)
bundles = self.genBundles(ct_bytes, addrIter)
bundles = self._genBundles(ct_bytes, addrIter)
def uploadTxt(self, txt, secret):
data = str.encode(txt)
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ class IotaFS_BlobStore():
for tx in bundle.transactions:
if tryteMsg == "":
return ""
return b''
tryteStr = TryteString(tryteMsg.rstrip("9"))
ct_bytes = tryteStr.as_bytes()
@ -136,16 +138,22 @@ class IotaFS_BlobStore():
class IotaFS():
def __init__(self, token):
def __init__(self, token, fileCompression=False):
self.api = Iota('https://nodes.thetangle.org:443', local_pow=True)
self.blobStore = IotaFS_BlobStore(self.api)
#self.token = token
self.fileCompression = fileCompression
self.hashState = hashlib.sha3_384()
genesis = "This is the genesis block. lol."
if self.fileCompression:
raise Exception("Compression does not work currently")
genesis += "#FILE COMPRESSION#"
self._fileTree = {}
self.lastBlockIncomplete = False
self.incompleteBlockRescanTimeout = 5
self.chainDelimiter = "#CHAIN_DELIM#"
self.chainDelimiter = "#IOTA_FS#".encode()
self.cache = {}
@ -155,34 +163,34 @@ class IotaFS():
return copy.deepcopy(self._fileTree)
async def fileTreeFetchLoop(self, interval=10):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(10)
def _fetchFileTree(self):
print("[<] Fetching FileTree")
chain = ""
chain = bytes()
while True:
print("[<] Fetching FileTree-ChainBlock")
sHash = self.hashState.digest()
block = self._getBlob(sHash)
if block=="":
data = block
if self.fileCompression:
data = gzip.decompress(data)
if data==b'':
print("[-] Last Block Received")
if chain=="":
print("[.] FileTree succesfully fetched: [EMPTY FILE TREE]")
if chain==b'':
print("[.] FileTree succesfully fetched: [NO UPDATES]")
if chain.endswith(self.chainDelimiter):
curRing = chain.split(self.chainDelimiter)[-1]
curRing = chain.split(self.chainDelimiter)[-2]
self.lastBlockIncomplete = False
print("[-] Last Block was incomplete; refetching...")
self.lastBlockIncomplete = True
print("{RING}: "+str(curRing))
self._fileTree = msgpack.loads(curRing)
print("[.] FileTree succesfully fetched: ")
@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ class IotaFS():
self._mergeFileTrees(value, node)
if key in treeA and treeA[key]=="#REMOVE#" or key in treeB and treeB[key]=="#REMOVE#":
treeB[key] = "#REMOVE#"
del treeB[key]
treeB[key] = value
return treeB
@ -213,71 +221,117 @@ class IotaFS():
newRing = msgpack.dumps(self._fileTree)+self.chainDelimiter
sHash = self.hashState.digest()
self.blobStore.uploadDataRaw(newRing.encode(), sHash)
print("{RING}: "+str(newRing))
payload = newRing
if self.fileCompression:
payload = gzip.compress(payload)
self.blobStore.uploadDataRaw(payload, sHash)
self.hashState.update(newRing) # For every link in the chain, we salt our hashState using the links data
def _putBlob(self, data):
#TODO: Use secure random provider
return self.blobStore.uploadData(data, str(random.random()*999999999999).encode())
return self.blobStore.uploadData(data, secrets.token_bytes(64))
def _getBlob(self, sHash):
return self.blobStore.getData(sHash)
data = self.blobStore.getData(sHash)
return data
def _fetchFile(self, sHash):
file = self._getBlob(sHash)
blob = file
if self.fileCompression:
blob = gzip.decompress(blob)
# file lastFetch lastAccess
self.cache[sHash] = [file, time.now(), time.now()]
self.cache[sHash] = [blob, time.time(), time.time()]
return self.cache[sHash]
def getFile(self, sHash):
if sHash==b'':
return [b'', 0, time.time()]
print("/GET/ "+str(sHash)+" <- ")
if sHash in self.cache:
# TODO: maybe update if to old?
self.cache[sHash][2] = time.now()
self.cache[sHash][2] = time.time()
return self.cache[sHash]
return self._fetchFile(sHash)
def putFile(self, file, path):
print("/PUT/ "+str(file)+" -> "+path)
if file==b'':
sHash = b''
blob = file
if self.fileCompression:
blob = gzip.compress(blob)
sHash = self._putBlob(blob)
self.cache[sHash] = [file, time.time(), time.time()]
treeDelta = {}
subTree = treeDelta
for elem in path.split("/")[:-1]:
subTree[elem] = {}
subTree = subTree[elem]
subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = sHash
def mkdir(self, path):
treeDelta = {}
subTree = treeDelta
for elem in path.split("/"):
subTree[elem] = {}
subTree = subTree[elem]
return 0
def removeFile(self, path):
treeDelta = {}
subTree = treeDelta
for elem in path.split("/")[:-1]:
subTree[elem] = {}
subTree = subTree[elem]
file = subTree[path.split("/")[-1]]
subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = "#REMOVE#"
return file
def mv(self, old, new):
file = self.removeFile(old)
self.putFile(self, file, new)
class IotaFS_Fuse(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
def __init__(self, token):
self.fs = IotaFS(token)
self.fileTree = self.fs.getFileTree()
def __init__(self, token, fileCompression=True):
self.fs = IotaFS(token, fileCompression=fileCompression)
def getSubtree(self, path):
subTree = self.fileTree
for elem in path.split("/"):
subTree = self.fs.getFileTree()
for elem in path[1:].split("/"):
if elem!="":
if elem not in subTree:
return False
if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree):
# we cannot traverse further, if this is a file
return False
subTree = subTree[elem]
return subTree
def createFileObj(self, path, fileObj):
for elem in path.split("/")[:-1]:
subTree = self.fileTree
for elem in path[1:].split("/")[:-1]:
if elem not in subTree:
return False
subTree = subTree[elem]
subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = fileObj
def subtreeIsFile(self, subtree):
return isinstance(subtree, str)
return isinstance(subtree, (bytes, bytearray))
def subtreeExists(self, subtree):
return not (subtree == False)
#def chmod(self, path, mode):
# return self.sftp.chmod(path, mode)
#def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
# return self.sftp.chown(path, uid, gid)
#def create(self, path, mode):
# f = self.sftp.open(path, 'w')
# f.chmod(mode)
# f.close()
# return 0
def create(self, path, mode):
print("[#] CREATE "+path)
self.fs.putFile(b'', path[1:])
#return open(path[1:])
return 0
#def destroy(self, path):
# self.sftp.close()
@ -293,69 +347,81 @@ class IotaFS_Fuse(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
st = {}
# mode decides access permissions and if file object is a directory (stat.S_IFDIR), file (stat.S_IFREG) or a special file
if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree):
st['st_mode'] = 777 | stat.S_IFREG
st['st_mode'] = 0o744 | stat.S_IFREG
st['st_mode'] = 777 | stat.S_IFDIR
st['st_ino'] = 0
st['st_dev'] = 0
st['st_mode'] = 0o744 | stat.S_IFDIR
#st['st_ino'] = 0
#st['st_dev'] = 0
st['st_nlink'] = 1
st['st_uid'] = os.getuid() #file object's user id
st['st_gid'] = os.getgid() #file object's group id
if fh:
if fh and False:
file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = fh
st["st_size"] = len(file)
st['st_atime'] = lastAccess
st['st_mtime'] = lastFetch
st['st_ctime'] = 0
st['st_size'] = 0 # 0 Byte lol
st['st_atime'] = now #last access time in seconds
st['st_mtime'] = now #last modified time in seconds
st['st_size'] = 1024*1024*1024 # 1 Byte lol
st['st_atime'] = 0 #last access time in seconds
st['st_mtime'] = 0 #last modified time in seconds
st['st_ctime'] = 0 # very old file
# TODO: Actuall real value
block_size = 512
st['st_blocks'] = (int) ((st['st_size'] + block_size-1) / block_size)
return st
#def mkdir(self, path, mode):
# return self.sftp.mkdir(path, mode)
def mkdir(self, path, mode):
print("[#] MKDIR "+path)
return 0
def read(self, path2, size, offset, fh):
print("[#] WRITE "+path2)
file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = fh
def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
print("[#] READ "+path)
file, path2, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.openFile(path)
if path!=path2:
return FuseOSError(ENOENT)
return file[offset : offset+size]
def readdir(self, path, fh):
print("[#] READDIR "+path)
l = ['.', '..']
for elem in self.getSubtree(path):
subTree = self.getSubtree(path)
if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree):
# We cant list a file!
return FuseOSError(ENOENT)
l = [".", ".."]
for elem in subTree:
return l
#def rename(self, old, new):
# return self.sftp.rename(old, new)
def rename(self, old, new):
return 0
#def rmdir(self, path):
# return self.sftp.rmdir(path)
def rmdir(self, path):
return 0
def write(self, path2, data, offset, fh):
print("[#] WRITE "+path2)
file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = fh
def write(self, path, data, offset, fh):
print("[#] WRITE "+path)
file, path2, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.openFile(path)
if path!=path2:
return FuseOSError(ENOENT)
raw = data.encode()
file[:offset] + raw + file[offset+len(raw):]
raw = data
file = file[:offset] + raw + file[offset+len(raw):]
self.fs.putFile(file, path[1:])
print("Write successfull")
return len(raw)
def open(self, path, flags):
print("[#] OPEN "+path)
def openFile(self, path):
subTree = self.getSubtree(path)
if subTree == False:
raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
if not self.subtreeIsFile(subTree):
# cannot open a dir
@ -364,6 +430,12 @@ class IotaFS_Fuse(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
file, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.fs.getFile(sHash)
return (file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess)
def open(self, path, flags):
return 0
def release(self, path, fh):
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()