# iotaFS a.k.a iotaShitPoc # Big TODOs: # - map from binary file to position in chain # -> ability to read of size easily and read / write in chunks is 1000000% more efficient # - remove old / big stuff from cache # - async sync with tangle -> 1000% more efficiency # - implement deltas for fileTree or switch to actuall tree with links from iota import Iota, ProposedTransaction, Address, TryteString, Tag from iota.crypto.addresses import AddressGenerator from iota.crypto.types import Seed from iota.codecs import TrytesDecodeError from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad import math from pprint import pprint import hashlib import sys import random import time import msgpack import asyncio import copy from errno import ENOENT from fuse import FUSE, FuseOSError, Operations, LoggingMixIn import stat import os import gzip import secrets MAX_CACHE_AGE = 60*60 # 1h class IotaFS_BlobStore(): def __init__(self, api=None): if api==None: self.api = Iota('https://nodes.thetangle.org:443', local_pow=True) else: self.api = api def _genBundles(self, data, addrIter, lenPerTx = 2187, txPerBundle = 1): msg = TryteString.from_bytes(data) bundles = [] nextAddr = addrIter.__next__() for b in range(math.ceil(len(msg)/(lenPerTx*txPerBundle))): bundleMsg = msg[lenPerTx*txPerBundle*b:][:lenPerTx*txPerBundle] bundleTxs = [] addr = nextAddr print("[addr] "+str(addr.with_valid_checksum())) nextAddr = addrIter.__next__() for t in range(math.ceil(len(bundleMsg)/lenPerTx)): txMsg = bundleMsg[lenPerTx*t:][:lenPerTx] bundleTxs.append( ProposedTransaction( address = addr, value = 0, tag = Tag("IOTAFS"), message = txMsg ) ) bundles.append( self.api.prepare_transfer( transfers = bundleTxs, inputs = [addr] )['trytes'] ) return bundles def _sendBundles(self, bundles): bundleRets = [] for i,bundle in enumerate(bundles): print(str(int(i/len(bundles)*100))+"%") bundleRets.append( self.api.send_trytes( trytes=bundle ) ) return bundleRets def uploadData(self, data, secret): print("Uploading...") m = hashlib.sha3_384() m.update(secret) m.update(data) sHash = m.digest() self.uploadDataRaw(data, sHash) return sHash def uploadDataRaw(self, data, sHash): trSeed = TryteString.from_bytes(sHash[16:])[:81] cipher = AES.new(sHash[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, sHash[22:][:16]) ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, AES.block_size)) addrIter = AddressGenerator(Seed(trSeed)).create_iterator(start = 0, step = 1) bundles = self._genBundles(ct_bytes, addrIter) self._sendBundles(bundles) def uploadTxt(self, txt, secret): data = str.encode(txt) return self.uploadData(data, secret) def getData(self, sHash): print("Downloading...") trSeed = TryteString.from_bytes(sHash[16:])[:81] cipher = AES.new(sHash[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, sHash[22:][:16]) addrIter = AddressGenerator(trSeed).create_iterator(start=0, step=1) tryteMsg = "" for addr in addrIter: print("[addr] "+str(addr.with_valid_checksum())) txHash = self.api.find_transactions(tags=[Tag("IOTAFS")], addresses=[addr])["hashes"] if len(txHash)==0: break bundles = self.api.get_bundles(txHash[0])["bundles"] for bundle in bundles: for tx in bundle.transactions: tryteMsg+=str(tx.signature_message_fragment) if tryteMsg == "": return b'' tryteStr = TryteString(tryteMsg.rstrip("9")) try: ct_bytes = tryteStr.as_bytes() except TrytesDecodeError: ct_bytes = (tryteStr+"9").as_bytes() data = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct_bytes), AES.block_size) return data def getTxt(self, sHash): return self.getData(sHash).decode("utf-8") def getSHash(self, data, secret): m = hashlib.sha3_384() m.update(secret) m.update(data) return m.digest() def test(self, secret): with open("cat2.jpeg","rb") as f: x = f.read() sHash = self.uploadData(x,secret) print(sHash.hex()) #sHash = getSHash(x, "catSecret".encode()) y = self.getData(sHash) with open("res.jpeg","wb") as f: f.write(y) class IotaFS(): def __init__(self, token, fileCompression=False): self.api = Iota('https://nodes.thetangle.org:443', local_pow=True) self.blobStore = IotaFS_BlobStore(self.api) #self.token = token self.fileCompression = fileCompression self.hashState = hashlib.sha3_384() genesis = "This is the genesis block. lol." if self.fileCompression: raise Exception("Compression does not work currently") genesis += "#FILE COMPRESSION#" self.hashState.update(genesis.encode()) self.hashState.update(token.encode()) self._fileTree = {} self.lastBlockIncomplete = False self.incompleteBlockRescanTimeout = 5 self.chainDelimiter = "#IOTA_FS#".encode() self.cache = {} self._fetchFileTree() def getFileTree(self, update=False): if update: self._fetchFileTree() return copy.deepcopy(self._fileTree) def _fetchFileTree(self): print("[<] Fetching FileTree") chain = bytes() while True: print("[<] Fetching FileTree-ChainBlock") sHash = self.hashState.digest() block = self._getBlob(sHash) data = block if self.fileCompression: data = gzip.decompress(data) if data==b'': print("[-] Last Block Received") break self.hashState.update(block) chain+=data if chain==b'': print("[.] FileTree succesfully fetched: [NO UPDATES]") return if chain.endswith(self.chainDelimiter): curRing = chain.split(self.chainDelimiter)[-2] self.lastBlockIncomplete = False else: print("[-] Last Block was incomplete; refetching...") self.lastBlockIncomplete = True time.sleep(self.incompleteBlockRescanTimeout) self._fetchFileTree() return print("{RING}: "+str(curRing)) self._fileTree = msgpack.loads(curRing) print("[.] FileTree succesfully fetched: ") pprint(self._fileTree) def _mergeFileTrees(self, treeA, treeB): # We update treeB with values from treeA (treeA has priority), except for deletions, # which are always prioritized # fileTree = {fileA: sHash, fileB: sHash, dirA: {fileC: sHash}} for key, value in treeA.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): # get node or create one node = treeB.setdefault(key, {}) self._mergeFileTrees(value, node) else: if key in treeA and treeA[key]=="#REMOVE#" or key in treeB and treeB[key]=="#REMOVE#": del treeB[key] treeB[key] = value return treeB def upsertFileTree(self, newFileTree): while self.lastBlockIncomplete: time.sleep(1) self._fileTree = self._mergeFileTrees(newFileTree, self._fileTree) newRing = msgpack.dumps(self._fileTree)+self.chainDelimiter sHash = self.hashState.digest() print("{RING}: "+str(newRing)) payload = newRing if self.fileCompression: payload = gzip.compress(payload) self.blobStore.uploadDataRaw(payload, sHash) self.hashState.update(newRing) # For every link in the chain, we salt our hashState using the links data def _putBlob(self, data): return self.blobStore.uploadData(data, secrets.token_bytes(64)) def _getBlob(self, sHash): data = self.blobStore.getData(sHash) return data def _fetchFile(self, sHash): file = self._getBlob(sHash) blob = file if self.fileCompression: blob = gzip.decompress(blob) # file lastFetch lastAccess self.cache[sHash] = [blob, time.time(), time.time()] return self.cache[sHash] def getFile(self, sHash): if sHash==b'': return [b'', 0, time.time()] print("/GET/ "+str(sHash)+" <- ") if sHash in self.cache and time.time()-self.cache[sHash][2] > MAX_CACHE_AGE: self.cache[sHash][2] = time.time() return self.cache[sHash] else: return self._fetchFile(sHash) def putFile(self, file, path): print("/PUT/ "+str(file)+" -> "+path) if file==b'': sHash = b'' else: blob = file if self.fileCompression: blob = gzip.compress(blob) sHash = self._putBlob(blob) self.cache[sHash] = [file, time.time(), time.time()] treeDelta = {} subTree = treeDelta for elem in path.split("/")[:-1]: subTree[elem] = {} subTree = subTree[elem] subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = sHash self.upsertFileTree(treeDelta) def mkdir(self, path): treeDelta = {} subTree = treeDelta for elem in path.split("/"): subTree[elem] = {} subTree = subTree[elem] self.upsertFileTree(treeDelta) return 0 def removeFile(self, path): treeDelta = {} subTree = treeDelta for elem in path.split("/")[:-1]: subTree[elem] = {} subTree = subTree[elem] file = subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = "#REMOVE#" self.upsertFileTree(treeDelta) return file def mv(self, old, new): file = self.removeFile(old) self.putFile(self, file, new) class IotaFS_Fuse(LoggingMixIn, Operations): def __init__(self, token, fileCompression=False): self.fs = IotaFS(token, fileCompression=fileCompression) def getSubtree(self, path): subTree = self.fs.getFileTree() for elem in path[1:].split("/"): if elem!="": if elem not in subTree: return False if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree): # we cannot traverse further, if this is a file return False subTree = subTree[elem] return subTree def createFileObj(self, path, fileObj): subTree = self.fileTree for elem in path[1:].split("/")[:-1]: if elem not in subTree: return False subTree = subTree[elem] subTree[path.split("/")[-1]] = fileObj def subtreeIsFile(self, subtree): return isinstance(subtree, (bytes, bytearray)) def subtreeExists(self, subtree): return not (subtree == False) def create(self, path, mode): print("[#] CREATE "+path) self.fs.putFile(b'', path[1:]) #return open(path[1:]) return 0 #def destroy(self, path): # self.sftp.close() # self.client.close() def getattr(self, path, fh=None): print("[#] GETATTR "+path) subTree = self.getSubtree(path) if not self.subtreeExists(subTree): # File does not exist / is not a file raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) now = time.time() st = {} # mode decides access permissions and if file object is a directory (stat.S_IFDIR), file (stat.S_IFREG) or a special file if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree): st['st_mode'] = 0o744 | stat.S_IFREG else: st['st_mode'] = 0o744 | stat.S_IFDIR #st['st_ino'] = 0 #st['st_dev'] = 0 st['st_nlink'] = 1 st['st_uid'] = os.getuid() #file object's user id st['st_gid'] = os.getgid() #file object's group id if fh and False: file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = fh st["st_size"] = len(file) st['st_atime'] = lastAccess st['st_mtime'] = lastFetch st['st_ctime'] = 0 else: st['st_size'] = len(sHash) + len(path) + 8 # Just an approximation... st['st_atime'] = 0 #last access time in seconds st['st_mtime'] = 0 #last modified time in seconds st['st_ctime'] = 0 # very old file st['st_blocks'] = 1 # Until we can skip blocks when reading / writing this should provide best possible performance... return st def mkdir(self, path, mode): print("[#] MKDIR "+path) self.fs.mkdir(path[1:]) return 0 def read(self, path, size, offset, fh): print("[#] READ "+path) file, path2, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.openFile(path) if path!=path2: print(path+"!="+path2) return FuseOSError(ENOENT) return file[offset : offset+size] def readdir(self, path, fh): print("[#] READDIR "+path) subTree = self.getSubtree(path) if self.subtreeIsFile(subTree): # We cant list a file! return FuseOSError(ENOENT) pprint(subTree) l = [".", ".."] for elem in subTree: l.append(elem) return l def rename(self, old, new): self.fs.mv(old,new) return 0 def rmdir(self, path): self.fs.removeFile(path) return 0 def write(self, path, data, offset, fh): print("[#] WRITE "+path) file, path2, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.openFile(path) if path!=path2: print(path+"!="+path2) return FuseOSError(ENOENT) raw = data file = file[:offset] + raw + file[offset+len(raw):] self.fs.putFile(file, path[1:]) print("Write successfull") return len(raw) def openFile(self, path): subTree = self.getSubtree(path) if subTree == False: raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) else: if not self.subtreeIsFile(subTree): # cannot open a dir raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) sHash = subTree file, lastFetch, lastAccess = self.fs.getFile(sHash) return (file, path, sHash, lastFetch, lastAccess) def open(self, path, flags): return 0 def release(self, path, fh): return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('token') parser.add_argument('mount') args = parser.parse_args() fuse = FUSE( IotaFS_Fuse(args.token), args.mount, foreground=True, nothreads=True, allow_other=False) #if __name__=="__main__": # iotaFS = IotaFS_BlobStore() # # if len(sys.argv)>=2 and sys.argv[1]=="put": # print("Uploading '"+sys.argv[2]+"' using secret '"+" ".join(sys.argv[3:])+"'") # with open(sys.argv[2], "rb") as f: # x = f.read() # sHash = iotaFS.uploadData(x, " ".join(sys.argv[3:]).encode()) # print("Stored at {"+sHash.hex()+"}") # print("Done.") # elif len(sys.argv)>=2 and sys.argv[1]=="get": # print("Downloading {"+sys.argv[2]+"} into '"+sys.argv[3]+"'") # with open(sys.argv[3], "wb") as f: # f.write(iotaFS.getData(bytearray.fromhex(sys.argv[2]))) # print("Done.") # else: # print("Syntax:") # print(" put [file] [secret]") # print(" get [hash] [file]") #