JAX bindings and native implementations of differentiable trust region projections for Gaussian policies.
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JAX bindings and native implementations of differentiable trust region projections for Gaussian policies. The KL projection is handled by ITPAL's C++ implementation, while Wasserstein and Frobenius projections are implemented in JAX. These projections provide exact solutions for trust region constraints, unlike approximate methods like PPO.


  • Multiple projection types:
    • KL (Kullback-Leibler divergence)
    • Wasserstein (only diagonal covariance)
    • Frobenius (wip, not tested)
    • Identity (no projection)
  • Support for both diagonal and full covariance Gaussians (induced from cholesky decomposition)
  • Contextual and non-contextual standard deviations (non-contextual means all standard deviations in batch are expected to be the same)


python3.10 -m venv .venv # newer versions have issues with ITPAL...
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
# install itpal (by e.g. copying the .so file into site packages for the venv)


import jax.numpy as jnp
from itpal_jax import KLProjection

# Create projector
proj = KLProjection(
    mean_bound=0.1,        # KL bound for mean
    cov_bound=0.1,         # KL bound for covariance
    contextual_std=True,   # Whether to use contextual standard deviations
    full_cov=False         # Whether to use full covariance matrix

# Project Gaussian parameters
new_params = {
    "loc": jnp.array([[1.0, -1.0]]),      # mean
    "scale": jnp.array([[0.5, 0.5]])      # standard deviations
old_params = {
    "loc": jnp.zeros((1, 2)),
    "scale": jnp.ones((1, 2)) * 0.3

# Get projected parameters
proj_params = proj.project(new_params, old_params)

# Get trust region loss
loss = proj.get_trust_region_loss(new_params, proj_params)


pytest tests/test_projections.py

Note: The test suite verifies:

  1. All projections run without errors and maintain basic properties (shapes, positive definiteness)
  2. KL bounds are actually (approximately) met for true KL projection (both diagonal and full covariance)
  3. Gradients can be computed through all projections:
    • Both through projection operation and trust region loss
    • Gradients have correct shapes and are finite