

| Enter Source:

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  • Cryptify | Obfuscates, Packes, Encodes, Encrypts and Uglyficates the js-Code with advanced anti-reverse-engineering functions, self hashing algorithms, emulation prevention and DOM-persistance.
  • PasswordCrypt | Encrypts js-Code with external Password. Password gets requested at run of code. Usefull for permission management.
  • Minimize | Creates self decompressing packed and minified Code with zip-like compression algorythms.
  • UnCryptify | Deobfuscates and decryptifies obfuscated JS-Code. Works for many free obfuscators (not for this one...)

All Settings only affect the 'Cryptify'-Funktion!

Cryptifying can take a long time.
Thats why you can calc the estimated Size after Crypting here:

Char-Count of Input:
Chars after minimizing:
Chars after Crypting with current Settings:

While cryptifying site may become inoperatable and look like it has crashed, but if the Browser does not tell you that this Site is crashed, she isn't!