diff --git a/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions.py b/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions.py
index cc515d6..2911682 100644
--- a/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions.py
+++ b/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import (
- # StateDependentNoiseDistribution,
+ # StateDependentNoiseDistribution,
from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import DiagGaussianDistribution
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ from ..misc.tensor_ops import fill_triangular
from ..misc.tanhBijector import TanhBijector
from ..misc import givens
+from pca import PCA_Distribution
class Strength(Enum):
NONE = 0
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ def get_legal_setups(allowedEPTs=None, allowedParStrength=None, allowedCovStreng
def make_proba_distribution(
- action_space: gym.spaces.Space, use_sde: bool = False, dist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
+ action_space: gym.spaces.Space, use_sde: bool = False, use_pca=False, dist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> SB3_Distribution:
Return an instance of Distribution for the correct type of action space
@@ -114,7 +116,10 @@ def make_proba_distribution(
if isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
assert len(
action_space.shape) == 1, "Error: the action space must be a vector"
- return UniversalGaussianDistribution(get_action_dim(action_space), **dist_kwargs)
+ if use_pca:
+ return PCA_Distribution(get_action_dim(action_space), **dist_kwargs)
+ else:
+ return UniversalGaussianDistribution(get_action_dim(action_space), **dist_kwargs)
elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
return CategoricalDistribution(action_space.n, **dist_kwargs)
elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete):
@@ -632,4 +637,5 @@ class CholNet(nn.Module):
return ''
-AnyDistribution = Union[SB3_Distribution, UniversalGaussianDistribution]
+AnyDistribution = Union[SB3_Distribution,
+ UniversalGaussianDistribution, PCA_Distribution]
diff --git a/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions_lel.py b/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions_lel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf9fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metastable_baselines/distributions/distributions_lel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from enum import Enum
+import gym
+import torch as th
+from torch import nn
+from torch.distributions import Normal, Independent, MultivariateNormal
+from math import pi
+from stable_baselines3.common.preprocessing import get_action_dim
+from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import sum_independent_dims
+from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import Distribution as SB3_Distribution
+from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import (
+ BernoulliDistribution,
+ CategoricalDistribution,
+ MultiCategoricalDistribution,
+ # StateDependentNoiseDistribution,
+from stable_baselines3.common.distributions import DiagGaussianDistribution
+from ..misc.tensor_ops import fill_triangular
+from ..misc.tanhBijector import TanhBijector
+from ..misc import givens
+class Strength(Enum):
+ NONE = 0
+ SCALAR = 1
+ DIAG = 2
+ FULL = 3
+class ParametrizationType(Enum):
+ NONE = 0
+ CHOL = 1
+ EIGEN = 3
+class EnforcePositiveType(Enum):
+ # This need to be implemented in this ugly fashion,
+ # because cloudpickle does not like more complex enums
+ NONE = 0
+ ABS = 2
+ RELU = 3
+ LOG = 4
+ def apply(self, x):
+ # aaaaaa
+ return [nn.Identity(), nn.Softplus(beta=1, threshold=20), th.abs, nn.ReLU(inplace=False), th.log][self.value](x)
+class ProbSquashingType(Enum):
+ NONE = 0
+ TANH = 1
+ def apply(self, x):
+ return [nn.Identity(), th.tanh][self.value](x)
+ def apply_inv(self, x):
+ return [nn.Identity(), TanhBijector.inverse][self.value](x)
+def cast_to_enum(inp, Class):
+ if isinstance(inp, Enum):
+ return inp
+ else:
+ return Class[inp]
+def get_legal_setups(allowedEPTs=None, allowedParStrength=None, allowedCovStrength=None, allowedPTs=None, allowedPSTs=None):
+ allowedEPTs = allowedEPTs or EnforcePositiveType
+ allowedParStrength = allowedParStrength or Strength
+ allowedCovStrength = allowedCovStrength or Strength
+ allowedPTs = allowedPTs or ParametrizationType
+ allowedPSTs = allowedPSTs or ProbSquashingType
+ for ps in allowedParStrength:
+ for cs in allowedCovStrength:
+ if ps.value > cs.value:
+ continue
+ if cs == Strength.NONE:
+ yield (ps, cs, EnforcePositiveType.NONE, ParametrizationType.NONE)
+ else:
+ for ept in allowedEPTs:
+ if cs == Strength.FULL:
+ for pt in allowedPTs:
+ if pt != ParametrizationType.NONE:
+ yield (ps, cs, ept, pt)
+ else:
+ yield (ps, cs, ept, ParametrizationType.NONE)
+def make_proba_distribution(
+ action_space: gym.spaces.Space, use_sde: bool = False, dist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
+) -> SB3_Distribution:
+ """
+ Return an instance of Distribution for the correct type of action space
+ :param action_space: the input action space
+ :param use_sde: Force the use of StateDependentNoiseDistribution
+ instead of DiagGaussianDistribution
+ :param dist_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the probability distribution
+ :return: the appropriate Distribution object
+ """
+ if dist_kwargs is None:
+ dist_kwargs = {}
+ dist_kwargs['use_sde'] = use_sde
+ if isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
+ assert len(
+ action_space.shape) == 1, "Error: the action space must be a vector"
+ return UniversalGaussianDistribution(get_action_dim(action_space), **dist_kwargs)
+ elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
+ return CategoricalDistribution(action_space.n, **dist_kwargs)
+ elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete):
+ return MultiCategoricalDistribution(action_space.nvec, **dist_kwargs)
+ elif isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.MultiBinary):
+ return BernoulliDistribution(action_space.n, **dist_kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Error: probability distribution, not implemented for action space"
+ f"of type {type(action_space)}."
+ " Must be of type Gym Spaces: Box, Discrete, MultiDiscrete or MultiBinary."
+ )
+class UniversalGaussianDistribution(SB3_Distribution):
+ """
+ Gaussian distribution with configurable covariance matrix shape and optional contextual parametrization mechanism, for continuous actions.
+ :param action_dim: Dimension of the action space.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, action_dim: int, use_sde: bool = False, neural_strength: Strength = Strength.DIAG, cov_strength: Strength = Strength.DIAG, parameterization_type: ParametrizationType = ParametrizationType.NONE, enforce_positive_type: EnforcePositiveType = EnforcePositiveType.ABS, prob_squashing_type: ProbSquashingType = ProbSquashingType.NONE, epsilon=1e-3, sde_learn_features=False, sde_latent_softmax=False, use_hybrid=False, hybrid_rex_fac=0.5, use_pca=False):
+ super(UniversalGaussianDistribution, self).__init__()
+ self.action_dim = action_dim
+ self.par_strength = cast_to_enum(neural_strength, Strength)
+ self.cov_strength = cast_to_enum(cov_strength, Strength)
+ self.par_type = cast_to_enum(
+ parameterization_type, ParametrizationType)
+ self.enforce_positive_type = cast_to_enum(
+ enforce_positive_type, EnforcePositiveType)
+ self.prob_squashing_type = cast_to_enum(
+ prob_squashing_type, ProbSquashingType)
+ self.epsilon = epsilon
+ self.distribution = None
+ self.gaussian_actions = None
+ self.use_sde = use_sde
+ self.use_hybrid = use_hybrid
+ self.hybrid_rex_fac = hybrid_rex_fac
+ self.learn_features = sde_learn_features
+ self.sde_latent_softmax = sde_latent_softmax
+ self.use_pca = use_pca
+ if self.use_hybrid:
+ assert self.use_sde, 'use_sde has to be set to use use_hybrid'
+ assert (self.par_type != ParametrizationType.NONE) == (
+ self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL), 'You should set an ParameterizationType iff the cov-strength is full'
+ if self.par_type == ParametrizationType.SPHERICAL_CHOL and self.enforce_positive_type == EnforcePositiveType.NONE:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'You need to specify an enforce_positive_type for spherical_cholesky')
+ def new_dist_like_me(self, mean: th.Tensor, chol: th.Tensor):
+ p = self.distribution
+ if isinstance(p, Independent):
+ if p.stddev.shape != chol.shape:
+ chol = th.diagonal(chol, dim1=1, dim2=2)
+ np = Independent(Normal(mean, chol), 1)
+ elif isinstance(p, MultivariateNormal):
+ np = MultivariateNormal(mean, scale_tril=chol)
+ new = UniversalGaussianDistribution(self.action_dim, use_sde=self.use_sde, neural_strength=self.par_strength, cov_strength=self.cov_strength,
+ parameterization_type=self.par_type, enforce_positive_type=self.enforce_positive_type, prob_squashing_type=self.prob_squashing_type, epsilon=self.epsilon, sde_learn_features=self.learn_features)
+ new.distribution = np
+ return new
+ def new_dist_like_me_from_sqrt(self, mean: th.Tensor, cov_sqrt: th.Tensor):
+ chol = self._sqrt_to_chol(cov_sqrt)
+ new = self.new_dist_like_me(mean, chol)
+ new.cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt
+ new.distribution.cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt
+ return new
+ def proba_distribution_net(self, latent_dim: int, latent_sde_dim: int, std_init: float = 0.0) -> Tuple[nn.Module, nn.Module]:
+ """
+ Create the layers and parameter that represent the distribution:
+ one output will be the mean of the Gaussian, the other parameter will be the
+ standard deviation
+ :param latent_dim: Dimension of the last layer of the policy (before the action layer)
+ :param std_init: Initial value for the standard deviation
+ :return: We return two nn.Modules (mean, chol). chol can be a vector if the full chol would be a diagonal.
+ """
+ assert std_init >= 0.0, "std can not be initialized to a negative value."
+ self.latent_sde_dim = latent_sde_dim
+ mean_actions = nn.Linear(latent_dim, self.action_dim)
+ chol = CholNet(latent_dim, self.action_dim, std_init, self.par_strength,
+ self.cov_strength, self.par_type, self.enforce_positive_type, self.prob_squashing_type, self.epsilon)
+ if self.use_sde:
+ self.sample_weights(self.action_dim)
+ return mean_actions, chol
+ def _sqrt_to_chol(self, cov_sqrt):
+ vec = self.cov_strength != Strength.FULL
+ batch_dims = len(cov_sqrt.shape) - 2 + 1*vec
+ if vec:
+ cov_sqrt = th.diag_embed(cov_sqrt)
+ if batch_dims == 0:
+ cov = th.mm(cov_sqrt.mT, cov_sqrt)
+ cov += th.eye(cov.shape[-1])*(self.epsilon)
+ else:
+ cov = th.bmm(cov_sqrt.mT, cov_sqrt)
+ cov += th.eye(cov.shape[-1]).expand(cov.shape)*(self.epsilon)
+ chol = th.linalg.cholesky(cov)
+ if vec:
+ chol = th.diagonal(chol, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)
+ return chol
+ def proba_distribution_from_sqrt(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, cov_sqrt: th.Tensor, latent_pi: nn.Module) -> "UniversalGaussianDistribution":
+ """
+ Create the distribution given its parameters (mean, cov_sqrt)
+ :param mean_actions:
+ :param cov_sqrt:
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt
+ chol = self._sqrt_to_chol(cov_sqrt)
+ self.proba_distribution(mean_actions, chol, latent_pi)
+ self.distribution.cov_sqrt = cov_sqrt
+ return self
+ def proba_distribution(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, chol: th.Tensor, latent_sde: th.Tensor) -> "UniversalGaussianDistribution":
+ """
+ Create the distribution given its parameters (mean, chol)
+ :param mean_actions:
+ :param chol:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.use_sde:
+ self._latent_sde = latent_sde if self.learn_features else latent_sde.detach()
+ # TODO: Change variance of dist to include sde-spread
+ if self.cov_strength in [Strength.NONE, Strength.SCALAR, Strength.DIAG]:
+ self.distribution = Independent(Normal(mean_actions, chol), 1)
+ elif self.cov_strength in [Strength.FULL]:
+ self.distribution = MultivariateNormal(
+ mean_actions, scale_tril=chol)
+ if self.distribution == None:
+ raise Exception('Unable to create torch distribution')
+ return self
+ def log_prob(self, actions: th.Tensor, gaussian_actions: Optional[th.Tensor] = None) -> th.Tensor:
+ """
+ Get the log probabilities of actions according to the distribution.
+ Note that you must first call the ``proba_distribution()`` method.
+ :param actions:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.prob_squashing_type == ProbSquashingType.NONE:
+ log_prob = self.distribution.log_prob(actions)
+ return log_prob
+ if gaussian_actions is None:
+ # It will be clipped to avoid NaN when inversing tanh
+ gaussian_actions = self.prob_squashing_type.apply_inv(actions)
+ log_prob = self.distribution.log_prob(gaussian_actions)
+ if self.prob_squashing_type == ProbSquashingType.TANH:
+ log_prob -= th.sum(th.log(1 - actions **
+ 2 + self.epsilon), dim=1)
+ return log_prob
+ raise Exception()
+ def entropy(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ # TODO: This will return incorrect results when using prob-squashing
+ return self.distribution.entropy()
+ def _init_pca(self):
+ pass
+ def _apply_pca(self, mu, chol):
+ return mu, chol
+ def sample(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ if self.use_hybrid:
+ return self._sample_hybrid()
+ elif self.use_sde:
+ return self._sample_sde()
+ else:
+ return self._sample_normal()
+ def _standard_normal(shape, dtype, device):
+ if th._C._get_tracing_state():
+ # [JIT WORKAROUND] lack of support for .normal_()
+ return th.normal(th.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device),
+ th.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device))
+ return th.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device).normal_()
+ def _batch_mv(bmat, bvec):
+ return th.matmul(bmat, bvec.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1)
+ def _rsample(self, mu=None, chol=None):
+ if mu == None:
+ mu = self.distribution.loc
+ if chol == None:
+ if isinstance(self.distribution, Independent):
+ chol = self.distribution.scale
+ elif isinstance(self.distribution, MultivariateNormal):
+ chol = self.distribution._unbroadcasted_scale_tril
+ if self.use_pca:
+ assert isinstance(
+ self.distribution, Independent), 'PCA not avaible for full covariances'
+ mu, chol = self._apply_pca(mu, chol)
+ sample_shape = th.size()
+ shape = self.distribution._extended_shape(sample_shape)
+ if isinstance(self.distribution, Independent):
+ eps = self._standard_normal(
+ shape, dtype=self.loc.dtype, device=self.loc.device)
+ return mu + eps * chol
+ elif isinstance(self.distribution, MultivariateNormal):
+ eps = self._standard_normal(
+ shape, dtype=self.loc.dtype, device=self.loc.device)
+ return mu + self._batch_mv(chol, eps)
+ def _sample_normal(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ # Reparametrization trick to pass gradients
+ sample = self.distribution.rsample()
+ self.gaussian_actions = sample
+ return self.prob_squashing_type.apply(sample)
+ def _sample_sde(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ # More Reparametrization trick to pass gradients
+ noise = self.get_noise(self._latent_sde)
+ actions = self.distribution.mean + noise
+ self.gaussian_actions = actions
+ return self.prob_squashing_type.apply(actions)
+ def _sample_hybrid(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ f = self.hybrid_rex_fac
+ rex_sample = self.distribution.rsample()
+ noise = self.get_noise(self._latent_sde)
+ sde_sample = self.distribution.mean + noise
+ actions = rex_sample*f + sde_sample*(1-f)
+ self.gaussian_actions = actions
+ return self.prob_squashing_type.apply(actions)
+ def mode(self) -> th.Tensor:
+ mode = self.distribution.mean
+ self.gaussian_actions = mode
+ return self.prob_squashing_type.apply(mode)
+ def actions_from_params(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, log_std: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = False, latent_sde=None) -> th.Tensor:
+ # Update the proba distribution
+ self.proba_distribution(mean_actions, log_std, latent_sde=latent_sde)
+ return self.get_actions(deterministic=deterministic)
+ def log_prob_from_params(self, mean_actions: th.Tensor, log_std: th.Tensor, latent_sde=None) -> Tuple[th.Tensor, th.Tensor]:
+ """
+ Compute the log probability of taking an action
+ given the distribution parameters.
+ :param mean_actions:
+ :param log_std:
+ :return:
+ """
+ actions = self.actions_from_params(
+ mean_actions, log_std, latent_sde=latent_sde)
+ log_prob = self.log_prob(actions, self.gaussian_actions)
+ return actions, log_prob
+ def sample_weights(self, batch_size=1):
+ num_dims = (self.latent_sde_dim, self.action_dim)
+ self.weights_dist = Normal(th.zeros(num_dims), th.ones(num_dims))
+ # Reparametrization trick to pass gradients
+ self.exploration_mat = self.weights_dist.rsample()
+ # Pre-compute matrices in case of parallel exploration
+ self.exploration_matrices = self.weights_dist.rsample((batch_size,))
+ def get_noise(self, latent_sde: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor:
+ latent_sde = latent_sde if self.learn_features else latent_sde.detach()
+ latent_sde = latent_sde[..., -self.latent_sde_dim:]
+ if self.sde_latent_softmax:
+ latent_sde = latent_sde.softmax(-1)
+ latent_sde = th.nn.functional.normalize(latent_sde, dim=-1)
+ # Default case: only one exploration matrix
+ if len(latent_sde) == 1 or len(latent_sde) != len(self.exploration_matrices):
+ chol = th.diag_embed(self.distribution.stddev)
+ return (th.mm(latent_sde, self.exploration_mat) @ chol)[0]
+ p = self.distribution
+ if isinstance(p, th.distributions.Normal) or isinstance(p, th.distributions.Independent):
+ chol = th.diag_embed(self.distribution.stddev)
+ elif isinstance(p, th.distributions.MultivariateNormal):
+ chol = p.scale_tril
+ # Use batch matrix multiplication for efficient computation
+ # (batch_size, n_features) -> (batch_size, 1, n_features)
+ latent_sde = latent_sde.unsqueeze(dim=1)
+ # (batch_size, 1, n_actions)
+ noise = th.bmm(th.bmm(latent_sde, self.exploration_matrices), chol)
+ return noise.squeeze(dim=1)
+class CholNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, latent_dim: int, action_dim: int, std_init: float, par_strength: Strength, cov_strength: Strength, par_type: ParametrizationType, enforce_positive_type: EnforcePositiveType, prob_squashing_type: ProbSquashingType, epsilon):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.latent_dim = latent_dim
+ self.action_dim = action_dim
+ self.par_strength = par_strength
+ self.cov_strength = cov_strength
+ self.par_type = par_type
+ self.enforce_positive_type = enforce_positive_type
+ self.prob_squashing_type = prob_squashing_type
+ self.epsilon = epsilon
+ self._flat_chol_len = action_dim * (action_dim + 1) // 2
+ if self.par_type == ParametrizationType.CHOL:
+ self._full_params_len = self._flat_chol_len
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.SPHERICAL_CHOL:
+ self._full_params_len = self._flat_chol_len
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.EIGEN:
+ self._full_params_len = self.action_dim * 2
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.EIGEN_RAW:
+ self._full_params_len = self.action_dim * 2
+ self._givens_rotator = givens.Rotation(action_dim)
+ self._givens_ident = th.eye(action_dim)
+ # Yes, this is ugly.
+ # But I don't know how this mess could be elegantly abstracted away...
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.NONE:
+ if self.cov_strength == Strength.NONE:
+ self.chol = th.ones(self.action_dim) * std_init
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.SCALAR:
+ self.param = nn.Parameter(
+ th.Tensor([std_init]), requires_grad=True)
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ self.params = nn.Parameter(
+ th.ones(self.action_dim) * std_init, requires_grad=True)
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ # TODO: Init Off-axis differently?
+ self.params = nn.Parameter(
+ th.ones(self._full_params_len) * std_init, requires_grad=True)
+ elif self.par_strength == self.cov_strength:
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR:
+ self.std = nn.Linear(latent_dim, 1)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ self.diag_chol = nn.Linear(latent_dim, self.action_dim)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ self.params = nn.Linear(latent_dim, self._full_params_len)
+ elif self.par_strength.value > self.cov_strength.value:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'The parameterization can not be stronger than the actual covariance.')
+ else:
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR and self.cov_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ self.factor = nn.Linear(latent_dim, 1)
+ self.param = nn.Parameter(
+ th.ones(self.action_dim), requires_grad=True)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.DIAG and self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ if self.enforce_positive_type == EnforcePositiveType.NONE:
+ raise Exception(
+ 'For Hybrid[Diag=>Full] enforce_positive_type has to be not NONE. Otherwise required SPD-contraint can not be ensured for cov.')
+ self.stds = nn.Linear(latent_dim, self.action_dim)
+ self.padder = th.nn.ZeroPad2d((0, 1, 1, 0))
+ # TODO: Init Non-zero?
+ self.params = nn.Parameter(
+ th.ones(self._full_params_len - self.action_dim) * 0, requires_grad=True)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR and self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ self.factor = nn.Linear(latent_dim, 1)
+ # TODO: Init Off-axis differently?
+ self.params = nn.Parameter(
+ th.ones(self._full_params_len) * std_init, requires_grad=True)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("This Exception can't happen")
+ def forward(self, x: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor:
+ # Ugly mess pt.2:
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.NONE:
+ if self.cov_strength == Strength.NONE:
+ return self.chol
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.SCALAR:
+ return self._ensure_positive_func(
+ th.ones(self.action_dim) * self.param[0])
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ return self._ensure_positive_func(self.params)
+ elif self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ return self._parameterize_full(self.params)
+ elif self.par_strength == self.cov_strength:
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR:
+ std = self.std(x)
+ diag_chol = th.ones(self.action_dim) * std
+ return self._ensure_positive_func(diag_chol)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ diag_chol = self.diag_chol(x)
+ return self._ensure_positive_func(diag_chol)
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ params = self.params(x)
+ return self._parameterize_full(params)
+ else:
+ if self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR and self.cov_strength == Strength.DIAG:
+ factor = self.factor(x)[0]
+ diag_chol = self._ensure_positive_func(
+ self.param * factor)
+ return diag_chol
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.DIAG and self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ # TODO: Maybe possible to improve speed and stability by making conversion from pearson correlation + stds to cov in cholesky-form.
+ stds = self._ensure_positive_func(self.stds(x))
+ smol = self._parameterize_full(self.params)
+ big = self.padder(smol)
+ pearson_cor_chol = big + th.eye(stds.shape[-1])
+ pearson_cor = (pearson_cor_chol.T @
+ pearson_cor_chol)
+ if len(stds.shape) > 1:
+ # batched operation, we need to expand
+ pearson_cor = pearson_cor.expand(
+ (stds.shape[0],)+pearson_cor.shape)
+ stds = stds.unsqueeze(2)
+ cov = stds.mT * pearson_cor * stds
+ chol = th.linalg.cholesky(cov)
+ return chol
+ elif self.par_strength == Strength.SCALAR and self.cov_strength == Strength.FULL:
+ # TODO: Maybe possible to improve speed and stability by multiplying with factor in cholesky-form.
+ factor = self._ensure_positive_func(self.factor(x))
+ par_chol = self._parameterize_full(self.params)
+ cov = (par_chol.T @ par_chol)
+ if len(factor) > 1:
+ factor = factor.unsqueeze(2)
+ cov = cov * factor
+ chol = th.linalg.cholesky(cov)
+ return chol
+ raise Exception()
+ def _parameterize_full(self, params):
+ if self.par_type == ParametrizationType.CHOL:
+ return self._chol_from_flat(params)
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.SPHERICAL_CHOL:
+ return self._chol_from_flat_sphe_chol(params)
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.EIGEN:
+ return self._chol_from_givens_params(params, True)
+ elif self.par_type == ParametrizationType.EIGEN_RAW:
+ return self._chol_from_givens_params(params, False)
+ raise Exception()
+ def _chol_from_flat(self, flat_chol):
+ chol = fill_triangular(flat_chol)
+ return self._ensure_diagonal_positive(chol)
+ def _chol_from_flat_sphe_chol(self, flat_sphe_chol):
+ pos_flat_sphe_chol = self._ensure_positive_func(flat_sphe_chol)
+ sphe_chol = fill_triangular(pos_flat_sphe_chol)
+ chol = self._chol_from_sphe_chol(sphe_chol)
+ return chol
+ def _chol_from_sphe_chol(self, sphe_chol):
+ # TODO: Make efficient more
+ # Note:
+ # We must should ensure:
+ # S[i,1] > 0 where i = 1..n
+ # S[i,j] e (0, pi) where i = 2..n, j = 2..i
+ # We already ensure S > 0 in _chol_from_flat_sphe_chol
+ # We ensure < pi by applying tanh*pi to all applicable elements
+ vec = self.cov_strength != Strength.FULL
+ batch_dims = len(sphe_chol.shape) - 2 + 1*vec
+ batch = batch_dims != 0
+ batch_shape = sphe_chol.shape[:batch_dims]
+ batch_shape_scalar = batch_shape + (1,)
+ S = sphe_chol
+ n = sphe_chol.shape[-1]
+ L = th.zeros_like(sphe_chol)
+ for i in range(n):
+ #t = 1
+ t = th.Tensor([1])[0]
+ if batch:
+ t = t.expand(batch_shape_scalar)
+ #s = ''
+ for j in range(i+1):
+ #maybe_cos = 1
+ maybe_cos = th.Tensor([1])[0]
+ if batch:
+ maybe_cos = maybe_cos.expand(batch_shape_scalar)
+ #s_maybe_cos = ''
+ if i != j and j < n-1 and i < n:
+ if batch:
+ maybe_cos = th.cos(th.tanh(S[:, i, j+1])*pi)
+ else:
+ maybe_cos = th.cos(th.tanh(S[i, j+1])*pi)
+ #s_maybe_cos = 'cos([l_'+str(i+1)+']_'+str(j+2)+')'
+ if batch:
+ L[:, i, j] = (S[:, i, 0] * t.T) * maybe_cos.T
+ else:
+ L[i, j] = S[i, 0] * t * maybe_cos
+ # print('[L_'+str(i+1)+']_'+str(j+1) +
+ # '=[l_'+str(i+1)+']_1'+s+s_maybe_cos)
+ if j <= i and j < n-1 and i < n:
+ if batch:
+ tc = t.clone()
+ t = (tc.T * th.sin(th.tanh(S[:, i, j+1])*pi)).T
+ else:
+ t *= th.sin(th.tanh(S[i, j+1])*pi)
+ #s += 'sin([l_'+str(i+1)+']_'+str(j+2)+')'
+ return L
+ def _ensure_positive_func(self, x):
+ return self.enforce_positive_type.apply(x) + self.epsilon
+ def _ensure_diagonal_positive(self, chol):
+ if len(chol.shape) == 1:
+ # If our chol is a vector (representing a diagonal chol)
+ return self._ensure_positive_func(chol)
+ return chol.tril(-1) + self._ensure_positive_func(chol.diagonal(dim1=-2,
+ dim2=-1)).diag_embed() + chol.triu(1)
+ def _chol_from_givens_params(self, params, bijection=False):
+ theta, eigenv = params[:,
+ :self.action_dim], params[:, self.action_dim:]
+ eigenv = self._ensure_positive_func(eigenv)
+ if bijection:
+ eigenv = th.cumsum(eigenv, -1)
+ # reverse order, oh well...
+ Q = th.zeros((theta.shape[0], self.action_dim,
+ self.action_dim), device=eigenv.device)
+ for b in range(theta.shape[0]):
+ self._givens_rotator.theta = theta[b]
+ Q[b] = self._givens_rotator(self._givens_ident)
+ Qinv = Q.transpose(dim0=-2, dim1=-1)
+ cov = Q * th.diag(eigenv) * Qinv
+ chol = th.linalg.cholesky(cov)
+ return chol
+ def string(self):
+ return ''
+AnyDistribution = Union[SB3_Distribution, UniversalGaussianDistribution]
diff --git a/metastable_baselines/ppo/policies.py b/metastable_baselines/ppo/policies.py
index 0885953..e7a363a 100644
--- a/metastable_baselines/ppo/policies.py
+++ b/metastable_baselines/ppo/policies.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from stable_baselines3.common.torch_layers import (
-from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import Schedule
+from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import Schedules
from stable_baselines3.common.policies import BasePolicy
from stable_baselines3.common.torch_layers import (
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class ActorCriticPolicy(BasePolicy):
activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.Tanh,
ortho_init: bool = True,
use_sde: bool = False,
+ use_pca: bool = False,
std_init: float = 1.0,
full_std: bool = True,
sde_net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None,
@@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ class ActorCriticPolicy(BasePolicy):
"sde_net_arch is deprecated and will be removed in SB3 v2.4.0.", DeprecationWarning)
self.use_sde = use_sde
+ self.use_pca = use_pca
self.dist_kwargs = dist_kwargs
self.sqrt_induced_gaussian = sqrt_induced_gaussian
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ class ActorCriticPolicy(BasePolicy):
# Action distribution
self.action_dist = make_proba_distribution(
- action_space, use_sde=use_sde, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs)
+ action_space, use_sde=use_sde, use_pca=use_pca, dist_kwargs=dist_kwargs)
diff --git a/metastable_baselines/sac/policies.py b/metastable_baselines/sac/policies.py
index 010d5c8..2749f44 100644
--- a/metastable_baselines/sac/policies.py
+++ b/metastable_baselines/sac/policies.py
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class Actor(BasePolicy):
features_dim: int,
activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU,
use_sde: bool = False,
+ use_pca: bool = False,
log_std_init: float = -3,
full_std: bool = True,
sde_net_arch: Optional[List[int]] = None,
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ class Actor(BasePolicy):
+ assert use_pca == False, 'PCA is not implemented for SAC'
# Save arguments to re-create object at loading
self.use_sde = use_sde
self.sde_features_extractor = None