# Metastable Baselines
During training of a RL-Agent we follow the gradient of the loss, which leads us to a minimum. In cases where the found minimum is merely a local minimum, this can be seen as a *false vacuum* in our loss space. Exploration mechanisms try to let our training procedure escape these *stable states*: Making them *metastable*.
In order to archive this, this Repo contains some extensions for [Stable Baselines 3 by DLR-RM](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3)
These extensions include:
- An implementation of ["Differentiable Trust Region Layers for Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Fabian Otto et al.](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09207)
- Support for Contextual Covariances
- Multiple parameterization strategies for the Covariance
The resulting algorithms can than be tested for their ability of exploration in the enviroments provided by [Project Columbus](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/Columbus)
This Repo was created as part of my bachelor-thesis at ALR (KIT).
## Installation
#### (optional) Columbus for test.py and replay.py
Install [Project Columbus](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/Columbus) by following the instructions in the repo.
#### Install dependency: Metastable Projections
Follow instructions for the [Public Version](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/metastable-projections-public) ([GitHub Mirror](https://github.com/D-o-d-o-x/metastable-projections-public)) / [Private Version](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/metastable-projections) ([GitHub Mirror](https://github.com/D-o-d-o-x/metastable-projections)).
The private version also requires ALR's ITPAL as a dependency. Only the private version supports KL Projections.
#### Install as a package
Then install this repo as a package:
pip install -e .
## License
Since this Repo is an extension to [Stable Baselines 3 by DLR-RM](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3), it contains some of it's code. SB3 is licensed under the [MIT-License](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3/blob/master/LICENSE).