2022-06-16 10:59:26 +02:00

234 lines
9.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2021 Robert Bosch GmbH
# Author: Fabian Otto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging
import copy
import numpy as np
import torch as ch
from typing import Tuple, Union
from trust_region_projections.utils.projection_utils import gaussian_kl
from trust_region_projections.models.policy.abstract_gaussian_policy import AbstractGaussianPolicy
from trust_region_projections.projections.base_projection_layer import BaseProjectionLayer
from trust_region_projections.utils.torch_utils import torch_batched_trace
logger = logging.getLogger("papi_projection")
class PAPIProjection(BaseProjectionLayer):
def __init__(self,
proj_type: str = "",
mean_bound: float = 0.015,
cov_bound: float = 0.0,
entropy_eq: bool = False,
entropy_first: bool = True,
cpu: bool = True,
dtype: ch.dtype = ch.float32,
PAPI projection, which can be used after each training epoch to satisfy the trust regions.
proj_type: Which type of projection to use. None specifies no projection and uses the TRPO objective.
mean_bound: projection bound for the step size,
PAPI only has a joint KL constraint, mean and cov bound are summed for this bound.
cov_bound: projection bound for the step size,
PAPI only has a joint KL constraint, mean and cov bound are summed for this bound.
entropy_eq: Use entropy equality constraints.
entropy_first: Project entropy before trust region.
cpu: Compute on CPU only.
dtype: Data type to use, either of float32 or float64. The later might be necessary for higher
dimensions in order to learn the full covariance.
assert entropy_first
super().__init__(proj_type, mean_bound, cov_bound, 0.0, False, None, None, None, 0.0, 0.0, entropy_eq,
entropy_first, cpu, dtype)
self.last_policies = []
def __call__(self, policy, p, q, step=0, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get("obs"):
self._papi_steps(policy, q, **kwargs)
return p
def _trust_region_projection(self, policy: AbstractGaussianPolicy, p: Tuple[ch.Tensor, ch.Tensor],
q: Tuple[ch.Tensor, ch.Tensor], eps: Union[ch.Tensor, float],
eps_cov: Union[ch.Tensor, float], **kwargs):
runs papi projection layer and constructs sqrt of covariance
policy: policy instance
p: current distribution
q: old distribution
eps: (modified) kl bound/ kl bound for mean part
eps_cov: (modified) kl bound for cov part
mean, cov sqrt
mean, chol = p
old_mean, old_chol = q
intermed_mean = kwargs.get('intermed_mean')
dtype = mean.dtype
device = mean.device
dim = mean.shape[-1]
# Precompute basic matrices
# Joint bound
eps += eps_cov
I = ch.eye(dim, dtype=dtype, device=device)
old_precision = ch.cholesky_solve(I, old_chol)[0]
logdet_old = policy.log_determinant(old_chol)
cov = policy.covariance(chol)
# compute expected KL
maha_part, cov_part = gaussian_kl(policy, p, q)
maha_part = maha_part.mean()
cov_part = cov_part.mean()
if intermed_mean is not None:
maha_intermediate = 0.5 * policy.maha(intermed_mean, old_mean, old_chol).mean()
mm = ch.min(maha_part, maha_intermediate)
# matrix rotation/rescaling projection
if maha_part + cov_part > eps + 1e-6:
old_cov = policy.covariance(old_chol)
maha_delta = eps if intermed_mean is None else (eps - mm)
eta_rot = maha_delta / ch.max(maha_part + cov_part, ch.tensor(1e-16, dtype=dtype, device=device))
new_cov = (1 - eta_rot) * old_cov + eta_rot * cov
proj_chol = ch.cholesky(new_cov)
# recompute covariance part of KL for new chol
trace_term = 0.5 * (torch_batched_trace(old_precision @ new_cov) - dim).mean() # rotation difference
entropy_diff = 0.5 * (logdet_old - policy.log_determinant(proj_chol)).mean()
cov_part = trace_term + entropy_diff
proj_chol = chol
# mean interpolation projection
if maha_part + cov_part > eps + 1e-6:
if intermed_mean is not None:
a = 0.5 * policy.maha(mean, intermed_mean, old_chol).mean()
b = 0.5 * ((mean - intermed_mean) @ old_precision @ (intermed_mean - old_mean).T).mean()
c = maha_intermediate - ch.max(eps - cov_part, ch.tensor(0., dtype=dtype, device=device))
eta_mean = (-b + ch.sqrt(ch.max(b * b - a * c, ch.tensor(1e-16, dtype=dtype, device=device)))) / \
ch.max(a, ch.tensor(1e-16, dtype=dtype, device=device))
eta_mean = ch.sqrt(
ch.max(eps - cov_part, ch.tensor(1e-16, dtype=dtype, device=device)) /
ch.max(maha_part, ch.tensor(1e-16, dtype=dtype, device=device)))
eta_mean = ch.tensor(1., dtype=dtype, device=device)
return eta_mean, proj_chol
def _papi_steps(self, policy: AbstractGaussianPolicy, q: Tuple[ch.Tensor, ch.Tensor], obs: ch.Tensor, lr_schedule,
Take PAPI steps after PPO finished its steps. Policy parameters are updated in-place.
policy: policy instance
q: old distribution
obs: collected observations from trajectories
lr_schedule: lr schedule for policy
lr_schedule_vf: lr schedule for vf
assert not policy.contextual_std
# save latest policy in history
# policy backtracking: out of last n policies and current one find one that satisfies the kl constraint
intermed_policy = None
n_backtracks = 0
for i, pi in enumerate(reversed(self.last_policies)):
p_prime = pi(obs)
mean_part, cov_part = pi.kl_divergence(p_prime, q)
if (mean_part + cov_part).mean() <= self.mean_bound + self.cov_bound:
intermed_policy = pi
n_backtracks = i
# LR update
# reduce learning rate when appropriate policy not within the last 4 epochs
if n_backtracks >= 4 or intermed_policy is None:
# Linear learning rate annealing
if lr_schedule_vf:
if intermed_policy is None:
# pop last policy and make it current one, as the updated one was poor
# do not keep last policy in history, otherwise we could stack the same policy multiple times.
if len(self.last_policies) >= 1:
logger.warning(f"No suitable policy found in backtracking of {len(self.last_policies)} policies.")
# PAPI iterations
# We assume only non contextual covariances here, therefore we only need to project for one
q = (q[0], q[1][:1]) # (means, covs[:1])
# This is A from Alg. 2 [Akrour et al., 2019]
intermed_weight = intermed_policy.get_last_layer().detach().clone()
# This is A @ phi(s)
intermed_mean = p_prime[0].detach().clone()
entropy = policy.entropy(q)
entropy_bound = obs.new_tensor([-np.inf]) if entropy / self.initial_entropy > 0.5 \
else entropy - (self.mean_bound + self.cov_bound)
for _ in range(20):
eta, proj_chol = self._projection(intermed_policy, (p_prime[0], p_prime[1][:1]), q,
self.mean_bound, self.cov_bound, entropy_bound,
intermed_policy.papi_weight_update(eta, intermed_weight)
p_prime = intermed_policy(obs)