- An implementation of ["Differentiable Trust Region Layers for Deep Reinforcement Learning" by Fabian Otto et al. (TRPL)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09207)
Follow instructions for the [Metastable Projections](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/metastable-projections) ([GitHub Mirror](https://github.com/D-o-d-o-x/metastable-projections)).
KL Projections require ALR's ITPAL as an additional dependecy.
SB3 does not support full covariances (only diagonal). We still provide support for full covariances via the seperate [PCA](https://git.dominik-roth.eu/dodox/PriorConditionedAnnealing) package. (But since we don't actually want to use PCA ('Prior Conditioned Annealing'), we pass 'skip_conditioning=True'; this will lead to the underlying Noise being used directly.)
-`FULL`: We learn a full covariance matrix, induced via Cholesky decomp (except when Wasserstein Projection is used; then we use the Cholesky of the SPD matrix sqrt of the covariance marix).
Since this Repo is an extension to [Stable Baselines 3 by DLR-RM](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3), it contains some of it's code. SB3 is licensed under the [MIT-License](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3/blob/master/LICENSE), and so are our extensions.