from stable_baselines3.common.off_policy_algorithm import * class BetterOffPolicyAlgorithm(OffPolicyAlgorithm): """ The base for Off-Policy algorithms (ex: SAC/TD3) :param policy: The policy model to use (MlpPolicy, CnnPolicy, ...) :param env: The environment to learn from (if registered in Gym, can be str. Can be None for loading trained models) :param learning_rate: learning rate for the optimizer, it can be a function of the current progress remaining (from 1 to 0) :param buffer_size: size of the replay buffer :param learning_starts: how many steps of the model to collect transitions for before learning starts :param batch_size: Minibatch size for each gradient update :param tau: the soft update coefficient ("Polyak update", between 0 and 1) :param gamma: the discount factor :param train_freq: Update the model every ``train_freq`` steps. Alternatively pass a tuple of frequency and unit like ``(5, "step")`` or ``(2, "episode")``. :param gradient_steps: How many gradient steps to do after each rollout (see ``train_freq``) Set to ``-1`` means to do as many gradient steps as steps done in the environment during the rollout. :param action_noise: the action noise type (None by default), this can help for hard exploration problem. Cf common.noise for the different action noise type. :param replay_buffer_class: Replay buffer class to use (for instance ``HerReplayBuffer``). If ``None``, it will be automatically selected. :param replay_buffer_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the replay buffer on creation. :param optimize_memory_usage: Enable a memory efficient variant of the replay buffer at a cost of more complexity. See :param policy_kwargs: Additional arguments to be passed to the policy on creation :param stats_window_size: Window size for the rollout logging, specifying the number of episodes to average the reported success rate, mean episode length, and mean reward over :param tensorboard_log: the log location for tensorboard (if None, no logging) :param verbose: Verbosity level: 0 for no output, 1 for info messages (such as device or wrappers used), 2 for debug messages :param device: Device on which the code should run. By default, it will try to use a Cuda compatible device and fallback to cpu if it is not possible. :param support_multi_env: Whether the algorithm supports training with multiple environments (as in A2C) :param monitor_wrapper: When creating an environment, whether to wrap it or not in a Monitor wrapper. :param seed: Seed for the pseudo random generators :param use_sde: Whether to use State Dependent Exploration (SDE) instead of action noise exploration (default: False) :param sde_sample_freq: Sample a new noise matrix every n steps when using gSDE Default: -1 (only sample at the beginning of the rollout) :param use_sde_at_warmup: Whether to use gSDE instead of uniform sampling during the warm up phase (before learning starts) :param sde_support: Whether the model support gSDE or not :param supported_action_spaces: The action spaces supported by the algorithm. """ def __init__( self, policy: Union[str, Type[BasePolicy]], env: Union[GymEnv, str], learning_rate: Union[float, Schedule], buffer_size: int = 1_000_000, # 1e6 learning_starts: int = 100, batch_size: int = 256, tau: float = 0.005, gamma: float = 0.99, train_freq: Union[int, Tuple[int, str]] = (1, "step"), gradient_steps: int = 1, action_noise: Optional[ActionNoise] = None, replay_buffer_class: Optional[Type[ReplayBuffer]] = None, replay_buffer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, optimize_memory_usage: bool = False, policy_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, stats_window_size: int = 100, tensorboard_log: Optional[str] = None, verbose: int = 0, device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto", support_multi_env: bool = False, monitor_wrapper: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, use_sde: bool = False, sde_sample_freq: int = -1, use_sde_at_warmup: bool = False, sde_support: bool = True, use_pca: bool = False, supported_action_spaces: Optional[Tuple[spaces.Space, ...]] = None, ): assert not (use_sde and use_pca) self.use_pca = use_pca super().__init__( policy=policy, env=env, learning_rate=learning_rate, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, stats_window_size=stats_window_size, tensorboard_log=tensorboard_log, verbose=verbose, device=device, support_multi_env=support_multi_env, monitor_wrapper=monitor_wrapper, seed=seed, use_sde=use_sde, sde_sample_freq=sde_sample_freq, supported_action_spaces=supported_action_spaces, buffer_size=buffer_size, batch_size=batch_size, learning_starts=learning_starts, tau=tau, gamma=gamma, gradient_steps=gradient_steps, action_noise=action_noise, optimize_memory_usage=optimize_memory_usage, replay_buffer_class=replay_buffer_class, replay_buffer_kwargs=replay_buffer_kwargs, train_freq=train_freq, use_sde_at_warmup=use_sde_at_warmup, sde_support=sde_support, ) def _convert_train_freq(self) -> None: """ Convert `train_freq` parameter (int or tuple) to a TrainFreq object. """ if not isinstance(self.train_freq, TrainFreq): train_freq = self.train_freq # The value of the train frequency will be checked later if not isinstance(train_freq, tuple): train_freq = (train_freq, "step") try: train_freq = (train_freq[0], TrainFrequencyUnit(train_freq[1])) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"The unit of the `train_freq` must be either 'step' or 'episode' not '{train_freq[1]}'!" ) from e if not isinstance(train_freq[0], int): raise ValueError(f"The frequency of `train_freq` must be an integer and not {train_freq[0]}") self.train_freq = TrainFreq(*train_freq) def _setup_model(self) -> None: self._setup_lr_schedule() self.set_random_seed(self.seed) if self.replay_buffer_class is None: if isinstance(self.observation_space, spaces.Dict): self.replay_buffer_class = DictReplayBuffer else: self.replay_buffer_class = ReplayBuffer if self.replay_buffer is None: # Make a local copy as we should not pickle # the environment when using HerReplayBuffer replay_buffer_kwargs = self.replay_buffer_kwargs.copy() if issubclass(self.replay_buffer_class, HerReplayBuffer): assert self.env is not None, "You must pass an environment when using `HerReplayBuffer`" replay_buffer_kwargs["env"] = self.env self.replay_buffer = self.replay_buffer_class( self.buffer_size, self.observation_space, self.action_space, device=self.device, n_envs=self.n_envs, optimize_memory_usage=self.optimize_memory_usage, **replay_buffer_kwargs, # pytype:disable=wrong-keyword-args ) self.policy = self.policy_class( # pytype:disable=not-instantiable self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.lr_schedule, **self.policy_kwargs, # pytype:disable=not-instantiable ) self.policy = # Convert train freq parameter to TrainFreq object self._convert_train_freq() def save_replay_buffer(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase]) -> None: """ Save the replay buffer as a pickle file. :param path: Path to the file where the replay buffer should be saved. if path is a str or pathlib.Path, the path is automatically created if necessary. """ assert self.replay_buffer is not None, "The replay buffer is not defined" save_to_pkl(path, self.replay_buffer, self.verbose) def load_replay_buffer( self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase], truncate_last_traj: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Load a replay buffer from a pickle file. :param path: Path to the pickled replay buffer. :param truncate_last_traj: When using ``HerReplayBuffer`` with online sampling: If set to ``True``, we assume that the last trajectory in the replay buffer was finished (and truncate it). If set to ``False``, we assume that we continue the same trajectory (same episode). """ self.replay_buffer = load_from_pkl(path, self.verbose) assert isinstance(self.replay_buffer, ReplayBuffer), "The replay buffer must inherit from ReplayBuffer class" # Backward compatibility with SB3 < 2.1.0 replay buffer # Keep old behavior: do not handle timeout termination separately if not hasattr(self.replay_buffer, "handle_timeout_termination"): # pragma: no cover self.replay_buffer.handle_timeout_termination = False self.replay_buffer.timeouts = np.zeros_like(self.replay_buffer.dones) if isinstance(self.replay_buffer, HerReplayBuffer): assert self.env is not None, "You must pass an environment at load time when using `HerReplayBuffer`" self.replay_buffer.set_env(self.get_env()) if truncate_last_traj: self.replay_buffer.truncate_last_trajectory() def _setup_learn( self, total_timesteps: int, callback: MaybeCallback = None, reset_num_timesteps: bool = True, tb_log_name: str = "run", progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[int, BaseCallback]: """ cf `BaseAlgorithm`. """ # Prevent continuity issue by truncating trajectory # when using memory efficient replay buffer # see replay_buffer = self.replay_buffer truncate_last_traj = ( self.optimize_memory_usage and reset_num_timesteps and replay_buffer is not None and (replay_buffer.full or replay_buffer.pos > 0) ) if truncate_last_traj: warnings.warn( "The last trajectory in the replay buffer will be truncated, " "see" "You should use `reset_num_timesteps=False` or `optimize_memory_usage=False`" "to avoid that issue." ) # Go to the previous index pos = (replay_buffer.pos - 1) % replay_buffer.buffer_size replay_buffer.dones[pos] = True return super()._setup_learn( total_timesteps, callback, reset_num_timesteps, tb_log_name, progress_bar, ) def learn( self: SelfOffPolicyAlgorithm, total_timesteps: int, callback: MaybeCallback = None, log_interval: int = 4, tb_log_name: str = "run", reset_num_timesteps: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> SelfOffPolicyAlgorithm: total_timesteps, callback = self._setup_learn( total_timesteps, callback, reset_num_timesteps, tb_log_name, progress_bar, ) callback.on_training_start(locals(), globals()) while self.num_timesteps < total_timesteps: rollout = self.collect_rollouts( self.env, train_freq=self.train_freq, action_noise=self.action_noise, callback=callback, learning_starts=self.learning_starts, replay_buffer=self.replay_buffer, log_interval=log_interval, ) if rollout.continue_training is False: break if self.num_timesteps > 0 and self.num_timesteps > self.learning_starts: # If no `gradient_steps` is specified, # do as many gradients steps as steps performed during the rollout gradient_steps = self.gradient_steps if self.gradient_steps >= 0 else rollout.episode_timesteps # Special case when the user passes `gradient_steps=0` if gradient_steps > 0: self.train(batch_size=self.batch_size, gradient_steps=gradient_steps) callback.on_training_end() return self def train(self, gradient_steps: int, batch_size: int) -> None: """ Sample the replay buffer and do the updates (gradient descent and update target networks) """ raise NotImplementedError() def _sample_action( self, learning_starts: int, action_noise: Optional[ActionNoise] = None, n_envs: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Sample an action according to the exploration policy. This is either done by sampling the probability distribution of the policy, or sampling a random action (from a uniform distribution over the action space) or by adding noise to the deterministic output. :param action_noise: Action noise that will be used for exploration Required for deterministic policy (e.g. TD3). This can also be used in addition to the stochastic policy for SAC. :param learning_starts: Number of steps before learning for the warm-up phase. :param n_envs: :return: action to take in the environment and scaled action that will be stored in the replay buffer. The two differs when the action space is not normalized (bounds are not [-1, 1]). """ # Select action randomly or according to policy if self.num_timesteps < learning_starts and not (self.use_sde and self.use_sde_at_warmup): # Warmup phase unscaled_action = np.array([self.action_space.sample() for _ in range(n_envs)]) else: # Note: when using continuous actions, # we assume that the policy uses tanh to scale the action # We use non-deterministic action in the case of SAC, for TD3, it does not matter unscaled_action, _ = self.predict(self._last_obs, deterministic=False) # Rescale the action from [low, high] to [-1, 1] if isinstance(self.action_space, spaces.Box): scaled_action = self.policy.scale_action(unscaled_action) # Add noise to the action (improve exploration) if action_noise is not None: scaled_action = np.clip(scaled_action + action_noise(), -1, 1) # We store the scaled action in the buffer buffer_action = scaled_action action = self.policy.unscale_action(scaled_action) else: # Discrete case, no need to normalize or clip buffer_action = unscaled_action action = buffer_action return action, buffer_action def _dump_logs(self) -> None: """ Write log. """ time_elapsed = max((time.time_ns() - self.start_time) / 1e9, sys.float_info.epsilon) fps = int((self.num_timesteps - self._num_timesteps_at_start) / time_elapsed) self.logger.record("time/episodes", self._episode_num, exclude="tensorboard") if len(self.ep_info_buffer) > 0 and len(self.ep_info_buffer[0]) > 0: self.logger.record("rollout/ep_rew_mean", safe_mean([ep_info["r"] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buffer])) self.logger.record("rollout/ep_len_mean", safe_mean([ep_info["l"] for ep_info in self.ep_info_buffer])) self.logger.record("time/fps", fps) self.logger.record("time/time_elapsed", int(time_elapsed), exclude="tensorboard") self.logger.record("time/total_timesteps", self.num_timesteps, exclude="tensorboard") if self.use_sde or self.use_pca: self.logger.record("train/std", ( if len(self.ep_success_buffer) > 0: self.logger.record("rollout/success_rate", safe_mean(self.ep_success_buffer)) # Pass the number of timesteps for tensorboard self.logger.dump(step=self.num_timesteps) def _on_step(self) -> None: """ Method called after each step in the environment. It is meant to trigger DQN target network update but can be used for other purposes """ pass def _store_transition( self, replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer, buffer_action: np.ndarray, new_obs: Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]], reward: np.ndarray, dones: np.ndarray, infos: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: """ Store transition in the replay buffer. We store the normalized action and the unnormalized observation. It also handles terminal observations (because VecEnv resets automatically). :param replay_buffer: Replay buffer object where to store the transition. :param buffer_action: normalized action :param new_obs: next observation in the current episode or first observation of the episode (when dones is True) :param reward: reward for the current transition :param dones: Termination signal :param infos: List of additional information about the transition. It may contain the terminal observations and information about timeout. """ # Store only the unnormalized version if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: new_obs_ = self._vec_normalize_env.get_original_obs() reward_ = self._vec_normalize_env.get_original_reward() else: # Avoid changing the original ones self._last_original_obs, new_obs_, reward_ = self._last_obs, new_obs, reward # Avoid modification by reference next_obs = deepcopy(new_obs_) # As the VecEnv resets automatically, new_obs is already the # first observation of the next episode for i, done in enumerate(dones): if done and infos[i].get("terminal_observation") is not None: if isinstance(next_obs, dict): next_obs_ = infos[i]["terminal_observation"] # VecNormalize normalizes the terminal observation if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: next_obs_ = self._vec_normalize_env.unnormalize_obs(next_obs_) # Replace next obs for the correct envs for key in next_obs.keys(): next_obs[key][i] = next_obs_[key] else: next_obs[i] = infos[i]["terminal_observation"] # VecNormalize normalizes the terminal observation if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: next_obs[i] = self._vec_normalize_env.unnormalize_obs(next_obs[i, :]) replay_buffer.add( self._last_original_obs, next_obs, buffer_action, reward_, dones, infos, ) self._last_obs = new_obs # Save the unnormalized observation if self._vec_normalize_env is not None: self._last_original_obs = new_obs_ def collect_rollouts( self, env: VecEnv, callback: BaseCallback, train_freq: TrainFreq, replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer, action_noise: Optional[ActionNoise] = None, learning_starts: int = 0, log_interval: Optional[int] = None, ) -> RolloutReturn: """ Collect experiences and store them into a ``ReplayBuffer``. :param env: The training environment :param callback: Callback that will be called at each step (and at the beginning and end of the rollout) :param train_freq: How much experience to collect by doing rollouts of current policy. Either ``TrainFreq(, TrainFrequencyUnit.STEP)`` or ``TrainFreq(, TrainFrequencyUnit.EPISODE)`` with ```` being an integer greater than 0. :param action_noise: Action noise that will be used for exploration Required for deterministic policy (e.g. TD3). This can also be used in addition to the stochastic policy for SAC. :param learning_starts: Number of steps before learning for the warm-up phase. :param replay_buffer: :param log_interval: Log data every ``log_interval`` episodes :return: """ # Switch to eval mode (this affects batch norm / dropout) self.policy.set_training_mode(False) num_collected_steps, num_collected_episodes = 0, 0 assert isinstance(env, VecEnv), "You must pass a VecEnv" assert train_freq.frequency > 0, "Should at least collect one step or episode." if env.num_envs > 1: assert train_freq.unit == TrainFrequencyUnit.STEP, "You must use only one env when doing episodic training." # Vectorize action noise if needed if action_noise is not None and env.num_envs > 1 and not isinstance(action_noise, VectorizedActionNoise): action_noise = VectorizedActionNoise(action_noise, env.num_envs) if self.use_sde: callback.on_rollout_start() continue_training = True while should_collect_more_steps(train_freq, num_collected_steps, num_collected_episodes): if self.use_sde and self.sde_sample_freq > 0 and num_collected_steps % self.sde_sample_freq == 0: # Sample a new noise matrix # Select action randomly or according to policy actions, buffer_actions = self._sample_action(learning_starts, action_noise, env.num_envs) # Rescale and perform action new_obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(actions) self.num_timesteps += env.num_envs num_collected_steps += 1 # Give access to local variables callback.update_locals(locals()) # Only stop training if return value is False, not when it is None. if callback.on_step() is False: return RolloutReturn(num_collected_steps * env.num_envs, num_collected_episodes, continue_training=False) # Retrieve reward and episode length if using Monitor wrapper self._update_info_buffer(infos, dones) # Store data in replay buffer (normalized action and unnormalized observation) self._store_transition(replay_buffer, buffer_actions, new_obs, rewards, dones, infos) self._update_current_progress_remaining(self.num_timesteps, self._total_timesteps) # For DQN, check if the target network should be updated # and update the exploration schedule # For SAC/TD3, the update is dones as the same time as the gradient update # see self._on_step() for idx, done in enumerate(dones): if done: # Update stats num_collected_episodes += 1 self._episode_num += 1 if action_noise is not None: kwargs = dict(indices=[idx]) if env.num_envs > 1 else {} action_noise.reset(**kwargs) # Log training infos if log_interval is not None and self._episode_num % log_interval == 0: self._dump_logs() callback.on_rollout_end() return RolloutReturn(num_collected_steps * env.num_envs, num_collected_episodes, continue_training)