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@ -1 +1,2 @@

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@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
import requests
import requests, json, os.path
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import relativedelta
from dateutil import parser as dparser
from dateutil.parser._parser import ParserError as DateParserError
# Ugly code thats outside of any function
_years = None
def _loadYearsTable(maxCacheSeconds=3600):
global _years
if os.path.isfile('cache.json'):
with open('cache.json', 'r') as f:
cacheUpdate, cacheYears = json.loads(
if ( - dparser.isoparse(cacheUpdate)).total_seconds() < maxCacheSeconds:
# JSON does not allow integers as keys; so we convert them back here...
cacheYears = {int(y):{int(m):float(n) for m,n in ms.items()} for y,ms in cacheYears.items()}
_years = cacheYears
_years = _loadYearsTableWeb()
def _loadYearsTableWeb():
print('[i] Fetching new data from ECB-Servers...')
url = ''
resp = requests.get(url)
lines = resp.text.split('\n')[6:]
@ -24,11 +39,17 @@ for year in years:
for month in range(1,13):
if month not in months:
years[year][month] = 1 + 0.02/12 # Lets say the ECB archives their target
with open('cache.json', 'w') as f:
return years
# Gives you the exchange rate between euros and meuros for the given date.
# (Should always be a float < 1)
# date should be either a datetime-object or None (= current date)
def exchangeRate(date=None):
global _years
if _years==None:
if date==None:
date =
month, year = date.month, date.year
@ -37,23 +58,24 @@ def exchangeRate(date=None):
akk = 1
for fullYear in range(2001, year):
yearlyInf = 1
for m in years[fullYear]:
monthlyInf = years[fullYear][m]
for m in _years[fullYear]:
monthlyInf = _years[fullYear][m]
yearlyInf *= monthlyInf
akk *= yearlyInf
for fullMonth in range(1, month):
monthlyInf = years[year][fullMonth]
monthlyInf = _years[year][fullMonth]
akk *= monthlyInf
beginningOfMonth = date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, day=1)
endOfMonth = beginningOfMonth + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)
fracOfMonth = (date - beginningOfMonth).total_seconds() / (endOfMonth - beginningOfMonth).total_seconds()
inflationThisMonth = 1 + fracOfMonth * (years[year][month]-1)
inflationThisMonth = 1 + fracOfMonth * (_years[year][month]-1)
akk *= inflationThisMonth
return 1/akk
# Converts the given amount of euros to meuros for the given date. (wholeCents means it rounds to two decimal places)
# date should be either a datetime-object or None (= current date)
def euroToMeuro(eur,date=None,wholeCents=True):