127 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
127 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
import requests, json, os.path
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import relativedelta
from dateutil import parser as dparser
from dateutil.parser._parser import ParserError as DateParserError
_years = None
def _loadYearsTable(maxCacheSeconds=3600):
global _years
if os.path.isfile('cache.json'):
with open('cache.json', 'r') as f:
cacheUpdate, cacheYears = json.loads(f.read())
if (datetime.now() - dparser.isoparse(cacheUpdate)).total_seconds() < maxCacheSeconds:
# JSON does not allow integers as keys; so we convert them back here...
cacheYears = {int(y):{int(m):float(n) for m,n in ms.items()} for y,ms in cacheYears.items()}
_years = cacheYears
_years = _loadYearsTableWeb()
def _loadYearsTableWeb():
print('[i] Fetching new data from ECB-Servers...')
url = 'https://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/quickviewexport.do?SERIES_KEY=122.ICP.M.U2.N.000000.4.ANR&type=csv'
resp = requests.get(url)
lines = resp.text.split('\n')[6:]
years = {} # Will later contain the monthly factor of inflation (~1.0016667) for every month
for line in lines:
vals = line.split(',')
year = int(vals[0][:4])
month = datetime.strptime(vals[0][4:],'%b').month
inflation = float(vals[1])
if not year in years:
years[year] = {}
years[year][month] = 1 + (inflation/100)/12
for year in years:
months = years[year]
for month in range(1,13):
if month not in months:
years[year][month] = 1 + 0.02/12 # Lets say the ECB archives their target
with open('cache.json', 'w') as f:
return years
# Gives you the exchange rate between euros and meuros for the given date.
# (Should always be a float < 1)
# date should be either a datetime-object or None (= current date)
def exchangeRate(date=None):
global _years
if _years==None:
if date==None:
date = datetime.now()
month, year = date.month, date.year
if year < 2001:
raise Exception('µeuro-values for €uro prices before the start of this millenium are undefined.')
akk = 1
for fullYear in range(2001, year):
yearlyInf = 1
for m in _years[fullYear]:
monthlyInf = _years[fullYear][m]
yearlyInf *= monthlyInf
akk *= yearlyInf
for fullMonth in range(1, month):
monthlyInf = _years[year][fullMonth]
akk *= monthlyInf
beginningOfMonth = date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, day=1)
endOfMonth = beginningOfMonth + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)
fracOfMonth = (date - beginningOfMonth).total_seconds() / (endOfMonth - beginningOfMonth).total_seconds()
inflationThisMonth = 1 + fracOfMonth * (_years[year][month]-1)
akk *= inflationThisMonth
return 1/akk
# Converts the given amount of euros to meuros for the given date. (wholeCents means it rounds to two decimal places)
# date should be either a datetime-object or None (= current date)
def euroToMeuro(eur,date=None,wholeCents=True):
return round(eur * exchangeRate(date),[64,2][wholeCents])
# Converts the given amount of meuros to euros for the given date. (wholeCents means it rounds to two decimal places)
# date should be either a datetime-object or None (= current date)
def meuroToEuro(meur,date=None,wholeCents=True):
return round(meur / exchangeRate(date),[64,2][wholeCents])
# Print the current amount of meuros for the given amunt of euros every <interval>-seconds.
# Comes in handy when you want to watch your life savings slowly fade away thanks to inflation.
def liveValue(eur,interval=10):
import time
while True:
def _extractDate(s):
return dparser.parse(s, fuzzy=True, dayfirst=True)
except DateParserError:
return datetime.now()
def cliInterface():
import sys, re
arg = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]).replace(',','')
reFromEur = re.compile(r'(\d+(.\d\d)?)\W?(€|e|E)')
reFromMeur = re.compile(r'(\d+(.\d\d)?)\W?(μ|m|M)')
if (m := reFromEur.search(arg))!=None:
eurS = m.groups()[0]
date = _extractDate(arg[:m.span()[0]] + '-' + arg[m.span()[1]:])
eur = float(eurS)
meur = euroToMeuro(eur, date)
print('Exchange rate for '+date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y at %H:%M")+':')
print(f'{eur:.2f}€ = {meur:.2f}µ')
elif (m:= reFromMeur.search(arg))!=None:
meurS = m.groups()[0]
date = _extractDate(arg[:m.span()[0]] + '-' + arg[m.span()[1]:])
meur = float(meurS)
eur = meuroToEuro(meur, date)
print('Exchange rate for '+date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y at %H:%M")+':')
print(f'{meur:.2f}µ = {eur:.2f}€')
print('[!] Unable to parse input')
if __name__=='__main__':