""" A lot of this code was stolen from Pulkit Maloo (https://github.com/pulkitmaloo/Ultimate-Tic-Tac-Toe) """ from vacuumDecay import * from collections import Counter import itertools class TTTState(State): def __init__(self, curPlayer=0, generation=0, playersNum=2, board=None, lastMove=-1): if type(board) == type(None): board = "." * 81 self.curPlayer = curPlayer self.generation = generation self.playersNum = playersNum self.board = board self.last_move = lastMove self.possible_goals = [(0, 4, 8), (2, 4, 6)] self.possible_goals += [(i, i+3, i+6) for i in range(3)] self.possible_goals += [(3*i, 3*i+1, 3*i+2) for i in range(3)] self.update_box_won() def update_box_won(self): state = self.board temp_box_win = ["."] * 9 for b in range(9): idxs_box = self.indices_of_box(b) box_str = state[idxs_box[0]: idxs_box[-1]+1] temp_box_win[b] = self.check_small_box(box_str) self.box_won = temp_box_win def indices_of_box(self, b): return list(range(b*9, b*9 + 9)) def check_small_box(self, box_str): for idxs in self.possible_goals: (x, y, z) = idxs if (box_str[x] == box_str[y] == box_str[z]) and box_str[x] != ".": return box_str[x] return "." def mutate(self, action): newBoard = self.board[:action.data] + ['O','X'][self.curPlayer] + self.board[action.data+1:] return TTTState(curPlayer=(self.curPlayer+1)%self.playersNum, playersNum=self.playersNum, board=newBoard, lastMove=action.data) def box(self, x, y): return index(x, y) // 9 def next_box(self, i): return i % 9 def indices_of_box(self, b): return list(range(b*9, b*9 + 9)) def index(self, x, y): x -= 1 y -= 1 return ((x//3)*27) + ((x % 3)*3) + ((y//3)*9) + (y % 3) def getAvaibleActions(self): if self.last_move == -1: for i in range(9*9): yield Action(self.curPlayer, i) return box_to_play = self.next_box(self.last_move) idxs = self.indices_of_box(box_to_play) if self.box_won[box_to_play] != ".": pi_2d = [self.indices_of_box(b) for b in range(9) if self.box_won[b] == "."] possible_indices = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(pi_2d)) else: possible_indices = idxs for ind in possible_indices: if self.board[ind]=='.': yield Action(self.curPlayer, ind) #def getScoreFor(self, player): # p = ['O','X'][player] # sco = 5 # for w in self.box_won: # if w==p: # sco += 1 # elif w!='.': # sco -= 0.5 # return 1/sco def getPriority(self, score, cascadeMem): return self.generation + score*10 - cascadeMem*5 + 100 def checkWin(self): self.update_box_won() game_won = self.check_small_box(self.box_won) if game_won == '.': if self.checkDraw(): return -1 return None return game_won == 'X' def checkDraw(self): for act in self.getAvaibleActions(): return False # at least one action avaible return True def __str__(self): state = self.board acts = list(self.getAvaibleActions()) if len(acts)<=9: for i, act in enumerate(acts): state = state[:act.data] + str(i+1) + state[act.data+1:] s = [] for row in range(1, 10): row_str = ["|"] for col in range(1, 10): row_str += [state[self.index(row, col)]] if (col) % 3 == 0: row_str += ["|"] if (row-1) % 3 == 0: s.append("-"*(len(row_str)*2-1)) s.append(" ".join(row_str)) s.append("-"*(len(row_str)*2-1)) return '\n'.join(s) def symbToNum(self, b): if b == '.': return 0.0 elif b == 'O': return -1.0 + 2.0 * self.curPlayer else: return 1.0 - 2.0 * self.curPlayer def getTensor(self, player=None, phase='default'): if player==None: player = self.curPlayer s = '' for row in range(1, 10): for col in range(1, 10): s += self.board[self.index(row, col)] return torch.tensor([self.symbToNum(b) for b in s]) @classmethod def getModel(cls, phase='default'): return Model() class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.smol = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels=1, out_channels=24, kernel_size=(3,3), stride=3, padding=0, ), nn.ReLU() ) self.comb = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d( in_channels=24, out_channels=8, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, ), nn.ReLU() ) self.out = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(9*8, 32), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(32, 8), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(8, 1), nn.Sigmoid() ) def forward(self, x): x = torch.reshape(x, (1,9,9)) x = self.smol(x) x = torch.reshape(x, (24,9)) x = self.comb(x) x = torch.reshape(x, (-1,)) y = self.out(x) return y def humanVsAi(train=True, remember=True): init = TTTState() run = NeuralRuntime(init) run.game([0,1], 4) if remember or train: trainer = Trainer(init) if remember: trainer.saveToMemoryBank(run.head) print('[!] Your cognitive and strategic destinctiveness was added to my own! (Game inserted into memoryBank)') if train: print("[!] Your knowledge will be assimilated!!! Please stand by.... (Updating Neuristic)") trainer.trainFromTerm(run.head) print('[!] I have become smart! Destroyer of human Ultimate-TicTacToe players! (Neuristic update completed)') print('[!] This marks the beginning of the end of humankind!') print('[i] Thanks for playing! Goodbye...') def aiVsAiLoop(): init = TTTState() trainer = Trainer(init) trainer.train() if __name__=='__main__': if choose('?', ['Play Against AI','Let AI train'])=='Play Against AI': humanVsAi() else: aiVsAiLoop()