import time import random import threading import torch #from multiprocessing import Event from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from threading import Event from queue import PriorityQueue, Empty class Action(): # Should hold the data representing an action # Actions are applied to a State in State.mutate def __init__(self, player, data): self.player = player = data def __eq__(self, other): # This should be implemented differently # Two actions of different generations will never be compared if type(other) != type(self): return False return str( == str( def __str__(self): # should return visual representation of this action # should start with < and end with > return "" class Universe(): def newOpen(self, node): pass def merge(self, node): return node def clearPQ(self): pass def iter(self): return [] def activateEdge(self, head): pass class QueueingUniverse(Universe): def __init__(self): self.pq = [] def newOpen(self, node): heapq.headpush(self.pq, (node.priority, node)) def clearPQ(self): self.pq = [] def iter(self): yield heapq.heappop(self.pq) def activateEdge(self, head): head._activateEdge() class State(ABC): # Hold a representation of the current game-state # Allows retriving avaible actions (getAvaibleActions) and applying them (mutate) # Mutations return a new State and should not have any effect on the current State # Allows checking itself for a win (checkWin) or scoring itself based on a simple heuristic (getScore) # The calculated score should be 0 when won; higher when in a worse state; highest for loosing # getPriority is used for prioritising certain Nodes / States when expanding / walking the tree def __init__(self, curPlayer=0, generation=0, playersNum=2): self.curPlayer = curPlayer self.generation = generation self.playersNum = playersNum @abstractmethod def mutate(self, action): # Returns a new state with supplied action performed # self should not be changed return State(curPlayer=(self.curPlayer+1) % self.playersNum, generation=self.generation+1, playersNum=self.playersNum) @abstractmethod def getAvaibleActions(self): # Should return an array of all possible actions return [] # improveMe def getPriority(self, score): # Used for ordering the priority queue # Priority should not change for the same root # Lower prioritys get worked on first # Higher generations should have higher priority return score + self.generation*0.5 @abstractmethod def checkWin(self): # -1 -> Draw # None -> Not ended # n e N -> player n won return None # improveMe def getScoreFor(self, player): # 0 <= score <= 1; should return close to zero when we are winning w = self.checkWin() if w == None: return 0.5 if w == player: return 0 if w == -1: return 0.9 return 1 @abstractmethod def __str__(self): # return visual rep of state return "[#]" @abstractmethod def getTensor(self, phase='default'): return torch.tensor([0]) @classmethod def getModel(): pass def getScoreNeural(self): return self.model(self.getTensor()) class Node(): def __init__(self, state, universe=None, parent=None, lastAction=None): self.state = state if universe==None: universe = Universe() self.universe = universe self.parent = parent self.lastAction = lastAction self._childs = None self._scores = [None]*self.state.playersNum self._strongs = [None]*self.state.playersNum self._alive = True def kill(self): self._alive = False @property def childs(self): if self._childs == None: self._expand() return self._childs def _expand(self): self._childs = [] actions = self.state.getAvaibleActions() for action in actions: newNode = Node(self.state.mutate(action), self.universe, self, action) self._childs.append(self.universe.merge(newNode)) @property def strongs(self): return self._strongs def _pullStrong(self): # Currently Expecti-Max strongs = [None]*self.playersNum for p in range(self.playersNum): cp = self.state.curPlayer if cp == p: # P owns the turn; controlls outcome best = 10000000 for c in self.childs: if c._strongs[cp] < best: best = c._strongs[p] strongs[p] = best else: scos = [(c._strongs[cp], c._strongs[p]) for c in self.childs] scos.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) betterHalf = scos[:max(3,int(len(scos)/2))] myScores = [bh[1] for bh in betterHalf] strongs[p] = sum(myScores)/len(myScores) update = False for s in range(self.playersNum): if strongs[s] != self._strongs[s]: update = True break self._strongs = strongs if update: self.parent._pullStrong() def forceStrong(self, depth=3): if depth==0: self.strongDecay() else: for c in self.childs: c.forceStrong(depth-1) def strongDecay(self): if self._strongs == [None]*self.playersNum: if not self.scoresAvaible(): self._calcScores() self._strongs = self._scores self.parent._pullStrong() def getSelfScore(self): return self.getScoreFor(self.curPlayer) def getScoreFor(self, player): if self._scores[player] == None: self._calcScore(player) return self._scores[player] def scoreAvaible(self, player): return self._scores[player] != None def scoresAvaible(self): for p in self._scores: if p==None: return False return True def _calcScores(self): for p in range(self.state.playersNum): self._calcScore(p) def _calcScore(self, player): self._scores[player] = self.state.getScoreFor(player) @property def priority(self): return self.state.getPriority(self.score) @property def playersNum(self): return self.state.playersNum @property def avaibleActions(self): r = [] for c in self.childs: r.append(c.lastAction) return r @property def curPlayer(self): return self.state.curPlayer def _activateEdge(self): if not self.strongScoresAvaible(): self.universe.newOpen(self) else: for c in self.childs: c._activateEdge() def __str__(self): s = [] if self.lastAction == None: s.append("[ {ROOT} ]") else: s.append("[ -> "+str(self.lastAction)+" ]") s.append("[ turn: "+str(self.state.curPlayer)+" ]") s.append(str(self.state)) s.append("[ score: "+str(self.getSelfScore())+" ]") return '\n'.join(s) def choose(txt, options): while True: print('[*] '+txt) for num,opt in enumerate(options): print('['+str(num+1)+'] ' + str(opt)) inp = input('[> ') try: n = int(inp) if n in range(1,len(options)+1): return options[n-1] except: pass for opt in options: if inp==str(opt): return opt if len(inp)==1: for opt in options: if inp==str(opt)[0]: return opt print('[!] Invalid Input.') class Runtime(): def __init__(self, initState): self.head = Node(initState) def performAction(self, action): for c in self.head.childs: if action == c.lastAction: self.head.universe.clearPQ() self.head.kill() self.head = c self.head.universe.activateEdge(self.head) return raise Exception('No such action avaible...') def turn(self, bot=None): print(str(self.head)) if bot==None: c = choose('?', ['human', 'bot', 'undo']) if c=='undo': self.head = self.head.parent return bot = c=='bot' if bot: opts = [] for c in self.head.childs: opts.append((c, c.getStrongScore(self.head.curPlayer, -1)[0])) opts.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) print('[i] Evaluated Options:') for o in opts: #print('['+str(o[0])+']' + str(o[0].lastAction) + " (Score: "+str(o[1])+")") print('[ ]' + str(o[0].lastAction) + " (Score: "+str(o[1])+")") print('[#] I choose to play: ' + str(opts[0][0].lastAction)) self.performAction(opts[0][0].lastAction) else: action = choose('What does player '+str(self.head.curPlayer)+' want to do?', self.head.avaibleActions) self.performAction(action) def game(self, bots=None): if bots==None: bots = [None]*self.head.playersNum while True: self.turn(bots[self.head.curPlayer])