import time import random import threading import torch #from multiprocessing import Event from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from threading import Event from queue import PriorityQueue, Empty class Action(): # Should hold the data representing an action # Actions are applied to a State in State.mutate def __init__(self, player, data): self.player = player = data def __eq__(self, other): # This should be implemented differently # Two actions of different generations will never be compared if type(other) != type(self): return False return str( == str( def __str__(self): # should return visual representation of this action # should start with < and end with > return "" class NaiveUniverse(): def __init__(self): pass def merge(self, branch): return branch class BranchUniverse(): def __init__(self): self.branches = {} def merge(self, branch): tensor = branch.node.state.getTensor() match = self.branches.get(tensor) if match: return match else: self.branches[tensor] = branch class Branch(): def __new__(self, universe, preState, action): # fancy! self.preState = preState self.action = action postState = preState.mutate(action) self.node = Node(postState, universe=universe, parent=preState, lastAction=action) return universe.merge(self) class State(ABC): # Hold a representation of the current game-state # Allows retriving avaible actions (getAvaibleActions) and applying them (mutate) # Mutations return a new State and should not have any effect on the current State # Allows checking itself for a win (checkWin) or scoring itself based on a simple heuristic (getScore) # The calculated score should be 0 when won; higher when in a worse state; highest for loosing # getPriority is used for prioritising certain Nodes / States when expanding / walking the tree def __init__(self, turn=0, generation=0, playersNum=2): self.turn = turn self.generation = generation self.playersNum = playersNum self.score = self.getScore() @abstractmethod def mutate(self, action): # Returns a new state with supplied action performed # self should not be changed return State(turn=(self.turn+1) % self.playersNum, generation=self.generation+1, playersNum=self.playersNum) @abstractmethod def getAvaibleActions(self): # Should return an array of all possible actions return [] # improveMe def getPriority(self, score): # Used for ordering the priority queue # Priority should not change for the same root # Lower prioritys get worked on first # Higher generations should have slightly higher priority return score + self.generation*0.1 @abstractmethod def checkWin(self): # -1 -> Draw # None -> Not ended # n e N -> player n won return None # improveMe def getScore(self): # 0 <= score <= 1; should return close to zero when we are winning w = self.checkWin() if w == None: return 0.5 if w == 0: return 0 if w == -1: return 0.9 return 1 @abstractmethod def __str__(self): # return visual rep of state return "[#]" @abstractmethod def getTensor(self): return torch.tensor([0]) @classmethod def getModel(): pass def getScoreNeural(self): pass return self.model(self.getTensor()) class Node(): def __init__(self, state, universe=None, parent=None, lastAction=None, playersNum=2): self.state = state if not universe: universe = NaiveUniverse() # TODO: Maybe add self to new BranchUniverse? self.universe = universe self.parent = parent self.lastAction = lastAction self.playersNum = playersNum self.childs = None self.score = state.getScore() self.done = Event() self.threads = [] self.walking = False self.alive = True def expand(self, shuffle=True): actions = self.state.getAvaibleActions() if self.childs != None: return True self.childs = [] for action in actions: self.childs.append(Branch(self.universe, self.state, action)) if self.childs == []: return False if shuffle: random.shuffle(self.childs) return True def _perform(self, action): if self.childs == None: raise PerformOnUnexpandedNodeException() elif self.childs == []: raise PerformOnTerminalNodeException() for child in self.childs: if child.node.lastAction == action: self.endWalk() return child raise IllegalActionException() def performBot(self): if self.state.turn != 0: raise NotBotsTurnException() if self.childs == None: raise PerformOnUnexpandedNodeException() if self.childs == []: raise PerformOnTerminalNodeException() if self.walking: self.endWalk() bChild = self.childs[0] for child in self.childs[1:]: if not child: print(self) if child.node.score <= bChild.node.score: bChild = child return bChild def performPlayer(self, action): if self.state.turn == 0: raise NotPlayersTurnException() return self._perform(action) def getAvaibleActions(self): return self.state.getAvaibleActions() def getLastAction(self): return self.lastAction def beginWalk(self, threadNum=1): if self.walking: raise Exception("Already Walking") self.walking = True self.queue = PriorityQueue() self.done.clear() self.expand() self._activateEdge() for i in range(threadNum): t = threading.Thread(target=self._worker) t.start() self.threads.append(t) def endWalk(self): if not self.walking: raise Exception("Not Walking") self.done.set() for t in self.threads: t.join() self.walking = False def walkUntilDone(self): if not self.walking: self.beginWalk() for t in self.threads: t.join() self.done.set() def syncWalk(self, time, threads=16): self.beginWalk(threadNum=threadNum) time.sleep(time) self.endWalk() def _worker(self): while not self.done.is_set(): try: node = self.queue.get_nowait() except Empty: continue if node.alive: if node.expand(): node._updateScore() if self.done.is_set(): queque.task_done() break if node.state.checkWin == None: for c in node.childs: self.queue.put(c.node) self.queue.task_done() def _activateEdge(self, node=None): if node == None: node = self if node.childs == None: self.queue.put(node) elif node.alive: for c in node.childs: self._activateEdge(node=c.node) def __lt__(self, other): # Used for ordering the priority queue return self.state.getPriority(self.score) < other.state.getPriority(self.score) # improveMe def _calcAggScore(self): if self.childs != None and self.childs != []: scores = [c.node.score for c in self.childs] if self.state.turn == 0: self.score = min(scores) elif self.playersNum == 2: self.score = max(scores) else: # Note: This might be tweaked self.score = (max(scores) + sum(scores)/len(scores)) / 2 def _updateScore(self): oldScore = self.score self._calcAggScore() if self.score != oldScore: self._pushScore() def _pushScore(self): if self.parent != None: self.parent._updateScore() elif self.score == 0: self.done.set() def __str__(self): s = [] if self.lastAction == None: s.append("[ {ROOT} ]") else: s.append("[ -> "+str(self.lastAction)+" ]") s.append("[ turn: "+str(self.state.turn)+" ]") s.append(str(self.state)) s.append("[ score: "+str(self.score)+" ]") return '\n'.join(s) class WeakSolver(): def __init__(self, state): self.node = Node(state) def play(self): while self.node.state.checkWin() == None: self.step() print(self.node) print("[*] " + str(self.node.state.checkWin()) + " won!") if self.node.walking: self.node.endWalk() def step(self): if self.node.state.turn == 0: self.botStep() else: self.playerStep() def botStep(self): if self.node.walking: self.node.endWalk() self.node.expand() self.node = self.node.performBot().node print("[*] Bot did "+str(self.node.lastAction)) def playerStep(self): self.node.beginWalk() print(self.node) while True: try: newNode = self.node.performPlayer( Action(self.node.state.turn, int(input("[#]> ")))) except IllegalActionException: print("[!] Illegal Action") else: break self.node.endWalk() self.node = newNode class NeuralTrainer(): def __init__(self, StateClass): self.State = StateClass self.model = self.State.buildModel() def train(self, states, scores, rounds=2000): loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum') learning_rate = 1e-6 for t in range(rounds): y_pred = self.model(states[t % len(states)]) y = scores[t % len(states)] loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y) print(t, loss.item()) self.model.zeroGrad() loss.backwards() with torch.no_grad(): for param in model.parameters(): param -= learning_rate * param.grad def setWeights(self): pass def getWeights(self): pass def loadWeights(self): pass def storeWeights(self): pass class SelfPlayDataGen(): def __init__(self, StateClass, playersNum, compTime=30): self.State = StateClass self.playersNum = playersNum self.compTime = compTime self.gameStates = [] def game(self): self.nodes = [] for p in range(playersNum): self.nodes.append(Node(self.State( turn=(-p) % self.playersNum, generation=0, playersNum=self.playersNum))) while True: if (winner := self.nodes[0].state.checkWin) != None: return winner for n in self.nodes: n.beginWalk() time.sleep(compTime) for n in self.nodes: n.endWalk() self.step() self.gameStates.append( [self.nodes[0].state.getTensor(), self.nodes[0].score]) def step(self): turn = self.nodes[0].state.turn self.nodes[turn] = self.nodes[turn].performBot() action = self.nodes[turn].lastAction for n in range(self.playersNum): if n != turn: action.player = 0 self.nodes[n] = self.nodes[n].performPlayer(action) return self.nodes[0].state.checkWin() class VacuumDecayException(Exception): pass class IllegalActionException(VacuumDecayException): pass class PerformOnUnexpandedNodeException(VacuumDecayException): pass class PerformOnTerminalNodeException(VacuumDecayException): pass class IllegalTurnException(VacuumDecayException): pass class NotBotsTurnException(IllegalTurnException): pass class NotPlayersTurnException(IllegalTurnException): pass