This repository collects custom Robotics environments not included in benchmark suites like OpenAI gym, rllab, etc.
Creating a custom (Mujoco) gym environment can be done according to [this guide](
For stochastic search problems with gym interface use the `Rosenbrock-v0` reference implementation.
We also support to solve environments with Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs) and Probabilistic Movement Primitives (DetPMP, we only consider the mean usually).
|`SimpleReacher-v0`| Simple reaching task (2 links) without any physics simulation. Provides no reward until 150 time steps. This allows the agent to explore the space, but requires precise actions towards the end of the trajectory.| 200 | 2 | 9
|`LongSimpleReacher-v0`| Simple reaching task (5 links) without any physics simulation. Provides no reward until 150 time steps. This allows the agent to explore the space, but requires precise actions towards the end of the trajectory.| 200 | 5 | 18
|`ViaPointReacher-v0`| Simple reaching task leveraging a via point, which supports self collision detection. Provides a reward only at 100 and 199 for reaching the viapoint and goal point, respectively.| 200 | 5 | 18
|`HoleReacher-v0`| 5 link reaching task where the end-effector needs to reach into a narrow hole without collding with itself or walls | 200 | 5 | 18
Unlike step-based environments, these motion primitive (MP) environments are closer to stochastic search and what can be found in robotics. They always execute a full trajectory, which is computed by a Dynamic Motion Primitive (DMP) or Probabilitic Motion Primitive (DetPMP) and translated into individual actions with a controller, e.g. a PD controller. The actual Controller, however, depends on the type of environment, i.e. position, velocity, or torque controlled.
The goal is to learn the parametrization of the motion primitives in order to generate a suitable trajectory.
MP This can also be done in a contextual setting, where all changing elements of the task are exposed once in the beginning. This requires to find a new parametrization for each trajectory.
All environments provide the full cumulative episode reward and additional information about early terminations, e.g. due to collisions.