added MPEnv
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from gym.envs.registration import register
from alr_envs.stochastic_search.functions.f_rosenbrock import Rosenbrock
# from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
# from alr_envs.utils.mps.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
# Mujoco
@ -1,27 +1,34 @@
from typing import Union
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from gym.utils import seeding
from matplotlib import patches
from alr_envs.classic_control.utils import check_self_collision
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_environments import MPEnv
class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, n_links, hole_x, hole_width, hole_depth, allow_self_collision=False,
allow_wall_collision=False, collision_penalty=1000):
class HoleReacher(MPEnv):
def __init__(self, n_links, hole_x: Union[None, float] = None, hole_depth: Union[None, float] = None,
hole_width: float = 1., random_start: bool = True, allow_self_collision: bool = False,
allow_wall_collision: bool = False, collision_penalty: bool = 1000):
self.n_links = n_links
self.link_lengths = np.ones((n_links, 1))
# task
self.hole_x = hole_x # x-position of center of hole
self.hole_width = hole_width # width of hole
self.hole_depth = hole_depth # depth of hole
self.random_start = random_start
self.bottom_center_of_hole = np.hstack([hole_x, -hole_depth])
self.top_center_of_hole = np.hstack([hole_x, 0])
self.left_wall_edge = np.hstack([hole_x - self.hole_width / 2, 0])
self.right_wall_edge = np.hstack([hole_x + self.hole_width / 2, 0])
# provided initial parameters
self._hole_x = hole_x # x-position of center of hole
self._hole_width = hole_width # width of hole
self._hole_depth = hole_depth # depth of hole
# temp containers to store current setting
self._tmp_hole_x = None
self._tmp_hole_width = None
self._tmp_hole_depth = None
# collision
self.allow_self_collision = allow_self_collision
@ -29,11 +36,11 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
self.collision_penalty = collision_penalty
# state
self._joints = None
self._joint_angles = None
self._angle_velocity = None
self.start_pos = np.hstack([[np.pi / 2], np.zeros(self.n_links - 1)])
self.start_vel = np.zeros(self.n_links)
self._joints = None
self._start_pos = np.hstack([[np.pi / 2], np.zeros(self.n_links - 1)])
self._start_vel = np.zeros(self.n_links)
self.dt = 0.01
# self.time_limit = 2
@ -43,35 +50,64 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
[np.pi] * self.n_links, # cos
[np.pi] * self.n_links, # sin
[np.inf] * self.n_links, # velocity
[np.inf], # hole width
[np.inf], # hole depth
[np.inf] * 2, # x-y coordinates of target distance
[np.inf] # env steps, because reward start after n steps TODO: Maybe
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-action_bound, high=action_bound, shape=action_bound.shape)
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-state_bound, high=state_bound, shape=state_bound.shape)
self.fig = None
rect_1 = patches.Rectangle((-self.n_links, -1),
self.n_links + self.hole_x - self.hole_width / 2, 1,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
rect_2 = patches.Rectangle((self.hole_x + self.hole_width / 2, -1),
self.n_links - self.hole_x + self.hole_width / 2, 1,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
rect_3 = patches.Rectangle((self.hole_x - self.hole_width / 2, -1), self.hole_width,
1 - self.hole_depth,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
self.patches = [rect_1, rect_2, rect_3]
def corrected_obs_index(self):
return np.hstack([
[self.random_start] * self.n_links, # cos
[self.random_start] * self.n_links, # sin
[self.random_start] * self.n_links, # velocity
[self._hole_width is None], # hole width
[self._hole_depth is None], # hole width
[True] * 2, # x-y coordinates of target distance
[False] # env steps
def seed(self, seed=None):
self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
return [seed]
def end_effector(self):
return self._joints[self.n_links].T
def configure(self, context):
def _generate_hole(self):
hole_x = self.np_random.uniform(0.5, 3.5, 1) if self._hole_x is None else np.copy(self._hole_x)
hole_width = self.np_random.uniform(0.5, 0.1, 1) if self._hole_width is None else np.copy(self._hole_width)
# TODO we do not want this right now.
hole_depth = self.np_random.uniform(1, 1, 1) if self._hole_depth is None else np.copy(self._hole_depth)
self.bottom_center_of_hole = np.hstack([hole_x, -hole_depth])
self.top_center_of_hole = np.hstack([hole_x, 0])
self.left_wall_edge = np.hstack([hole_x - hole_width / 2, 0])
self.right_wall_edge = np.hstack([hole_x + hole_width / 2, 0])
return hole_x, hole_width, hole_depth
def reset(self):
self._joint_angles = self.start_pos
self._angle_velocity = self.start_vel
if self.random_start:
# MAybe change more than dirst seed
first_joint = self.np_random.uniform(np.pi / 4, 3 * np.pi / 4)
self._joint_angles = np.hstack([[first_joint], np.zeros(self.n_links - 1)])
self._joint_angles = self._start_pos
self._tmp_hole_x, self._tmp_hole_width, self._tmp_hole_depth = self._generate_hole()
self._angle_velocity = self._start_vel
self._joints = np.zeros((self.n_links + 1, 2))
self._steps = 0
@ -96,15 +132,14 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
success = False
reward = 0
if not self._is_collided:
# return reward only in last time step
if self._steps == 199:
dist = np.linalg.norm(self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole)
reward = - dist ** 2
success = dist < 0.005
# Episode terminates when colliding, hence return reward
dist = np.linalg.norm(self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole)
# if self.collision_penalty != 0:
# reward = -self.collision_penalty
# else:
reward = - dist ** 2 - self.collision_penalty
reward -= 5e-8 * np.sum(acc ** 2)
@ -112,8 +147,6 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
info = {"is_collided": self._is_collided, "is_success": success}
self._steps += 1
# done = self._steps * self.dt > self.time_limit or self._is_collided
done = self._is_collided
return self._get_obs().copy(), reward, done, info
@ -148,6 +181,8 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole,
@ -155,31 +190,26 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
def get_forward_kinematics(self, num_points_per_link=1):
theta = self._joint_angles[:, None]
if num_points_per_link > 1:
intermediate_points = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points_per_link)
intermediate_points = 1
intermediate_points = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points_per_link) if num_points_per_link > 1 else 1
accumulated_theta = np.cumsum(theta, axis=0)
endeffector = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_links, num_points_per_link, 2))
end_effector = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_links, num_points_per_link, 2))
x = np.cos(accumulated_theta) * self.link_lengths * intermediate_points
y = np.sin(accumulated_theta) * self.link_lengths * intermediate_points
endeffector[0, :, 0] = x[0, :]
endeffector[0, :, 1] = y[0, :]
end_effector[0, :, 0] = x[0, :]
end_effector[0, :, 1] = y[0, :]
for i in range(1, self.n_links):
endeffector[i, :, 0] = x[i, :] + endeffector[i - 1, -1, 0]
endeffector[i, :, 1] = y[i, :] + endeffector[i - 1, -1, 1]
end_effector[i, :, 0] = x[i, :] + end_effector[i - 1, -1, 0]
end_effector[i, :, 1] = y[i, :] + end_effector[i - 1, -1, 1]
return np.squeeze(endeffector + self._joints[0, :])
return np.squeeze(end_effector + self._joints[0, :])
def check_wall_collision(self, line_points):
# all points that are before the hole in x
r, c = np.where(line_points[:, :, 0] < (self.hole_x - self.hole_width / 2))
r, c = np.where(line_points[:, :, 0] < (self._tmp_hole_x - self._tmp_hole_width / 2))
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_before_hole = np.sum(line_points[r, c, 1] < 0)
@ -188,7 +218,7 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
return True
# all points that are after the hole in x
r, c = np.where(line_points[:, :, 0] > (self.hole_x + self.hole_width / 2))
r, c = np.where(line_points[:, :, 0] > (self._tmp_hole_x + self._tmp_hole_width / 2))
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_after_hole = np.sum(line_points[r, c, 1] < 0)
@ -197,11 +227,11 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
return True
# all points that are above the hole
r, c = np.where((line_points[:, :, 0] > (self.hole_x - self.hole_width / 2)) & (
line_points[:, :, 0] < (self.hole_x + self.hole_width / 2)))
r, c = np.where((line_points[:, :, 0] > (self._tmp_hole_x - self._tmp_hole_width / 2)) & (
line_points[:, :, 0] < (self._tmp_hole_x + self._tmp_hole_width / 2)))
# check if any of those points are below surface
nr_line_points_below_surface_in_hole = np.sum(line_points[r, c, 1] < -self.hole_depth)
nr_line_points_below_surface_in_hole = np.sum(line_points[r, c, 1] < -self._tmp_hole_depth)
if nr_line_points_below_surface_in_hole > 0:
return True
@ -210,28 +240,33 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
def render(self, mode='human'):
if self.fig is None:
self.fig = plt.figure()
# plt.ion()
# plt.pause(0.01)
ax = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# limits
lim = np.sum(self.link_lengths) + 0.5
ax.set_xlim([-lim, lim])
ax.set_ylim([-1.1, lim])
self.line, = ax.plot(self._joints[:, 0], self._joints[:, 1], 'ro-', markerfacecolor='k')
if mode == "human":
plt.title(f"Iteration: {self._steps}, distance: {self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole}")
f"Iteration: {self._steps}, distance: {self.end_effector - self.bottom_center_of_hole}")
# Arm
plt.plot(self._joints[:, 0], self._joints[:, 1], 'ro-', markerfacecolor='k')
# Add the patch to the Axes
[plt.gca().add_patch(rect) for rect in self.patches]
# Arm
self.line.set_xdata(self._joints[:, 0])
self.line.set_ydata(self._joints[:, 1])
lim = np.sum(self.link_lengths) + 0.5
plt.xlim([-lim, lim])
plt.ylim([-1.1, lim])
# plt.draw()
plt.pause(1e-4) # pushes window to foreground, which is annoying.
# self.fig.canvas.flush_events()
elif mode == "partial":
if self._steps == 1:
@ -266,6 +301,24 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
def set_patches(self):
if self.fig is not None:
self.fig.gca().patches = []
rect_1 = patches.Rectangle((-self.n_links, -1), self.n_links + self._tmp_hole_x - self._tmp_hole_width / 2,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
rect_2 = patches.Rectangle((self._tmp_hole_x + self._tmp_hole_width / 2, -1),
self.n_links - self._tmp_hole_x + self._tmp_hole_width / 2, 1,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
rect_3 = patches.Rectangle((self._tmp_hole_x - self._tmp_hole_width / 2, -1), self._tmp_hole_width,
1 - self._tmp_hole_depth,
fill=True, edgecolor='k', facecolor='k')
# Add the patch to the Axes
def close(self):
if self.fig is not None:
@ -274,8 +327,8 @@ class HoleReacher(gym.Env):
if __name__ == '__main__':
nl = 5
render_mode = "human" # "human" or "partial" or "final"
env = HoleReacher(n_links=nl, allow_self_collision=False, allow_wall_collision=False, hole_width=0.15,
hole_depth=1, hole_x=1)
env = HoleReacher(n_links=nl, allow_self_collision=False, allow_wall_collision=False, hole_width=None,
hole_depth=1, hole_x=None)
# env.render(mode=render_mode)
@ -285,11 +338,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
ac = 2 * env.action_space.sample()
# ac[0] += np.pi/2
obs, rew, d, info = env.step(ac)
# if i % 1 == 0:
if i == 0:
if d:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.mujoco.ball_in_a_cup.ball_in_a_cup import ALRBallInACupEnv
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.mujoco.beerpong.beerpong import ALRBeerpongEnv
from alr_envs.mujoco.beerpong.beerpong_simple import ALRBeerpongEnv as ALRBeerpongEnvSimple
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import alr_envs.classic_control.hole_reacher as hr
import alr_envs.classic_control.viapoint_reacher as vpr
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
import numpy as np
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def make_holereacher_env(rank, seed=0):
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def make_holereacher_fix_goal_env(rank, seed=0):
final_pos=np.array([2.02669572, -1.25966385, -1.51618198, -0.80946476, 0.02012344]),
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def make_holereacher_env_pmp(rank, seed=0):
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.dmp_wrapper import DmpWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.detpmp_wrapper import DetPMPWrapper
import gym
from gym.vector.utils import write_to_shared_memory
import sys
@ -2,17 +2,18 @@ import gym
import numpy as np
from mp_lib import det_promp
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.mp_wrapper import MPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_environments import MPEnv
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_wrapper import MPWrapper
class DetPMPWrapper(MPWrapper):
def __init__(self, env, num_dof, num_basis, width, start_pos=None, duration=1, dt=0.01, post_traj_time=0.,
policy_type=None, weights_scale=1, zero_start=False, zero_goal=False, **mp_kwargs):
def __init__(self, env: MPEnv, num_dof: int, num_basis: int, width: int, start_pos=None, duration: int = 1,
dt: float = 0.01, post_traj_time: float = 0., policy_type: str = None, weights_scale: float = 1.,
zero_start: bool = False, zero_goal: bool = False, **mp_kwargs):
# self.duration = duration # seconds
super().__init__(env, num_dof, duration, dt, post_traj_time, policy_type, weights_scale,
num_basis=num_basis, width=width, start_pos=start_pos, zero_start=zero_start,
super().__init__(env, num_dof, dt, duration, post_traj_time, policy_type, weights_scale, num_basis=num_basis,
width=width, start_pos=start_pos, zero_start=zero_start, zero_goal=zero_goal, **mp_kwargs)
action_bounds = np.inf * np.ones(( *
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-action_bounds, high=action_bounds, dtype=np.float32)
@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
from mp_lib.phase import ExpDecayPhaseGenerator
from mp_lib.basis import DMPBasisGenerator
from mp_lib import dmps
import numpy as np
import gym
import numpy as np
from mp_lib import dmps
from mp_lib.basis import DMPBasisGenerator
from mp_lib.phase import ExpDecayPhaseGenerator
from alr_envs.utils.wrapper.mp_wrapper import MPWrapper
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_environments import MPEnv
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_wrapper import MPWrapper
class DmpWrapper(MPWrapper):
def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, num_dof: int, num_basis: int,
# start_pos: np.ndarray = None,
# final_pos: np.ndarray = None,
def __init__(self, env: MPEnv, num_dof: int, num_basis: int,
duration: int = 1, alpha_phase: float = 2., dt: float = None,
learn_goal: bool = False, return_to_start: bool = False, post_traj_time: float = 0.,
learn_goal: bool = False, post_traj_time: float = 0.,
weights_scale: float = 1., goal_scale: float = 1., bandwidth_factor: float = 3.,
policy_type: str = None, render_mode: str = None):
@ -23,8 +22,6 @@ class DmpWrapper(MPWrapper):
@ -37,30 +34,17 @@ class DmpWrapper(MPWrapper):
self.learn_goal = learn_goal
dt = env.dt if hasattr(env, "dt") else dt
assert dt is not None
# start_pos = start_pos if start_pos is not None else env.start_pos if hasattr(env, "start_pos") else None
# TODO: assert start_pos is not None # start_pos will be set in initialize, do we need this here?
# if learn_goal:
# final_pos = np.zeros_like(start_pos) # arbitrary, will be learned
# final_pos = np.zeros((1, num_dof)) # arbitrary, will be learned
# else:
# final_pos = final_pos if final_pos is not None else start_pos if return_to_start else None
# assert final_pos is not None
self.t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(duration / dt))
self.goal_scale = goal_scale
super().__init__(env, num_dof, duration, dt, post_traj_time, policy_type, weights_scale, render_mode,
# start_pos=start_pos, final_pos=final_pos,
super().__init__(env, num_dof, dt, duration, post_traj_time, policy_type, weights_scale, render_mode,
num_basis=num_basis, alpha_phase=alpha_phase, bandwidth_factor=bandwidth_factor)
action_bounds = np.inf * np.ones(( + (num_dof if learn_goal else 0)))
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-action_bounds, high=action_bounds, dtype=np.float32)
def initialize_mp(self, num_dof: int, duration: int, dt: float, num_basis: int = 5,
# start_pos: np.ndarray = None,
# final_pos: np.ndarray = None,
alpha_phase: float = 2., bandwidth_factor: float = 3.):
def initialize_mp(self, num_dof: int, duration: int, dt: float, num_basis: int = 5, alpha_phase: float = 2.,
bandwidth_factor: int = 3):
phase_generator = ExpDecayPhaseGenerator(alpha_phase=alpha_phase, duration=duration)
basis_generator = DMPBasisGenerator(phase_generator, duration=duration, num_basis=num_basis,
@ -69,15 +53,6 @@ class DmpWrapper(MPWrapper):
dmp = dmps.DMP(num_dof=num_dof, basis_generator=basis_generator, phase_generator=phase_generator,
num_time_steps=int(duration / dt), dt=dt)
# dmp.dmp_start_pos = start_pos.reshape((1, num_dof))
# in a contextual environment, the start_pos may be not fixed, set in mp_rollout?
# TODO: Should we set start_pos in init at all? It's only used after calling rollout anyway...
# dmp.dmp_start_pos = start_pos.reshape((1, num_dof)) if start_pos is not None else np.zeros((1, num_dof))
# weights = np.zeros((num_basis, num_dof))
# goal_pos = np.zeros(num_dof) if self.learn_goal else final_pos
# dmp.set_weights(weights, goal_pos)
return dmp
def goal_and_weights(self, params):
@ -87,18 +62,15 @@ class DmpWrapper(MPWrapper):
if self.learn_goal:
goal_pos = params[0,] # [num_dof]
params = params[:,] # [1,num_dof]
# weight_matrix = np.reshape(params[:, :-self.num_dof], [self.num_basis, self.num_dof])
goal_pos = self.env.goal_pos #
assert goal_pos is not None
# weight_matrix = np.reshape(params, [self.num_basis, self.num_dof])
weight_matrix = np.reshape(params,
weight_matrix = np.reshape(params, # [num_basis, num_dof]
return goal_pos * self.goal_scale, weight_matrix * self.weights_scale
def mp_rollout(self, action):
# if is None:
|||| = self.env.init_qpos # start_pos
|||| = self.env.start_pos
goal_pos, weight_matrix = self.goal_and_weights(action)
||||, goal_pos)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Union
import gym
import numpy as np
class MPEnv(gym.Env):
def corrected_obs_index(self):
"""Returns boolean value for each observation entry
whether the observation is returned by the DMP for the contextual case or not.
This effectively allows to filter unwanted or unnecessary observations from the full step-based case.
raise NotImplementedError()
def start_pos(self) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray]:
Returns the current position of the joints
raise NotImplementedError()
def goal_pos(self) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray]:
Returns the current final position of the joints for the MP.
By default this returns the starting position.
return self.start_pos
@ -1,32 +1,18 @@
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
import gym
import numpy as np
from alr_envs.utils.mps.mp_environments import MPEnv
from alr_envs.utils.policies import get_policy_class
class MPWrapper(gym.Wrapper, ABC):
def __init__(self,
env: gym.Env,
num_dof: int,
duration: int = 1,
dt: float = None,
post_traj_time: float = 0.,
policy_type: str = None,
weights_scale: float = 1.,
render_mode: str = None,
def __init__(self, env: MPEnv, num_dof: int, dt: float, duration: int = 1, post_traj_time: float = 0.,
policy_type: str = None, weights_scale: float = 1., render_mode: str = None, **mp_kwargs):
# self.num_dof = num_dof
# self.num_basis = num_basis
# self.duration = duration # seconds
# dt = env.dt if hasattr(env, "dt") else dt
assert dt is not None # this should never happen as MPWrapper is a base class
self.post_traj_steps = int(post_traj_time / dt)
@ -40,8 +26,11 @@ class MPWrapper(gym.Wrapper, ABC):
self.render_mode = render_mode
self.render_kwargs = {}
# TODO: not yet final
# TODO: @Max I think this should not be in this class, this functionality should be part of your sampler.
def __call__(self, params, contexts=None):
Can be used to provide a batch of parameter sets
params = np.atleast_2d(params)
obs = []
rewards = []
@ -63,7 +52,7 @@ class MPWrapper(gym.Wrapper, ABC):
def reset(self):
obs = self.env.reset()
return obs
return obs[self.env]
def step(self, action: np.ndarray):
""" This function generates a trajectory based on a DMP and then does the usual loop over reset and step"""
@ -77,15 +66,9 @@ class MPWrapper(gym.Wrapper, ABC):
# self._velocity = velocity
rewards = 0
# infos = defaultdict(list)
# TODO: @Max Why do we need this configure, states should be part of the model
# TODO: Ask Onur if the context distribution needs to be outside the environment
# TODO: For now create a new env with each context
# TODO: Explicitly call reset before step to obtain context from obs?
# self.env.configure(context)
# obs = self.env.reset()
info = {}
# create random obs as the reset function is called externally
obs = self.env.observation_space.sample()
for t, pos_vel in enumerate(zip(trajectory, velocity)):
ac = self.policy.get_action(pos_vel[0], pos_vel[1])
@ -107,18 +90,6 @@ class MPWrapper(gym.Wrapper, ABC):
self.render_mode = mode
self.render_kwargs = kwargs
# def __call__(self, actions):
# return self.step(actions)
# params = np.atleast_2d(params)
# rewards = []
# infos = []
# for p, c in zip(params, contexts):
# reward, info = self.rollout(p, c)
# rewards.append(reward)
# infos.append(info)
# return np.array(rewards), infos
def mp_rollout(self, action):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user